The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 12 Chapter 63: Huge conspiracy

Chapter 63. The Huge Conspiracy

Fang Senyan opened his mouth and was about to ask Aziz, but he didn't expect the following series of prompts to immediately make him realize:

"You killed the Advent Soul (not fully developed), please choose one of the rewards below."

"A: A piece of equipment is randomly selected. The type of equipment is completely random. The quality of the equipment will be randomly selected between blue, black, silver plots, dark green, light green, dark gold, and golden plots."

"B: Randomly obtain a certain number of general points, and the extraction range is between 1,000 general points and 100,000 general points."

"C: Randomly obtain certain basic attribute points, and draw 1 to 30 points."

"D: Randomly obtain a certain merit value, and the extraction range is from 1 to 30 points."

"E: Randomly draw an item. The quality of the item will be randomly selected between blue, black, silver plot, dark green, light green, dark gold, and golden plot."

"It turned out that there was a chance to extract golden plot-quality equipment and props !!" Fang Senyan's shock at this time can be said to be indescribable.

You know, the basic quality of pale green equipment and props is likely to be no less than that of silver plot equipment / props, and it can also meet its various requirements in battle, and then slowly grow. After reaching the limit, its Attribute is faintly more than the end of dark gold equipment.

The golden plot equipment is the top equipment whose attributes completely surpass the dark gold equipment. Only the quality of the artifact can stabilize him!

So far, although there is a gold mine helper, Fang Senyan has only collected one piece of light green equipment that has appeared on the market! As for the golden plot equipment, it only exists in the news. I have never seen it before!

At this time, Fang Senyan could be said to be surprised more than surprise!

Because he knows deeply that wealth and wealth seek! It didn't take much effort for the two of them to kill the monster in front of them, but they got such a generous reward, and this is still a monster that is not fully developed! Then, if this monster is mature, it is not difficult to infer that it might have extremely terrifying strength!

Fang Senyan shook his head. Instead of thinking about it, he was ready to choose a reward. Fang Senyan considered it. The chance of extracting light green or golden plots is too small, and the basic attribute points are not urgently needed now. So now Fang Senyan still intends to increase his meritorious value a little and prepare to sprint the colonel.

The result of his random selection was fourteen points of merit, which was not a character outbreak or a bad character. It fluctuated in the middle, and Aziz got a black point merit value! Naturally frown.

At this time, the two heard another strange sound on the left, and Aziz immediately flashed in front of his eyes:

"Is there another embryonist who is gestating next door?"

As soon as he thought about it, Aziz immediately became greedy. He drew a bayonet at the meat wall and let Fang Senyan aim at the wound and pierce Jones's nails.

Fang Senyan always felt that there was something wrong, so he squatted down first, dug a pit on the meat-red ground, and then put a genetically extracted incubating agent into it, preparing to plant one, Fang Senyan didn't know Whether this ghost place can hatch creatures, but it is always better to do more preparation.

Only this time, however, the grower didn't move anymore. After Fang Senyan and Aziz waited for a while, they had to give up waiting, and then opened the passage to enter the next room. You can see that nothing seems to have changed much, the only difference is that the giant purple-black egg sac hanging in the room actually broke!

A huge tear appeared next to the egg sac, and even the entire egg sac was wrinkled and looked dry, like a twisted towel, and the disgusting liquid inside was sucked clean. It is even more visible. On the red ground next to it, there are even a lot of scattered fresh bones, and those bones have very clear tooth marks on them!

Seeing this scene, Fang Senyan suddenly came up with an ominous idea, what creature turned out to be one step ahead of them, and devoured the weird humanoid creature that hatched in the oocyst.

Aziz's face was very ugly-he saw a great opportunity and lost it in front of him. No matter who it was, he was distressed! He took a deep breath and checked it, suddenly screaming:

"This guy escaped from here!"

Where Aziz refers to is the location of the "umbilical cord" below the sac! After shaking off the rotten umbilical cords easily, I immediately noticed a red oblique meat passage leading to the bottom. Aziz and Fang Senyan jumped down the passage without hesitation, gliding down, and came to another place. The mysterious hatchery, unfortunately, it has just been ransacked, the egg sac is broken, and the bones are left behind.

"What the **** is breeding here!" Fang Senyan felt more thrilling as he chased!

The super-giant female reproductive system, which is several kilometers underground, if the male **** hatches the egg sac, even the uterus of the hatching area is divided into two areas inside and outside, the outer area is already very weird, and the inner six areas , Actually gave birth to holy humanoid creatures. Once these humanoid creatures were born, the first thing they did was to kill and devour each other!

This kind of thing, don't say it, even Fang Senyan had never thought of it before! More importantly, Fang Senyan did not think that Jones could have such a huge handwriting. Behind this, Fang Senyan deeply felt the taste of conspiracy! What's more, that conspiracy is amazing!

Although an ominous premonition emerged in their hearts, Fang Senyan and Aziz could be said to be chasing after each other, and finally passed four incubation rooms in a row, and finally found the fifth incubator in the incubation room. Ahead, the murderer of raw flesh-eating embryos! !! !!

That is a tall, burly, handsome, and handsome man,

There was a melancholy in his eyebrows, and his eyes and pupils were very deep. He was covered with a priest's red robe, and there was no wind automatically. The sacred meaning on his body was obvious, and it was totally out of place with the dirty, evil, and dirty environment!

But after looking at the man clearly, both Fang Senyan and Aziz took a deep breath, and felt extremely weird from the bottom of their hearts, because after a closer look, they realized that the man they saw saw him all over Yes, but where did his priestly robe come from? It was forged with his own flesh and blood to form a wonderful priestly robe! It may be difficult to tell from a distance, but it is quite clear from a close view.

The man looked at Fang Senyan and did not see him open his mouth to speak. Naturally, a voice rang out in their minds:

"You two humble sinners, are you heretics in Togo's mouth? I, the Cardinal, are willing to give you these stray lambs a chance to repent, and you will accept the purification of the Holy Light!"

Aziz narrowed his eyes and took two steps backwards. The Cardinal did not show much momentum and did not feel too threatening. It was just a general talk, it seemed like a guy who talked about it, but However, Aziz knows that such people tend to spread to two extremes. The first is a stupid idiot, and the second is an unfathomable enemy!

According to the cardinal's abnormal behavior that devoured several embryos in a row, his strength is likely to exceed both of them.

Fang Senyan at this time felt the turbulent warfare in the Sun Ladder and suddenly blurted out:

"The most primitive light comes from the deepest darkness, and the brightest sacredness is often born out of the dirtiest darkness."

The Cardinal glanced at Fang Senyan, applauding

"You know a lot."

Aziz sneered:

"He's sacred fart! Swallowing those undeveloped corpses, is this bad behavior different from a ghoul?"

The Cardinal said lightly:

"I'm just collecting my own Eucharist! What do these ants know? What is bad, what is sacred? My behavior is sacred, and behaviors not recognized by me are bad!"

"Good breath." Aziz laughed wildly.

But Aziz's words were immediately stung back into his throat! Because this cardinal flicked! The air in front of him actually formed a wall ~ ~ an indescribable towering wall, which ran across the sky!

Even if we don't say the aggressive momentum of this air wall that splits his head and covers his face, just the large amount of white holy flames burning on it will give people a strong weird illusion. It seems that as soon as it is touched, it will be surrounded and burned by the terrible white flame, which will even purify the soul into the gray-white ashes! "

Fang Senyan immediately held his head with both hands without hesitation, and took a half-step back to make a defensive gesture. Aziz also hid behind him immediately. This is so. Aziz felt that his face was being blown by the twelve strong winds. However, the whole person is in front of that vast force, like a small boat in a typhoon. He cannot control himself at all.

But at this time, Fang Senyan noticed that when the Cardinal waved, his armpit was exposed, and a large piece of skin was obviously missing there, exposing the flesh and veins inside. It seems that Fang Senyan had killed one of them before. The name "Holy Body" is not useless, directly leading to the limited power swallowed up by the Cardinal, and a loophole in the defense.

After Fang Senyan was hit by the gas wall, all of his body burned with pale white flames, but it was instantly annihilated, but at the same time, Fang Senyan also successfully delayed for a certain period of time, and he could see the black gas around him. Suddenly, the cardinal body's disease resonates!

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