The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 12 Chapter 66: arms! !!

> .. Aziz dealt with enemies like Togo with a seemingly casual one-handed shooting. However, Togo still couldn't even make a defense action!

People like Aziz, who have Fang Senyan's disease, created opportunities for him. After opening a certain distance, the deterrence and lethality have reached the extreme of the awakened! Therefore, the space where the two of them are placed will be so optimistic about the huge potential of the two when they are combined, giving them the golden branch task!

Togo's chest was numb and hot, and then severe pain spread from the spider web to the whole body, up and down the whole body. It was even more frightening because Fang Senyan's disease-induced chest pain made him unresponsive, so despite his advance Made a rollover evasion, but was also hit!

Two bullets screamed, one after another shot into Togo's chest, and then the next bullet hit the tail fire of the bullet in front, bursting with a bang! He lifted Togo's chest out of a vaguely deep hole, and even saw the bones of Sensen. ------ Wonderful start -----. ^ _ ^ (Pinyin o) .㈤㈠o.

The damage of this blow to Togo is not the cumulative damage of 1 + 1 = 2, but the damage of 4 times the strength!

Fang Senyan has also seen Mogansha use this "catching tail" shooting technique before, but the shooting accuracy of the black buddies is not worse than Aziz, but it is still a bit inadequate on the fire.

The two bullets of Aziz penetrated into the internal organs of the enemy's body, and then collided and exploded. The black buddies could only grasp the random positions where the two bullets entered the enemy's body and exploded. Out of reach.

However, Togo's appearance looks abnormal, and its willpower and patience are beyond ordinary people's ability to catch up. At this time, it was still a powerful roar, even after it was exhausted, the ears, noses, and eyes were rustling. Blood was shot, and he rushed to Fang Senyan crazy!

Togo's vision is also very accurate. If Fang Senyan is not killed, then under the pursuit of Aziz, hungry wolf, it is impossible to escape. [..]

Therefore, at this time, he flew to Fang Senyan desperately. Because killing Fang Senyan in a short time and running away is the only way to survive!

Of course, although Togo's way of thinking is correct, it is a theoretically inferred way --- I will buy a lottery ticket of 120 million yuan and then hit tens of millions with sister Zhiling. It ’s a reason to have breakfast, lunch, dinner, and supper at night. Everyone knows that this kind of situation is of course possible in theory, but the odds are ... it ’s hard to say. --------- m ----

Togo shouted loudly. The deformed mantis cut his arm and cut it to Fang Senyan's body suddenly. Fang Senyan's eyes flashed cold, and he could not help but raise his arm to connect!

The sharp mantis cut a deep wound on Fang Senyan's arm. The blood spewed instantly, but this was the ultimate it could do. To cut the metamorphosis of Fang Senyan in two sections, for Togo. It is estimated that at this stage it is still something beyond the scope of its capabilities.

So Togo died,

Died under Aziz's gun,

Although Togo has repeatedly shown the power of a hunter, it was calmly blocked by Fang Senyan.

He once used the environment to escape again, but was caught up by the fury of a corner of Fang Senyan, and then caught him and then returned to his place after tactical throwing. Aziz was indifferent and pulled the trigger dullly. Searching for this novel is the fastest update. Reaping his life ruthlessly with bullets, even if Togo used the honor potion, it was inevitable that he finally entered the dying state.

It is worth mentioning that when Togo entered the dying state, the team ability demonstrated was actually a very rare offensive ability!

When entering the dying state, with him as the core, a circular shock wave was generated. Deals 300 points + dying (the sum of all basic attribute points) to all enemies in the range, and the damage to the enemies will be converted into 100% of the health value back to the body! Of course, the limitation is that you can restore at least 25% of your health and up to 50% of your health. Search this novel for the fastest update ..

This ability is extremely useful when encountering siege, such as things like the sea of ​​fast beasts. Was broken into dying, and then burst into such a blast. The surrounding savage beast died, and his life was restored to half.

Or two people with similar strength are engaged in a deadly battle -------- Ximen XX hit Ye Moumou's throat, but Ye Moumou was dying to absorb the damage of this sword, and the shock wave broke out Injury plus recovery of life, and then make up a sword outside the flying immortal, how deadly Ximen XX at this time?

It's just that Togo's team ability is not significant to the two Fang Senyan, it is just that Aziz wastes a few bullets. .⑤①ō.ńéτ

Togo was shot in the chin by a shot, and was bruised all over. He was pumped up by a huge force. His mantis arm had even been completely smashed, and the debris was scattered. When he fell heavily on the ground, it was already Collapsed to the ground, a lot of blood flowed out from under him, and he was sucked in greedily by the red and pink meat wall floor.

Aziz's calculation of the gun was very accurate, and once again lost Togo's resistance, but this guy could still take a breath.

Aziz didn't kill Togo, but he didn't dare to kill!

You can get a **** invitation from the person who killed Togo, but compared to the rich rewards of the gold branch mission, the difference between the three **** invitations and the four **** invitations is not the same. It's big. ------ Wonderful start -----. ^ _ ^ (Pinyin o).

But the risks are much greater!

There is no doubt that after receiving four **** invitations, the holder of the four **** invitations is a beacon that will attract all people to follow, not to mention gold Necessities for side missions? It can be imagined how serious the consequences of bringing four **** invitations will be to bear the brunt of most dangers.

So despite being conceited, Joaziz did not have the courage to bring four **** invitations to set out.

He didn't speak, and began to take off his weapon and carefully wipe it with oil. As a matter of fact, as long as M exists, then almost 100% is also done by M. ..

This is M's destiny and M's obligation. Like enjoying the support and privileges of the team, M certainly has the responsibility to face the danger ahead and attract the enemy's firepower to protect his teammates behind him.

Fang Senyan sighed. He was kicked by a duck, and there was no reason to "humble", so he could only step on the back of Togo's head with one foot. The crackling sound rang clearly and killed Togo completely.

The blood continued to shine, and the three **** scrolls on Fang Senyan's body re-emerged with intense blood, and Togo's body floated into the air. He carried the **** scroll and floated out.

However, as a trespasser, the **** scrolls of Togo and Fang Senyan have a certain difference, similar to the difference between the denomination of 100 yuan in 1990 and the red hundred yuan in 2000. .⑤①ō.ńéτ

However, after waiting for a few minutes, Togo's **** scroll was still recognized as valid, overlapping with Fang Senyan's **** scroll, and falling into Fang Senyan's private space.

"You killed the holder of the Bloody Scroll ........."

Fang Senyan received a series of tips:

"You got his **** scrolls, and when **** induction comes, you will be specially marked."

"You killed a hunter (with an unknown number). The reward is eight!"

"The kill merit you can get in the **** world is limited to 100 points. If you exceed this limit, the reward merit value is invalid."

"Killing rewards are randomly selected. Killing rewards will be randomly generated among the equipment owned by the contractor you killed, and then distributed to you."

"The waiting time for the extraction process is slightly longer. Starting to restore the calculation of the killed enemy data ......... Please wait patiently."

The reward for killing Togo, Fang Senyan, was honestly and unfortunately not given to Aziz, because the danger he bears can be said to be more than Aziz from this moment! It is already a good man not to look for Aziz "tribute".

Unfortunately, the Togo equipment extracted is a piece of black equipment that can increase strength and intelligence and reduce physical strength. Fang Senyan's glove energy had already dried up at this time, so he did not hesitate to "feed" the gloves.

After the high-speed rotation of the mechanical gloves, it took several minutes to crush the black equipment and absorb the energy in it, which added about 58% of the energy. At this time, Fang Senyan was surprised to find that the newly added energy was impressively Black, different from the previous blue, with hints:

"Gloves absorb black gear, so their attack power increases by 10% before this energy is exhausted."

At this point, the two continued to search here ~ ~ I wanted to kill a few huge eggs that were secreted to earn some meritorious value. Unfortunately, after searching for a while, they met When the members inside B arrived, it turned out that with the Cardinal's escape, the resistance force outside was also torn apart, allowing B's people to easily occupy this area.


At the same time, the Cardinal had closed his eyes and dragged his left hand to a place.

Blood dripped behind him, looking rather embarrassed.

This place looks very gloomy, because a lot of people have died tragically not long ago,

This is where Togo cuts a large number of innocent citizens into pieces of meat and then makes a weird sacrifice ceremony.

The Cardinal came here, but murmured in his mouth:

"In the extreme darkness, the extreme light is born ... ... in the extreme evil, the extreme sacred power is born !!!" To be continued ..

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