The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 12 Chapter 76: Does YY have nosebleeds? ?

> .. After seeing this series of tips, Fang Senyan could not help but raise a sneer in his mouth.

This should be the fourth unlucky guy who died of his own disease. It is really funny to say that he can die under the torment of his own disease. There is no weak person. All are very arrogant hunters or It's the wakener.

Strangely, although the fate of the unlucky one died of chest pain, Fang Senyan's "Friend of the Hidden Milestone Sanitary Napkin" also summed it up, that is to say, just one more death can achieve this hidden milestone. Probably, the root cause of destiny chest pain is the bleeding in the lungs ... …….

Strictly speaking, the fate of the fate that was just killed by himself is not under Aziz at all. Once close, even the explosive power is not inferior to Aziz, and his ultra-long range The offensive ability is even more like a antelope's horn, which is completely nowhere to be found.

If it is in the war with the contractor, Fang Senyan can even be sure that if Aziz can choose a partner, he must choose fate rather than himself.

Fate died at this time, and the doom engulfed in Fang Senyan was completely lifted. In addition to fate's contribution to Fang Senyan's amazing eleven points of merit, he also dropped a +7 silver plot equipment, this silver plot The value of the equipment is not under any dark gold equipment!

+7 Stark's Energy Parts (High Quality)

Equipment category: Ring

Equipment Rarity: Silver Story Level

Equipment location: left or right finger

Equipment Materials: Magnesium Dioxide + Stark Alloy

Equip: MP +294 points (based on +7 to gain an additional 94 points)

Equip: +3 to all attributes (based on +7 to gain 2 additional basic attribute enhancements)

Equip: Increase mana cost by 10% (It is well known that in order to deal with the extra magical mess brought by steel, you must pay extra mana to make the spell more stable)

Equip: When your spell damage is critical, you will have an additional MP loss of 38%. (12% energy saving loss based on +7, originally 50%)

Equip: If the owner fails to possess the magic shield ability, then gain the magic shield LV3 ability additionally.

Equip: If the owner already has a magic shield ability, then this ability will be mutated into a titanium mesh magic shield. Titanium Magic Shield is a powerful mutation ability that is more efficient than ordinary magic shields, but its energy consumption will increase accordingly.

Equipment +4 special bonus: Increases the damage absorbed by the Titanium Magic Shield by an additional 25%.

Equipment +7 special bonus: This special bonus will not take effect until the level of the Titanium Magic Shield is increased to LV7, so that the Titanium Magic Shield can perform targeted remote / short range switching on enemy attacks.

Warning: When using the reflective ability of the Titanium Magic Shield, additional mana will be consumed.

Note: Although this equipment is powerful. But you need to have a lot of MP value in order to splurge.

Evaluation: This is a small toy made by the geniuses of the Stark family in the process of studying Iron Man, but it seems to be useful to many people. If you have not paid attention to the magic shield before, this is very basic. Ability, then you may pay a lot for it for a long time, because this equipment is almost tailored for the energy of magic shield.

This ring was put into his arms by Fang Senyan with regrets. To be honest, Fang Senyan was very coveted by the magical power of flames, and he always hoped that it was the ability of the equipment. Only then has a chance to be drawn by myself. Unfortunately, it looks very unlikely now.

But at this time, Fang Senyan heard the sharp howling of the missile, which came from all directions. Obviously the unwilling Lamborge made a comeback, and exhibited a signature ability: carpet bombing.

Fang Senyan was afraid to fight at this time, which did not mean that he was afraid of Lamborg. But it has been too long until now. Why are there only these people who came to hunt him down? That's because Aziz looks better to kill! Therefore, Aziz's plot is even more wrong. In this regard, Aziz's hatred for attracting covenants is far better than Fang Senyan.

And the time has come, no matter whether Aziz was killed or escaped, there should also be a result of the announcement, so those who are unwilling to take part in it over there will naturally come here to see if they can "pick up" ?

No matter how Lamborg was selected, he was selected as a participant. Fang Senyan did not think he could solve his abilities in a short time, so Fang Senyan rolled under the cover of carpet bombing several times in a row. He smashed the sewer cover with one punch and hid in the sewer.

He had previously searched for Jones's relationship, so he collected this information, so without any effort, he followed the sewer pipe network to the George Washington Bridge, and then jumped into the sea.

So far, Lamborgh can only look forward to sighing.

If you want to catch Fang Senyan in the sea, unless the **** induction lasts. It is worth mentioning that. After the intruders appear in this space, the laws of the entire world also seem to be broken, so **** induction has become irregular, which is full of an unknown fear.

After Fang Senyan floated and sank in the water for about half an hour, I saw a distant ocean fishing vessel with a draft of about 3,000 tons passing by in the distance. Fang Senyan is very familiar with this course, seeing it is a posture full of returning. Suddenly crawled up with hands and feet.

It seems that this kind of ocean fishing vessel, whether it is the crew or the captain, has spent a lot of time in the ocean. When coming to the bustling city of New York, the most thought in the mind is the US dollar, cold beer and strippers, can't wait to vent.

And the fish caught by this kind of ocean is basically the market of the demand side is much larger than the market of the supplier side. In fact, the United States pays most attention to the hidden dangers of environmental pollution, so as long as there are genuine pollution-free goods, then I'm really not afraid that I can't sell it, I'm just afraid of losing it. And the fish will not be damaged if it is thrown in the cold storage, so once entering the port, most of them will go to the captain and others to go to the carnival, and by the way, hang the appetite of the receiver.

Sure enough, after the boat arrived at the port, after a carefree operation, there were only two necessary old guards left on it, and the rest could not wait to go ashore. The two old men were immersed in Playboy, and the other one took out a bottle of whiskey and filled it with anger as soon as the others left. It can be seen that the captain really believed the wrong person.

At this time, Fang Senyan walked in sharply, twisted off the lock of the captain's cabin, lay down comfortably in the captain's bed, and arranged for himself to rest.

Fang Senyan was first severely beaten by Cardinal's seven deadly sins, then chased and killed by Shari and Stade, and then fought a life-and-death battle with such a perverted fate, and finally escaped Lamborg's pursuit Killing can be described as dangerous, and every effort is made to make every effort. If you don't relax now, then you may really be stressed out.

"I don't know if this stupid idiot is still alive? I can't see that this guy is coldly holding a dead face, but he is a sultry man." Fang Senyan couldn't help thinking of the read Aziz's memory .

"All the girls he plays are full **** and fat buttocks. They look really gorgeous, especially the Latin beauty with flax-colored skin..........., Why is this so?"

Fang Senyan suddenly noticed that there was something crawling in her nostrils, and it seemed a little itchy. She rubbed her hands, and suddenly found that her hands were red.

"When is my fire so big? It's to the point of thinking that the H segment will have a nosebleed?"

At the thought of this, Fang Senyan suddenly felt something wrong, and he gradually realized that there was an indescribable dryness in his body, and the feeling was no stranger. It was the feeling that the magical energy of destiny had burned out of the body, but his fate was already apparent. It's dead ... …… ..

This is exactly the poisonous nature of the magical flame. The human body that hits this stuff seems to be implanted with a time bomb, which will be detonated at any time, causing a lot of trouble to people, until 24 hours later Will slowly disappear.

Although Fang Senyan is not afraid that this thing will kill himself, it seems that he has a fossil bowl in his body. It is not a very comfortable thing, especially when he is fully absorbed in the battle of life and death. Now that I am quiet, of course I feel quite agitated.

Another hour passed ~ ~ Fang Senyan only felt that the veins on and around his body seemed to have been baked by the fire, the pain and irritability were almost unbearable, and the sun ladder in his body was afraid of flames, so he Can't help but rushed directly into the cold storage on board, regardless of the fishy smell, grabbed the frozen ice cubes and chewed.

Immediately I felt the thrill of the cold and cold flowing into the internal organs. In the subconscious, I just wanted to sleep in the clear water and let the cold and sweet fresh water fill my body.

After Fang Senyan calmed down, he simply adjusted the temperature of the cold storage to the lowest level, and buried himself in the frozen fish piles and ice and snow. He couldn't help falling tired and comfortable.

When Fang Senyan was awakened by the frost, he found that he was sleeping strangely in a hollow thin ice pit, and a ring of ice wall bulged up around the dead fish.

Fang Senyan thought carefully and immediately understood the reason. It must be that the magical flames and poison in his body had played out, and the frozen fish and ice cubes that he used as a quilt slowly melted and flowed away.

However, the power of the magic energy and flame poison is limited. After the consumption is complete, the cold storage has the upper hand again, and the melted fish and water are re-condensed. To be continued ..

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