The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 3 Chapter 52: Endgame

When the light first appeared, there were nine sounds, but as it accelerated, it made a screaming howl in the air, and then it bent around in an elliptical trajectory in the air. The target is simply the pirate sigma, where it passes, the dust in the air is rolled out of a hollow, but the sigma is cut out but it has no effect. The end result is that a large hole is alive in his throat by the light !!

At the moment when the light broke through his throat, Fang Senyan could even see the hole broken through the arrow, and he could clearly see the scene behind him when the blood was not surging!

Although a person's life has been plundered, this blow-throat attack is not only unbroken, but also positive. When the sigma eyes were incredibly bulging, and the blood in the throat wound was gushing, it waved again. A shot broke the chest of the pirate behind him, hitting him half-fly, and a "snap" hit the stone wall of the castle behind him, and the blood-stained body slid down slowly. As if splashing ink on the walls of this ancient castle!

Probably because of the severe pain in the head, the reaction of Scar Henry has always been quite dull, and his burly body has increased the probability of suffering from sharp arrows. However, these sharp arrows are a deadly attack for the rest of the pirates. But for the monsters with Scar Henry who have at least 1,300 health points and at least defense power, the sharp arrows can only attack the flesh. He caused serious injuries, but it was not fatal. He drew five or six arrows all over his body. The arrow was submerged into the body for more than a foot, and the tail of the arrow exposed outside was shaking freely.

At this time, dāo Scar Henry seemed to be waking up like a dream. He lifted his head with gasping gas, and the fresh xuè shot from the sigma's throat just spilled on the face of this Viking man.

At this moment, Henry Scar's eyes were red and violently red. His upper body linen was immediately broken by the bulging muscles, bursting into butterflies, and even the long arrows shot into the body's chalk were squeezed out alive.

And the cold hair on the arm of Fang Senyan hiding in the safe area stood up in the distance. At this moment, he felt that a huge black hole was formed around the center of the Scar Henry, and all the air was absorbed toward the center area. Go in!

Fang Senyan's pupils also contracted at this moment. He has been sensitive to realize one thing: he missed a good show in half an hour, but now it seems that there is a sequel to starring Mr. Henry. Pay a considerable price!

Scar Henry took a deep breath. This action caused the veins on his neck and head to swell like a blue snake, and his bloodshot eyes protruded from the eye sockets by nearly two centimeters! With his inhalation, his mouth and throat were horribly swollen at first, as if a basketball had been forced into his mouth! This feeling made Fang Senyan next to him to think of toads. And the swollen part started to move down quickly. After wandering all over Scar Hen's body, he came to his right hand ... "This caused Scar Hen's right hand to swell in a way that was not related to the body. Symmetric deformity.

Then Don Henry lifted his right boxing heavily and hit the floor in front of him!

At the same time, the arrow clusters shot up and down all over him flew backwards, falling to the ground with flesh and blood scattered.

Only the faint silver light of his body surface remained.

When the fist was in contact with the hard floor, we could clearly see that his huge right arm instantly returned to normal, and the ground in front of it was strangely protruding a large piece, and quickly turned towards the dark chalk in the distance. Extended the past! It looked as if the breath that Scar Henry had taken deeply was circling inside his body, and was poured into the earth with great strength!

Muscle explosion!

The entire castle was shaken again. It can be clearly felt that its underlying subjects are shaking indescribably. At the same time, several holes of blood were marked in the hole where the sharp arrow was shot from the right side of the stone wall. The blood water seemed to be ejected after being squeezed. It splashed on the ground and there was a sound, and it was possible to discern the muscle tissue inside Things like that. Apparently those enemies controlling the organs in the dark have been squeezed alive by huge boxing forces.

But at the same time, Henry Scar's body made a strange noise all over his body, sounding like a wet sheet being twisted and then overwhelmed by the sound of a complete tear. Then he fell face down like this, as if a mountain had completely collapsed. Henry's body on the ground is still undergoing irregular twitching, and his body has a large group of bruising. If Fang Senyan has some medical knowledge, then the following accurate diagnosis can be obtained result:

Condition: Systemic severe muscle tear.

Cause: Decreased muscularity due to fatigue.

Although Scarlet Henry once again exhibited his powerful ability to kill enemies who secretly manipulated the organization, before that, the pirates were dead and wounded. They had only about twenty people remaining. In the previous round, The terrible shot of the face and immediately killed a small half of the people, the rest are also wounded, it is worth mentioning that although the pirate Charlie also followed the scar Henry rushed forward, but very lucky only in the arm It's just a stone's throw, probably because his strength is too water, and no one wants to deal with him deliberately.

In this case, the only fairly intact Fang Senyan did not jump out and laugh at them, saying "deserve you not to listen to me", but walked out of the security silently and wounded everyone. , Hemostasis, by the way, to groom the dead.

Undoubtedly, after Fang Senyan finished these things, although he said nothing, he won the unanimous support of the remaining seven or eight pirates... Of course, this should also be related to the scar Henry's silence. Although at this time they were only dozens of meters away from the gate of the castle, everyone's eyes were full of fear. Until Fang Senyan took the lead to carry a box and went to the exit.

"It should be safe now." Fang Senyan said in affirmative tone: "The guys who started to be killed are the last guards in this castle." If they can control a few more people, then all of you Can't survive. "

Led by Fang Senyan, the remaining pirates finally escaped with five boxes of heavy treasure. But Scar Henry was still supported by two people, and he left Tutuga Castle. He looked at Fang Senyan's eyes quite complexly, and finally sighed and followed Fang Senyan. Less than ten minutes after they left, another team of pirates stormed into the castle frantically and started looting. If Fang Senyan were half a step late, there would be no doubt that the two sides would have an extremely fierce conflict.

At this time, the milk on the sea became a ball, and the blazing battles became red throughout the night sky. Obviously, a large number of pirates had a scuffle during the robbery with the wealth of the port of Totuga as a trigger. Maybe a pirate's loot was robbed, or a common quarrel that was too ordinary to be triggered. Big dogfights and riots. When the pirates finally got tired and hurried to the meeting point agreed in advance, they found that a fire had been set off in the well-located harbor, and their barges were used by the out-of-control pirates as a tool to vent their anger. Although the pirates who had previously carried a firework contact signal in the team had three people, none of them survived.

Fortunately, the sky is invincible. With their familiarity with geography, this group of pirates went to the nearby harbors where they can rely on ships. They were pleasantly surprised to find a small clipper moored here. And the ones left behind were obviously pirates, with only a dozen individuals, and they were all old, weak, and sick, and they seemed to be used to accompany their associates on shore. These guys on the Bell Lock and Blackjack were selected as the wicked and evil men ~ ~ Although everyone was injured, at this time, some energy was restored, and he was immediately led by Fang Senyan, an arrow figure Next, the pirates left by the general admired the sword and overturned, seizing the nearly 15-meter dhow.

Although Fang Senyan was temporarily safe at this time, the problems that followed were also imminent. The surviving pirates are barely able to start the sailing boat, but if you still have to fight for self-defense, don't think about it. In other words, once you encounter an enemy ship at sea, it is almost waiting for death.

Looking at the sea surface that has become a mess of porridge at this time, although everyone knows that Ling Feng and the wine glass are in the western seas, no one has the courage to say that they will sail straight.

Some people have suggested that someone be sent out to inform Armand to meet their own group of people, but when it comes to this candidate, he has become a serpent. No one knows that at this time through the chaotic soil with a wounded body. What happened to the port of Tuga.

After some discussion, Fang Senyan proposed a roundabout route from the north of the island. The consequence of this is that the return time has been extended to more than half an hour, but the safety has been improved by at least 80%. Because there was a horrible lesson from the castle exit, there are few voices opposing Fang Senyan's proposal, It soon subsided.

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