The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 13 Chapter 17: Real reason

> .. After drinking enough water, Fang Senyan's brain was basically awake, and slowly opened his eyes, but closed his eyes again because of the dazzling lights. At this time, the sound of the posture was gentle in his ear. Ringing:

"We are safe now. Don't be busy right now. Take a good look at your previous experience and then adjust to your surroundings. You just suffered a severe concussion ..."

Fang Senyan took a deep breath and continued to lie down on the bed, and after about a minute, he opened his eyes and sat up:

"How long has it been since the explosion?"

Looked at the time:

"Seven hours .. ⑤①ō.ńéτ"

Fang Senyan nodded:

"As a rule, after completing the main line task, if you do n’t receive any side line tasks, you will only be able to stay in the world for 12 hours. Alas, well, we have more than four hours of buffer time. "

"I've entered this world before, so knowing the beginning of a side mission, let's find the bastard, start the side mission, and then set the time to stay in this world. Ouch!"

The reason for Fang Senyan's moaning was that his back came with severe pain, and a golden red negative energy escaped from the explosion core splashed onto his back, which was utterly eroded into it, and it has not dissipated by this time.

This golden-red negative energy stays in the body of Fang Senyan like the sacral bone, even the sun stairs are useless. Fang Senyan's injury healed a little, and this negative energy ruthlessly eroded into it! How could this make his injury better.

Posture carefully wiped the blood leaching from Fang Senyan's wound. The temperature of the blood was very high, and it could be said to be boiling. Fang Senyan closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, and waited for the relief of the severe pain. Then he said:

"We can now go find a guy named Vincent ..... there is a great chance that he can get a mainline mission. In addition, if Mr. Vincent disappoints us, then Skynet's The main program designer Moss Dyson will certainly have branch tasks-of course. It will be much more difficult to obtain the trust of the latter and get related tasks. So I will not As the preferred target. "

Mr. Vincent has not appeared in a long time, so there is reason to believe that he has almost forgotten in our memory, yes, he is the head of the marginalized director of Cybertron Computer, The black-bellied man who immediately called the police after trading with Fang Senyan ......... but his old man must have never imagined that the guy betrayed by him will have a day to kill back --------- and this time with a Big ticket man!

Fang Senyan got up from the bed with his teeth grinning, then barely covered his shoulders and stood up. He still felt that the negative energy of the golden red was very uncomfortable tormented in the body, and he was forced to go. Only the surrounding nerves can be closed with anesthetic drugs, which finally recovered a little, but Fang Senyan's combat power will inevitably be reduced and weakened to 50% of the peak period.

After the group went out, they got on a bus and drove to the Cyberdyne Computer Headquarters. The bus was very empty. Fang Senyan and his group sat at the back of the bus. The atmosphere seemed heavy for a while, and no one spoke. .

Fang Senyan meditated for a while with his eyes closed. Then he exhaled slowly. In the team channel:


Fang Senyan's words seemed to break some barriers, and everyone felt relieved. At this time, the posture said:

"Do you mean the black hand behind the scenes?"

Fang Sen's rock surface was sinking like water, and nodded:

"Yes, this man is cruel, meticulous, and decisive. That's fine. More importantly, he is very cautious. Once he smells that he may be in danger, he will immediately get out of it. He will never do anything that is unsure. It's hard to kill him! I'm afraid we have to be careful about his presence for a long time. "

"But his plan still failed." Zi showed a look of encouragement. "To sum up, all the traps he laid down have been broken by you-and you have nothing to guard against before you go through the trap. This is not fluke, it is a manifestation of strength. . "

Fang Senyan smiled bitterly:

"Honestly, I have no confidence in being able to survive the third time with this guy, but the good news is that it seems that he should not be able to use the bomb tactic before. Such a powerful bomb is based on the current contractor's strength. That said, the balance has almost been broken, and even the reef and I can be easily killed as long as they are in the core area of ​​the explosion. This taboo thing will be greatly restricted in use, as if it was the DH's The bullet's ability to fly is either unusually rare. "

"But why did that guy kill his contractor in the same camp?" The black guys wondered.

San Tsai said at this time:

"Either doing so would have huge benefits for him, or doing so would prevent us from benefiting from it."

Reef also said:

"Although the contractor on the opposite side failed to complete the task completely, they still killed Sarah Conner and Reese, and the point that the leader used was too tricky. Few people can imagine that. So, will they be compensated for the space, will it be the extra time spent in this world? This is also the most common form of compensation. "

Fang Senyan groaned:

"Do you mean ...... the black hands behind the scenes are very reluctant to see these people stay?"

Looking at the bus window, he murmured:

"The other party knows the relevant process of the artifact's bud. If ...... I mean, if one of the steps is to collect a certain number of powerful souls within a limited time, then the behavior of the black hand behind the scenes can be explained. Now. "

Sanzi also began to integrate into the team at this time, and suddenly said:

"Yes, what's more, that guy is also good for killing people. According to his ability to indirectly dominate fate, it is definitely not impossible to kill those contractors. The easiest way is to provoke it. , Let them kill each other first, then come out to clean up the situation! "

Fang Senyan closed his eyes and pondered for a while, then concluded:

"So let's reverse the way of thinking behind this behind-the-scenes man? He first walked you in the last world, shot at the most critical time to weaken your strength, and then continued to go back in the second world, using him. The destiny capabilities of this country created such a powerful trap. "

"At this time, the black hand behind the scenes should feel foolproof, but unfortunately, his plot was defeated by me. At this time, his response is very crucial! The performance of a person after being frustrated can be said to be crucial ---------- After this guy found out that those who used the contract were uncontrollable, he took a massacre to kill this uncontrollable factor in the cradle, and then set up a vicious trap again. .After setting up the trap, I felt that we might have a chance to threaten his life, so he returned immediately. "

"This trap can be said to be very scary. The black hand behind the scenes should be the idea of ​​killing three birds with one stone. First, you can kill some members of our team. Second, if I guess correctly, the beginning of the artifact's bud. If the story mission is not good, it will have an extremely close connection with the abandoned warehouse! Third, the corpse is destroyed to prevent some information of this guy from being leaked on the dead contractor's body, such as if he used a gun, the body There will be bullet holes, for example, he used a knife, so there is no doubt that it is a knife injury ... "

"This is a ferocious, cold-blooded, meticulous, cautious guy! It doesn't leave the enemy too much chance at all!"

Fang Senyan came to a conclusion.

Reef suddenly said:

"How can I tell that he has left the world?"

Fang Senyan said seriously:

"If he stays in this world, then we must have all kinds of bizarre accidents when we deal with the explosion."

The reef nodded slightly, but the posture said:

"I still have a doubt now, that is the motivation of the Stockholm team. As of this time, the price they paid will never be small, and they have entered the world two times in a row to hunt, and they have used the precious explosion that was so incomparable. Is it worth it for such an artifact that may not be recaptured? "

After Fang Senyan heard it, he said slowly:

"I have been thinking about this before, and I didn't have a clue until just now. And you lack that experience, so it's hard to guess the reason behind it."

Attentively said:

"You said."

Fang Senyan took a deep breath, but in front of him was the horrible afterimage of the cardinal, the strange underground reproductive system, the invitation to the **** world like a fragment of the map, and the No. C promised by him. Bizarre conflicts between subspaces and superiors ...

"I think ~ ~ Can't handle the pursuit of the Stockholm team, and it has a lot to do with my experience in the **** world. For the rest of the space team, solve it earlier. So maybe there will be a lot less trouble ... "

After listening to Fang Senyan's words, Zi paused suddenly. She thought about it and couldn't help it:

"If it is calculated normally, then the next time to open the space battlefield is really about to come. Do you mean that behind the team action in Stockholm, there is their space intention?"

Fang Senyan nodded and said a long voice, but did not hesitate:



PS: At night, before 12 o'clock.

PS: In the public version, I updated the fandom of "Book of Champions" and hat "Voldemort's Temptation" written by a book friend, I think it is still good, and interested friends can check it out. To be continued ..

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