The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 13 Chapter 29: Open the door like this?

> .. Fang Senyan They emerged from the prison cell and released several prisoners by hand, and then entered the core area of ​​the felony prisoner. It was built into a "back form", and anyone who wants to enter or exit, All must pass through the entrance gate of the word "hui", which was originally inadvertent here, but now forms the last line of defense.

As soon as Fang Senyan and Sanzi appeared, they were forced back by at least a dozen guns. Of course, the bullet was not a strong threat to Fang Senyan. However, the three-generation rifle fired by the enemy was shot inside. It cannot be ignored anyway.

The power of the stun gun is very amazing. What's more terrifying is that the paralyzing special effects it brings are even more abnormal. Once Fang Senyan has been hit for the first time, then he must do a good job of the next seven or eight! Even with Fang Senyan's abnormal strength, this level of attack is unbearable for him and is likely to risk his life.

It is worth mentioning that Mr. Nicholas's cell was honored to be located in this core area. Fang Senyan couldn't help but start a very dark conjecture. Is it that Mr. Nicholas had treated a daughter of a government official with disrespect, and suffered such special treatment?

"Aren't you using the disease yet?" Sanzi wondered.

Fang Senyan shook his head and said:

"Once my virus king is used by ordinary people, its contagiousness will probably cause quite terrible consequences. If it is not good, it will result in thousands of casualties. In normal times, I may have no regrets, but now, I cannot help but Think more. "

Although Fang Senyan had some concerns, he faced such a bad situation. Fang Senyan was not unprepared. He squatted down, plucked out the green plants in a flower pot next to it, and dug a pit in the pit. Several bottles of extracting medicament were buried, and then a bottle of special nutrient solution was taken out and poured into it ...

Yes, Fang Senyan had already expected today's situation, so. The cultivators from the Lord of the Rings world will climb out of the soil fiercely and provide them with powerful help!

There was an indescribable aura floating in the air, and a large number of tentacles spread from the soil, grasping the edge of the flower pot severely, and then began to spread around, even an amazing amount of air came out of the air. Throbbing!

It was like resonating with all the internal organs of the human body, and then a lot of mucus poured out of the flower pot. The white foam quickly condenses and forms an egg sheath-like thing. But it was two meters high, and then it broke quickly, and a creature similar to a lizard-man and a frog-man appeared. The fangs grinned, and there was a vicious and fierce light in the eyes of the two blisters.

It holds a curved vine similar to a staff in its hands, but its weird sharp claws and fragmented fangs. But it shows that it is definitely not a legal creature that knows nothing about melee.

"My master." The planted creature pointed at Fang Senyan and bowed slightly. "I will be willing to carry out any will you carry out."

Fang Senyan pointed at the defiant prison guards across the corridor:

"When I'm ready, help me clear up these troubles."

With the help of this planting creature, the two were like demolition workers, dismantling all the nearby prison doors and the like, and then throwing them in the corridor, effectively manufacturing several places. Hiding shelters and obstacles. The jailers on the opposite side roared angrily.

Seeing Fang Senyan's intentions, there were several brave policemen who wanted to run out and remove the obstacles, but Fang Senyan's planting creatures were powerful. It suddenly extended its neck, and the tongue actually ejected at this instant. Although the tongue only popped out five or six meters away, the venom secreted from the tongue was shot like a bullet and hit directly. Behind the police!

This venom is also very wonderful to say. After hitting the target, it seems to be spattered like mercury. Several prison guards next to it were also exposed to rain dew .... At this moment, smoke appeared from their bodies, and the pain rolled on the ground ...

This is the special ability of this monster developed by Fang Senyan: tongue poison bullets!

-------- Use a tongue like a frog to eject the highly corrosive venom at high speed. Once it hits the target, it will split apart and inflict damage to nearby enemies.

Perhaps this attack from the grower was not very useful to the contractor. But for ordinary plot characters, it is a terrifying weapon.

Riding in chaos, Fang Senyan rushed out. He directly carried a writing table as a shield, and the bullet hit the table with flying wood chips. However, the stun gun encountered the insulator of this insulator. It is a place where heroes are useless. Until Fang Senyan rushed halfway, several people shot the stun gun on the ground in front of him, and then started an electric shock, using a large range of electric shocks to force Fang Senyan back.

But this time Fang Senyan only intended to attack ......... His purpose is to attract firepower, and the real killing is on the cultivator of Fang Senyan! Its stout thigh kicked, and it actually had the horrible jumping power of a frog. It could jump at least seven or eight meters. By the time the prison guards noticed it, it had jumped to the nearest bunker in the corridor. In the middle, a poisonous bullet hit the opposite crowd!

Suddenly, seven or eight people fell to the ground and groaned extremely painfully. They felt very appropriately that they were splashed with sulfuric acid on their bodies. Even the strongest people could n’t pull their guns at this situation. Right.

What's more frightening is that the planter flexed his thick thighs again in chaos and exploded suddenly. When he landed, he jumped in the center of the prison guard who was still facing resistance.

When it landed, it broke the "staff" directly. As a result, if the large amount of stinky white foam like fire fighting foam suddenly occupied most of the area, then this guy began to use its canine teeth and claws. The wanton killings, the screams came and went!

In despair, a prison guard aimed at the planter and pulled the trigger of the stun gun, then launched a terrible electric shock ... but he ignored one thing, and the surrounding environment was almost white at that time. The "pollution" of the bubble was soaked, and the consequences of his electric shock were totally clearing the field ... Of course, it was the field of all human beings!

Fang Senyan looked at the convulsing moans around, and shrugged his shoulders innocently:

"You can't blame me, friends, it's your colleague's mishandling."

Then Fang Senyan began to march towards the core layer of the repeat offense zone, and watching that layer of guards fragmented in front of himself, the feeling was still quite refreshing. However, it can be seen that the prisoners who can live here still receive considerable attention from the government.

At the first power outage, the prison guards inside were vigilant, driving all prisoners back to their cells, and at the second power outage, they activated the emergency system ... …….

This caused Fang Senyan to continue to enter the core layer of the recidivism zone, then he had to pass through a steel door that can be said to be armed to the teeth! Fang Senyan pressed his hand on the door and gave it a try, and knew that brute force could not solve this big problem. What's more, demolition of walls in this place is also not feasible, and there are also steel walls in the walls!

However, although Fang Senyan's face was gloomy, he believed that among these prison guards who were still alive, there must be someone who could help him solve his problems.

After the killer killed five prison guards, the manager here—the other deputy prison director—was betrayed, and he could see that he could only choose to obey before he died.

The Americans are not ashamed of being captured. This is their philosophy, but Fang Senyan doesn't know why. He always feels that this guy's eyes have a kind of uncomfortable mockery. Although this kind of mockery was hidden in the depths, it was still captured by Fang Senyan.

In front of the last stumbling block, Fang Senyan watched the deputy prison chief coldly, and opened the first pupil lock, then the fingerprint lock, and finally extended his palm. He was very cautious. One thing was in the palm of his hand.

This thing presents a rhombic polycrystalline shape, which is a strange combination. It looks like a maple leaf condensed by ice crystals, but it is still black. You can say that it is a work of art, it can also be said that it is the crystal of a certain unknown, and you can also say that it is a scientist's experiment, but it cannot be linked to the key.

But this thing is a key,

Uncompromising keys

Its only purpose is to open the door.

The deputy warden flattened the key as bright as a black diamond on the palm of his hand ~ ~ but instead of approaching the keyhole, he pressed a big red warning button next to it! By the way, this button is similar to the warning button of a robbery encountered in the bank.

When Fang Senyan saw this, he didn't stop him, but reached for his ear and reminded him:

"If you dare to make a ghost, then I will kill everyone here!"

The deputy warden shrugged and motioned for Fang Senyan to step back.

"Without your reminder, I cherish my life, sir."

Immediately afterwards, two beams of red light shot out from the left and right of the gate. The deputy prison chief slowly lifted the "key" held by the palm of the hand to let the two beams of red light shine. Inside the key reflected by the light, there are countless small crystals! The light was running freely inside, and finally reflected from the forefront!

The light was scattered from the jaw of the warden at first, and the light turned into a small psychedelic beautiful rain under the lights, and then slowly adjusted to form a beam of light with the adjustment of the angle. In the keyhole! To be continued ..

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