"Aw! Aw! Aw!" The voices of countless werewolves came from outside, and when Serena walked over, she found familiar and unfamiliar faces.

"Lucien, is that you?" Serena said in surprise, her expression changed.

"That's right, Serena, long time no see, you really look like Sophia!" Lucien seemed to be missing something.

"Is your goal Michael? Or do you want to use his blood to create a race that is compatible with the abilities of werewolves and vampires!"

Tang Tian stepped forward and said thoughtfully.

"That's right, I crawled out of hell for revenge, even if I die because of it, I will kill Victor."

Lucien's face was full of ferocity, like a ghost in hell, he hated Victor deeply.

"Then, why did you come here in person?" Tang Tian said playfully.

"Hmph, it's not that my subordinates are too useless in physics, so only I can do it well!"

Lucian looked at the subordinates beside him, and said with some disdain.

"What you said is true, it is indeed trash!" Kuangsan thought for a while, and said affirmatively.

"However, no matter who you are? You can't stop me at all. Aww!"

Lucian let out a wolf howl, and his whole body gradually developed into a semi-werewolf, and his self-healing power and attack power doubled.

Serena looked at Lucian who was running at a high speed, pulled out the pistol, desperately aimed at the vital parts of his internal organs and heart, and kept opening it, only to see countless bullets hitting him.

"Puff puff puff!" After being hit by countless bullets, Lucian just groaned and tore off his clothes.

Then, countless bullets were squeezed out of his muscles, and according to the degree of deformation, Lucian's muscles were very flexible, and he could almost squeeze the bullets into this shape.

"Amazing recovery ability, not bad!" Tang Tian said in amazement as he looked at Lucian and quickly repaired the wound.

"Now, I'll spare you because of your appearance like Sophia, but you have to hand over Michael behind you."

Lucian approached step by step and said,

Not polite at all.

"Sorry, I can't do it." Serena said, looking at Lucien coldly.

"Then it's really a pity!" Lucian said with a sneer, since Serena chose to reject him, there was no other way.

"Hey, wait, what do you want from me?" Michael looked at Lucien and said seriously.

"Then I'll depend on your strength." Lucian continued, completely ignoring Tang Tian next to him, and he didn't pay attention to Michael's words at all.

Immediately afterwards, Michael felt a black shadow moving over. After he instinctively sensed the danger, he raised his hand and released a red lightning bolt.

After Lucian was blocked by Serena halfway, he quickly circled around, trying to catch Michael, but when he was about to catch Michael, a bolt of lightning flashed across his eyes and hit Lucian.

"Crack!" After a flash of red lightning hit Lucien, he felt paralyzed by an astonishing force and lost his fighting power.

"You..." Serena felt a burning smell, and looked at Michael full of disbelief.

In Serena's eyes, Michael was only at the level of fighting five scum, but after Tang Tian injected the super power potion, she gave Michael a high-level look. She did not expect to surprise him in this situation.

"Not bad, Michael." Tang Tian nodded to Michael while watching the show.

"Oh! It's really a good show." Kuang San said with a smile, obviously surprised by their battle.

"That's right, that's right." Tang Tian looked at Lucien's situation and said with a smile.

Part of the body of Lucian in the distance had already been carbonized, but in the face of the amazing self-healing ability, he quickly recovered.

"Michael, how do you control this kind of power?" Lucian walked over and asked Michael questioningly.

"Sorry, I don't know." Michael looked at Tang Tian's position, shook his head helplessly and said.

"So it's you." Lucian looked at Tang Tian with a hint of understanding in his eyes, and said in surprise.

"That's right, what's wrong with me!" Tang Tian said with a calm smile, looking at Lucian who was in a somewhat wrong mood.

"How did you do it?" Lucian frowned and asked.

Because Lucien is fully aware that Michael is just an ordinary person, he has almost never heard that he has special powers, and he actually controls the red lightning.

"It's just a potion for superpowers!" After Tang Tian finished speaking, he watched Lucien run towards him desperately.

"Do you think I'm a soft persimmon!" Tang Tian shook his head, watching Lucian running over.

Perhaps, he thought he was a scientist recruited by the blood race, and he also wanted the werewolf to rise up. Faced with this situation, Tang Tian needed to see it.

The relationship between vampires and werewolves can be said to be very hostile, but it is not without possibility of relaxation.

Tang Tian watched Lucian's continuous advancement, he didn't care at all, and just used his telekinetic power to knock him into the air.

"Do you think I'm a waste like a vampire or a werewolf?"

Tang Tian activated the magic power on his body and walked towards Lucian. After Lucian flew out, he felt a terrifying pressure appearing nearby, which made him tremble with fear.

"Crack!" The ground seemed to be cracking continuously under the invisible pressure, like a spider's web, full of terrifying destructive power.

"Can you, let me kill him." Serena walked over, looked at Tang Tian and said.

"Impossible, he is still valuable." Tang Tian refused Serena's words without even looking at her.

Tang Tian also had a good impression of Lucien. He could be said to be a qualified leader if he could help the werewolves to rise when they were at an absolute disadvantage.

Although Tang Tian looked down on werewolves or vampires, it didn't mean he didn't think those leaders were good.

After all, personality charm and strength have nothing to do with race, Tang Tian is very clear about this.

"Lucien, I want to have a good talk with you." Tang Tian looked at Lucien and said affirmatively.

"Okay." Lucian felt the pain in his body and said helplessly.

Lu Xi had gradually realized that Tang Tian was the most dangerous person, and that the trouble he had made with Tang Tian just now was asking for trouble, so he could only see what Tang Tian wanted to say, and make a little change according to what he said.

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