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Georgia, Savannah, military base.

Bill and Captain Wang Yu followed Tang Tian and moved forward cautiously. Facing the dense crowd of infected people outside, they still had no special solution.

What's more, relying on the weapons in their hands can't be separated for a long time. Those infected people are very agile, and it is basically impossible to deal with the infected people without assault rifles.

"Dong dong dong!" Just as they were considering whether to go out, there was a knock on the door outside, as if someone was coming in.

"Bill and Don, are you here? We're here to find you." Francis said loudly to the people inside.

"Francis, we are inside, come in quickly!"

Bill heard Francis' voice, opened the door and said seriously.

In less than a minute, Francis and Zoe walked in safely, as if they were not injured.

"Zoe, are you okay!" Bill looked at Zooey and asked with concern.

"No problem, I can only survive if I find an AK47." Zoe raised the weapon in her hand and said confidently.

???? "We also encountered a little danger at the beginning, and the rest of the survivors were not so lucky, and almost the whole army was wiped out." Francis explained helplessly to Captain Wang Yu on the side.

"Damn it, how could this happen?" Wang Yu said seriously.

"It's nothing, but now we at least find a way to survive." Tang Tian thought about it, and said seriously.

Suddenly, when they were communicating, the infected outside had surrounded the place, as if they wanted to tear them apart.

"Whoosh!" With an earth-shattering vibration, the terrifying flames engulfed the infected people who approached, and a figure walked in from the outside.

"Everyone is okay!" John opened the door to them and said with a smile.

"John, it's you. I didn't expect you to be alive." Francis came over and gave John a hug, and said in surprise.

"Yes, I wasted a little effort, but I'm still back." John nodded to Francis.

Speaking of which, facing such a situation is still a little challenging for John, especially the mutated infected people like tanks, who undoubtedly pose a huge threat.

What's more, John's own strength is also strong enough, and there are solutions to those threats.

"John, you are welcome." Tang Tian said with a smile to John.

"Wait, let me deal with it a little bit." John thought of something and pressed a button.

In an instant, countless astonishing voices sounded from outside, and the terrifying flames and shock waves distorted everything, suppressing the infected people outside.

"Okay, let's leave now!" John handed them a few assault rifles after he finished speaking, so that they could quickly recover their fighting power.

"Thanks, let's get started!" Tang Tian nodded and said.

"No problem." John agreed.

John's combat concept is quite excellent, even facing such infected people, there is still no problem. When they first went out, they faced countless infected people, but they easily solved them with the firepower in their hands. those troubles.

The few of them walked out slowly, and felt the smoke outside. From time to time, a few infected people who were alone rushed towards them, but unfortunately they were wiped out before they got close.

"Bang bang bang!" The sporadic gunshots outside revealed that there were still survivors. Tang Tian raised his head and found a dozen survivors running over.

"Great, Captain Wang Yu, you are still alive." The soldier asked Wang Yu in surprise.

"That's right, get ready to fight. We're in big trouble." Captain Wang Yu said softly.

"Congratulations to you survivors, I really didn't expect you to have such reinforcements,

But it doesn't matter, more infected people will be attracted immediately, if you want to survive, kill the survivors in front of you, our rescue will come soon. "

"But there are only five places, it's up to you."

This sentence appeared on the radio of the base, obviously the enemy was quite abusive, as if they wanted to see their jokes.

"What to do, captain, we want to survive." Wang Yu's team members said tremblingly.

"Calm down, this is a trap, maybe they won't let us go? Look at this base!" Captain Wang Yu said loudly to them.

Although the routine of alienation is quite old, it still played a little role for them. Tang Tian looked at these people and shook his head. Compared with his team, it was very different.

"Sorry, Captain, I can't calm down."

Team member Scott raised his rifle and wanted to aim at Wang Yu, but was restrained by a powerful force.

"That's enough, get out of here right now. Go to those rescuers! We won't go." Tang Tian said loudly after imprisoning the dozen or so people in front of him.

"Very well, I feel relieved with your words."

When the survivors heard Tang Tian's words, they also nodded and knew what to do.

Captain Wang Yu looked at the resolute-looking survivors, but his eyes were a little cold, but he still didn't attack. Now that the other party has made these choices, there is no other way but to follow their requirements.

"What to do now, these guys are wasting time." Francis said helplessly.

"This is their choice and has nothing to do with us. As long as they attack us, we will definitely fight back." Bill looked at their figures and said coldly.

Originally, Bill knew that this was a divorce plan, and there was no advanced element at all, but their mentality changed in the face of the doomsday environment, so it is necessary to pay attention to such a situation.

"Yeah!" When they were walking outside, they saw countless infected people, getting closer and closer to them.

"Bang bang!" Francis fired two shots in a row to deal with the infected who had been approaching, then turned his head to see what Tang Tian and Bill could do.

"What should I do, they are here." Francis frowned and said.

"Don't worry, there should be a solution." Tang Tian waved his hand to Francis and said.

"There is still a helicopter at the base. In case something goes wrong, you can leave as soon as possible. The people at CEDA probably haven't noticed it yet." Captain Wang Yu thought of something, and said seriously to Tang Tian.

"I don't think it's that bad. You have to be careful." Tang Tian nodded to Captain Wang Yu and said.

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