An Xia nodded, "This information is true, because we also have a few clues, but the Qin family is too large, if we take action because of a trivial matter and cause social turmoil, it will be more than worth the loss, so we have been suppressing these things." "

But An Da, if it's like this because of the large size of the Qin family, isn't it too unfair, and I've seen several things on it, if it is dealt with according to the criminal law, three or four shots are enough!" said a team leader next to An Xia.

"Indeed, but all we know are some bullying behaviors, and human lives are not involved, so we haven't made a move, because the Qin family has relied on its own influence and wealth to solve these things with money.

"With money, a black-hearted businessman. The third person on Anxia's right side spoke.

"Xiao Su, it can't be described as a black heart! Qin Wangshu, the founder of the Qin family, Qin Wangyu, Qin Wangshu is better, although it is a forced demolition and forced purchase, but in the end, you and I have seen a lot of this kind of thing, but this Qin Wangyu makes people very angry!

The young man named Xiao Su shook his head, "No, I think this kind of person is much more terrifying than the meow species, the meow eats people, in a certain way, it is like predation, just like us people eat meat, but we have always regarded ourselves as the highest food chain, so we will resist the meow species, but this kind of people eat people, do you think this is made by ordinary people?".

Xiao Su's words successfully aroused the nods of the surroundings, and An Xia also nodded in agreement, "Although the Qin family was destroyed, this can be regarded as self-inflicted!

"An Da, there is still something that is not very clear, who is the person who killed the Qin family? The main members of the Qin family were killed without any warning, what does this mean, this shows that the strength of the people who killed them is unusually high, according to the investigation team, there are traces of the appearance of the Qin family, and there are also fluctuations of SS-level space forbidden spells, and I don't know what big mistake the Qin family has made." Xiao Su asked.

"I don't know the specific situation, so let Xiao Fei tell you! He was there at the time, so he should be able to give you a good explanation. An Xia immediately handed over the burden to Bai Xiaofei.

Bai Xiaofei looked at An Xia, and then spoke, "This time it was no one else who attacked and killed the Qin family, it was the fox from before, although it disappeared for a long time, but as soon as it appeared this time, it was the thunder that killed the Qin family." "

Fox?" Di Lao, who was sitting next to An Xia, was a little puzzled, Di Lao, one of the elders of the Association of Strangers.

"Yes, my previous task was to protect Qin Nianran of the Qin family, but there was something in the middle, that is, Lin Tian's seniors had something to do with me, so I left for about ten minutes! When I came back, I felt the fluctuation of the ability, but unfortunately, when I arrived, Qin Nianran's grandfather Qin Wangshu was already dead.

"Then why don't you stop him from killing people." Elder Xin said opposite Elder Di, who was also one of the elders of the Association of Strangers.

"I also wanted to stop it, but in the end I didn't stop it for two reasons, the first is that I am not an opponent, and his strength has surpassed the SSS class, because I have seen with my own eyes that the SS-class mew was killed without taking a single move in his hand. Bai Xiaofei deliberately exaggerated the facts.

This exaggeration doesn't matter, everyone present is a little timid, but seeing this scene, Bai Xiaofei also immediately continued, "Don't worry, we and the fox are not enemies, I talked to him a lot, we are not enemies." "

Well, while I want to ask something else, you go on and say what your second reason for not stopping him is. Xin Lao said.

"The second reason is that he is not our enemy, he has no hostility towards us, and he shot before, but because ACG dealt with his people, that is, rabbits, and then he made a move, this time he shot against the Qin family, seventy percent of the reason is also because of rabbits, and the remaining thirty percent is because he can't get used to the Qin family. "

Because of rabbits, what does the Qin family have to do with rabbits?" Di Lao asked, and An Xia, Xin Lao and the others also looked at Bai Xiaofei.

"As far as I know, the people of the Qin family and the rabbit actually have nothing to do with it, the main thing that has a relationship is Qin Nianhui of the Qin family, Qin Nianhui is chasing the eldest lady of the Li family, that is, my girlfriend Li Lin, but this thing is also a tragic fate, there was a wolf ambition to be violent to Li Lin before, but he was bumped into by the rabbit, the same woman, you know, but the rabbit did not kill Qin Nianhui at that time, but just abolished his symbol of the man, so the two sides are married. After Bai Xiaofei's

words were finished, many people present could be regarded as having a retrospective.

"So that's the case, no wonder the Qin family even paid a huge amount of money to let my Alien Association send someone to collect the rabbit, but we haven't agreed, because the rabbit's master is a person from the Hidden Dragon Abyss, although we can afford to provoke the rabbit and her master, but we can't afford to provoke the Hidden Dragon Abyss!" An Xia nodded.

"But it was because of this incident that the Qin family and the ACG company had a connection, and over the years, the Qin family and ACG have been very close, which is why the ACG you saw before has been tracking and killing rabbits, on the one hand, they are chasing and killing the meows, and on the other hand, it is because of the Qin family. The

words were not shocking, Bai Xiaofei directly tied the Qin family and ACG together with one sentence, which made everyone present almost unable to sit still.

ACG is a biopharmaceutical company in the island country, which is on the surface, but everyone in the supernatural world knows that it is essentially the killer of the mew species, and it is the responsibility to kill the meow in words, and this kind of slogan is indeed popular, after all, dealing with the mew species means that there will be casualties, no matter which country, the supernatural person is a treasure, and the dead friend is not the poor road, which is the best choice.

"Are you saying that the Qin family supports ACG in experiments?" asked Di Lao.

Bai Xiaofei nodded, "Yes, the meow species that appeared in the Qin family were also people sent by ACG to protect the Qin family, but it's a pity that when I met a fox, an SS-level powerhouse, I couldn't survive a single move and died."

"It's impossible! We've studied foxes before, and at most they're an A-level master, how can they kill SS-level in seconds, you must have read it wrong. "There are objections below.

"I think my eyes are pretty good, and I still recognize the white and orange fox mask.

After Bai Xiaofei finished speaking, everyone present was quiet, and it was obvious that most of these people believed it.

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