0100 transaction reached! Beibei method! Xiaojin! Take off!

After proposing his trading conditions in Beimo.

Tezuka Guoguang and Fu Qi gave Qiqi pupils shrink.

The two are not fools. Immediately, the mysterious guy wearing ice hockey uniforms was definitely for the front of the Dragon Malaysia.



As soon as the minister of Tezuka, Tezuka, as the minister, gave an answer immediately after a week.

As a member of the election of Qingxue, you will never use your teammate shit concave to exchange conditions !!


The other party is not a person in the St. Rudorf Academy.

Why can you ensure that your brother abstains the game?!

I heard that the other party rejected himself without hesitation, and Beibei's expression changed at all.

It is like expected.

After staying on the opponent for a moment, he turned to look at the game court.

"No rush, there is time to consider.

As he fell.

In the game court, the game of Fujiyu Taihe Yuanshan Jinsham has launched again.

"嘭 ----"

"Ice Emperor Yuanshan Jinsaro score! 0-40 ratio!


"Clear Sky Pumping ----

"嘭 !!"


"It is said that your ball is amazing, but your calendar is too bad! Can't play at all!

"Ice Emperor Yuandama Kim Taro scores! At the end of the game! Score 0-2! Replacement!"

There is no resistance at all.

Unilateral crushing bureau.

Although Fuji Yu Tai played a sunny sky again in the game.



In addition to this ball barely fighting back on the pumping ball played by Yuandama Kanotaro, there will be no way for the game.

Any change.


The second time he played this hit, he was the same as before.

The burden of arm joints and wrists made him have no ability to deal with the backball that Yuanshan Kim Taro immediately played.

三 Shake the tree, "five 30" futile!

The side effects of clearing the sky also made the painful expression on his face became more and more embarrassed.

When the game came to the third inning, Kamotaro's serve.



The dull hit sound sounded successively in the heart of everyone in the audience.

Not surprisingly.

The score is unilaterally opened.

Fuji Yu Tai's iron wire guardrail net grid was once again inlaid with one tennis.

At this moment, each tennis seemed to represent the tremendous pressure that Fuji Yu Tai suffered.

Dang Yuanshan Kinar Taro played the last serve in the third game.

The large score of this singles No. 3 is officially rewritten!


And this game from the beginning to the present ... It is less than 4 minutes strict!

Fuji Yu Tai's humiliated and painful appearance made students from all over the stadium also have different expressions.

"Oh! Why am I inexplicably feeling this is a bit pitiful? You look at his left hand joint! It seems to be swollen!

"Indeed! The first grade of the Bing Emperor is too scary! The Kanto -level power player ... For the metropolitan conference players, it is impossible to compete!"

"Clear the sky! Although this ball looks very powerful, it seems to add a lot of hitting the ball to Fuji's arm! Coupled with the horror power of Yuandama Kanotaro ... I'm afraid the genius's younger brotherPick up a few more balls, the probability of the arm is probably injured!


"Genius's brother? If you lose to the first -year genius of your opponent's school ... How do you feel a bit ironic!" It can only be said that the younger brother of genius and genius is different! This game is not good to continue to continue.It is necessary to fight! Fuji Yu Tai persistently, he is meaningless!

"That's right! Jingwu of the Bing Emperor's Ministry hasn't played yet! Not to mention that the game will definitely not win this game, even if you win

? St. Ludorfu left these people.


"Perhaps because his brother is watching the game, he doesn't want to admit defeat? Don't forget, San Rudorf's view of the moon is the best at the beginning of the month

Yu Tai left Qingxue to challenge his brother for the second week! "

If you did not care about these discussions before two weeks of assistance.

So now, these voices are like a spike, piercing in his heart.

"Yu Tai ... '


Now he dare not persuade his brother.

I'm afraid that the other party will be stimulated by their own words, and we will continue to the game regardless of everything.

When he was in a dilemma.

"The fourth game is the game."

"Unlike Xiaojin's serve in the previous game! Your brother's strength ... Let him have no chance to hit the ball!"

"Now it's your brother's serve ..


Before the start of the fourth game, Bei Mo first said to Fu Two.

Seeing Fu two weeks, there was still no response to gritting his teeth.

So he patted his shoulder around Stein.

"Stan, calculate the current situation of the guy in the stadium! Put out a sunny sky and kill ... He has not suffered from his left hand

What is the probability of reversible injury? "

The latter is compared to OK gestures.

The corner of his mouth laughed, and opened the laptop held.

In the unexpected eyes of the two weeks and Tezuka Guoguang, holding the computer with one hand, and constantly entering a copy on the computer keyboard

Parameter data.

"Pop-" (Seeing violent novels, just go to Novel Network!)

The final result was generated on the screen. Stan swept the screen of the screen and picked the eyebrows: "The joints of the joints are not high, and the joints are outside

Muscle tissue has no systemic training to strengthen!

"The most important thing is ..... Faced with the hitting player of the general technical type of Kanto -level players, he may be stronger if he played a sunny sky and kill.

Hold 7 or 8 goals! "

"You can face Xiao Jin's hit ..... The probability of injury rises directly!"

"Hehe, can I say that Xiao Jin's next goal is a little harder! I am afraid that this guy's elbow will crack?"

"As for the injury, the injury is irreversible ... I estimate that the probability of 90%is permanent!

Speaking, while he looked at himself, he had already widened his eyes.

"Little brother! Don't doubt whether I will lie to you with this! If you don't believe it, you can wait to see it again!

"Anyway, the fourth game will start soon!"


"But! My suggestion is that this transaction is very cost -effective. We just want Xiaojin to play a game with the Dragon Horse of Vietnam!

"As a brother, you can also save your brother’s arm! Otherwise, watching him can no longer pick up the racket

You should also blame yourself, right?

This remark of Stan undoubtedly made Fu two weeks struggling to the extreme.

Nowadays, the situation of Yu Tai is standing as if standing on the edge of the cliff.

As a brother, he pulled the other party, or pushed the other party.

It will be completely different situations !!

The last key is ... there is not much time left for him !! [014005011 060540310]

His brother has already held tennis and is ready to serve !!

"We promised! But, you must guarantee that the arms of Fuji Yu Tai will not have any damage!"

At this moment, Tezuka Kuoguang opened.

His words made Fu two weeks turn to look at each other suddenly.

"FR !! ......"

"It doesn't matter, compared to your brother’s arm! A game! Besides, he will not exclude this with the personality of Yue

Cheng's game!


"Take a step back ..

.. It is also in the final !! "

With the current schedule announced by the current organizer, if the Emperor Bing Emperor really encountered us ...

"At least it does not affect our entry voucher at the Kanto Conference!"

The decision of Tezuka Guoguang has been grateful in the eyes of Fu two weeks.

This decision is obviously as a friend and minister to help him share a sense of selfishness.

After saying that Tezuka Guoguang said, he also looked at Beimo.

Deep eyes.

When Beimo had a gaze with the other party, he didn't think he said: "Stan, tell Xiao Jin what to do next!

Stanan, who received Beibei instructions, immediately convened a group of members of the Bing Emperor Tennis Department and opened a way for him to go towards the viewer.

Go in the group.

Beimo stood calmly and looked at the direction of the stadium.

Tezuka Guoguang and Fu two weeks help each other at each other.

Secret Ice Emperor.

Although I don't know who the other party is.

But they can notice each other's unpopularity !!

Regardless of the aura in behavior and deeds.

It is still obviously the opponent's assistant or subordinate, the man named "Stan", the ability to show just now.

All proves that the identity of the Bing Emperor in the Bing Emperor is absolutely unusual.

Is it the Emperor Bing Emperor?!

But Emperor Bing and his own Qingxue are old opponents.

Even if they are promoted from the Emperor Emperor's Second Army, they can never hear it !!

in addition!

If you are really a player, you should also sit in the player's seat now !!

How would it appear here?!

at last......

The other party called the tone of Yuanti Mountain in the stadium,

Xiao Jin !!

And find the conditions for the two of them, just to let Yuanshan Kim Tae -head play a game with Yueqian Ryoma ...

There seems to be connection between each puzzlement.

But they couldn't find any entrance to the cocoon at this time.

The two secretly looked at Beimo, while thinking in their hearts.

"Xiao Jin !!"

A dozen people by the Bing Emperor Tennis Department, "escorted" to Stan, on the side of the iron wire guardrail outside the court, facing the Yuanshan kettle in the court

Taro shouted.

His voice made Yuanshan Kinota, who was ready to pick up the ball, turned his head: "Stan !! You come to see me !!"

And Fuji Yu, who had already thrown the ball, saw that his mentality has completely exploded.

Obviously competing with himself, but suddenly greeted the people outside the court.

"Damn !! Yuanshan Kanotaro !!

"Look down on people !!"

Furiously drank and hit the ball.


A ball scratched above the ball, and hit the torrent of Yuandama Jinsuro.

"It's so annoying !! I just say hello !!

"Can't wait !!"

Although the attention of Yueshan Jinsuro was attracted by Stein, who suddenly arrived.

But hearing the sound of hitting the ball opposite the court.

The body is almost conditional reflection and moves.

Anti -handle shot was blocked in front of himself and returned to a goal two.

"Little Jin! The next goal will solve the game directly!"

"Don't hurt his body joints!"

Stein's voice, at this time he sounded again in the game.

Hearing this.

Everyone in the audience stared at Stan's direction.

Hey Hey hey!!



Don't hurt the body joint?!

What does it mean?!

In the Bing Emperor's player, Guitaro and the tunnel, Jingwu, were also dumbfounded.

Although they know that since this arrangement is arranged, there must be the truth of the other party!

Even as the assistant and player agent of Beimo, the probability of this matter is still the meaning of Beimo!

Right now is the conference competition!


In the presence of so many people, just say this directly ...

Is it really good?!

San Ludov player seat.

At the beginning of the moon, the moon and Chizhi Ji Lang also stayed.

Who is the man who suddenly emerge?!

Whether it is a person in the Tennis Department of the Emperor of the Emperor, or the friend of the far -gymnasium Kim Taro in the stadium.

Do the other party know that saying this?. It would make the referee and the organizer feel that it would be maliciously hurting the opponent's player


But it's almost a moment.

At the beginning of Guanyue, there is also a happy face!

As long as the Yuanshan Kamotaro dares to face so many people, it is the best!

Then his own San Ludor can use this to protest to the organizer!

Once the organizer determines its malicious injury.

The result of this game today may not come to Shaanxi according to the comparison!

Outside the court.

The two -week assistance and Tezuka Guoguang, who standing beside Beimo, also changed.

They did not expect the method in Beimokou to let the residents of Yuanti Yamana Kamotaro in the competition?!

Even if they hear Stan said, let Yuanshan Kintaro not hurt the body's body joint!

But this is also a malicious injury opponent?!

at the moment.

The whole game was heard at the scene of Stan, and the most calm expression was naturally Beimo.

What can he do to make Fuji Yu too abandoned?


The other party has nothing to do with himself. Can he go to the stadium to enlighten the opponent, do you abstain the game?

From the beginning, the other party was just a bargaining chip that he and Tezuka Guoguang reached a transaction!

And it doesn't matter if this transaction is unsuccessful, Fuji Yu Tai's hand has nothing to do with him.

But afterwards, you have to let Yuanshan Kanotaro and Yueqian Ryoma play another way!

If it wasn't for considering, I would have to take the Tomuka Guoguang to Germany ...

Bei Mo will make Stan save the last sentence!

In the game.

After hearing Stein's instructions, Yuanshan Jinsuro first showed surprise, but soon in the audience, most people did not.

When the response came, he shouted: "Okay !!


Then the whole person rushed directly to the net.

His fierce coming, making the Fuji Yu Tai, who was already standing at the fall, and his face became pale.

Can this grade guy really want to attack yourself?!


His brain began to turn crazy!

Because his serve is too sudden, the quality of the backbone of Yueshan Kinshae is not like the previous B.1 high!

But if the other party really wants to attack himself, so that he cannot continue the game!

Should I be careful?!

But now I have stood at the receiver! (Watching the storm novel, just go to Novel Network!)

If you do n’t go back intentionally, so many people watch at the scene!

Isn't that told everyone that while his strength is not as good as this first grade, he is still afraid of being injured by this first grade?



This is really too shameful !!

It's right.

To make up his mind, the palm of his racket is more powerful !!

Because he thought of a good way to cope with the current situation !!

The angle of the racket changed, a high hanging ball was beaten by it !!

That's right!

This is what he thinks !!

Didn't you come to the net in a mighty manner, do you want to play a strong hit and launch an attack on yourself?

Then let you get the ball !!

Even if you fold back to save the ball now, the quality of the hit will be worse than the ball just now !!

At that time, it is your own scoring opportunity !!

Thinking of this, Fuji Yu's face even had a straight color.

You can see the high hanging ball he played.

Jingwu and others of the Bingdi player's Square, while following the tennis trajectory, the corners of the eyes could not help but start to twitch.

"Uncle Ben is really difficult to believe, this foolish guy is a brother -in -law who will help the two weeks!


"Playing a high hanging ball in front of Xiaojin?! And still seeing him on the Internet, the high hanging ball intentionally played !! He is really not afraid of being small

Gold injury?! "

"This guy is an idiot! Pray that Xiao Jin should not start too hard!

The light words in their mouths sounded in their mouths.

In the game.

A short figure has already jumped in place, and the height of his jump is also raising in the eyes of everyone in the audience.

Until more and more people showed an extremely horrible expression on their faces.

[On the shelves, it is more! Seeking full order!].

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