0140 Son of God! The name of Beimo! The storm spread!

A few minutes later.

When they were ninja, they went back to train, and even Ajinjin Ren was taken by Stan to understand the basic situation of the Tennis Department and some training equipment.

Taro Taro and the Mi Shi Jingwu looked at Beimo, and his eyes were full of curiosity.

"Student Beimo, how did you know that he was sick in Jingshimura City? Is it outside the Qingxue, and also investigated the Lcean University?"

In addition to let Mr. Stan investigate


The problem of the former also made Jingwu very want to know the answer.

Bei Mo shook his head: "How do I know, you don't need to care! Just need to know that the Son of God will be divided into difficult days!"


"Coach Kataro, the training plan made by Stan will be sent to you later!"

"In addition! Yajiujinren ... as long as this guy does not affect the training of others, you don't need to ignore what he does

"You just need to follow what I said before, just make a record!"

Although Takotaro didn't know the reason, Beibei said so, and he didn't have any opinions.

Anyway, it is not troublesome for him.

After Tota went to supervise the training of ninja and others.

Bei Mo looked at Jingwu, who was in the martial arts, and said lightly: "During this time I left, I gave you two tasks! First, the cherry blossoms as soon as possible

Buy a cafe in Huajie and give it to a beautiful woman! "

"She is the mother of Ajujinren! After the transaction is completed, I will ask Stan to give you money!"

"Second! Check the specific situation of Xingcun Jingshi and his hospital information!"

"His disease is Green-Pali syndrome! With the particularity of this disease, plus the trace ministry consortium as the host's eyeliner

There should be results soon! "

Junwu, who thought it would be a training task.

As a result, it was actually a storefront.

"The" May 40s "aspect is simple! I just let the consortium run a trip! Even if the money is! Although I don't know, you, you

Why send a cafe to the mother of this guy Yajiu Ren!

"But I know, it must be related to him to join the Bingdi Tennis Department!


"If he can win the game in this year's national competition! I don't want to Tao this money!

"As for Zhaxing Village Jingshi ... What is this Green-Parley syndrome? Where is the special?

Is it terminal illness?


The wealthy trace, Jingwu, patted her chest and wrapped the cost of the cafe.

Compared to buying a cafe, he is obviously more curious about Xingcun Jing's illness.

"Green-Pali syndrome is a dehuminauria disease of the spinal and peripheral nerves!


twenty two

"For any player, it is a nightmare natural enemy!


"In the early stage, the limbs were not controlled, and the symptoms of paralysis were produced!"

"But this is just this, it can almost make any player despair! Because, this means that in the court, he cannot guarantee that he is in a good state to deal with the game!


When Jingwu heard this, his complexion has changed.

Is it just the first symptom, is it so serious?!

Beimo continued to say: "In the middle and late stages, the body will enter the necrosis paralysis! More serious ...

. It will cause death and bilateral paralysis!


"You can understand ... every second, he lives every second, like a conscious vegetative, open his eyes and look at the world! But nothing can be done!"

"You can only wait for your life to exhaust, or suddenly ..... Death!"

Even if the proud of the "Emperor", Jingwu, was obviously scared at this time.

He didn't expect.

Xingcun Jingshi will have such a condition !!

This is enough to make any normal person feel more painful than death !!

Not to mention ... Xingcun Shi, who is a genius tennis player !!

"This kind of disease should be rescued?" After asking for a tentative sentence, the heart of Jingwu, the trace department, also mentioned it.

Seeing that Beibei didn't hesitate, he nodded directly.

The heart of Junwu, who was in the hand, also fell down.

Although he and Xingcun Jingshi did not have much friendship, he even established the Hai Dada and the Bingdi Academy.

But as a player of the same age, and also the minister of the Tennis Ministry.

He won't want the other party to fall in front of the disease.

Bing Emperor wants to win the national championship this year, the biggest enemy is Wang Huan Ying Haiqing !!

In a group of players of the King of the King, although the outside world believes that there are three core players, it is called "three giants" !!

Minister- "Son of God" Xingcun Jingshi!

Deputy Minister- "Emperor" Sanada Yiro!

Military Division -Liu Lian II.

All three are national -level players.

But in fact.

If there is no Sanada Ichiro, or Liu Lian II.

For the entire team, it does have an impact !!

But Liga University, a team that won two consecutive championships in the country.

The most important core.

Yes, there is only one !!

Xingcun Jing City !!

The opponent's status in this team of Lidi University is even completely equal to the status of Tezuka Guoguang in the Qingxue Tennis Department!

The Lida Sea University of Xingchen City is the King of the King of the King!

There is no Xingcun City ... Lida University can only be regarded as the best among the national giants!


But it may not be able to win the two consecutive dominations of the country !!

The championship that the Bingdi Academy is going to win, neither wants the opponent to just do not just do not have Xingcun Jingshi every day !!

Jingshang Jingwu is looking forward to. The complete stand is the big!

However, the next sentence Beibei frowned again.

"Treatment is naturally okay! After all, there are still some professional players. After detecting this condition, timely

After surgery, re -rehabilitation and re -stood on the court! "

"But neon's medical standards are not thoroughly understood by Green Bali syndrome! Maybe someone can perform this operation,

Successful power ... not high!


"And the success rate I mean is that the degree of rehabilitation after surgery can allow patients to re -play tennis without any affected."

The head of Junwu Eu, the Ministry of Jun, expressed his understanding, "So, you let me investigate the situation of Xingcun City! In fact, it is to understand his specific specifics

Condition, then want to help him?


"Germany? U-17?


Seeing the other party guessed his own thoughts, Beibei did not deny it.

"The main study of the Sigmond Pharmaceutical Pharmaceutical Factory is the medical drugs of exercise damage! The postoperative drugs of Green-Pali syndrome, 匜


囿 Involved!

"So, finding the most suitable doctors for this operation is far easier than in neon!

"Just like Tezuka Guoguang, it is mutually beneficial to help him!"

It is so clear that Jingwu, the trace department, naturally understands what to do.

"After the investigation is clear, I notify you!"

"Nothing, I went to train!





Junwu's head turned his head and looked at the Beibei who called him again in doubt.

"Seeing the door to the seamless limit of Tianshi yesterday, how do you feel?



Very strong! "

"At least, it is my last back to the back of his background ... The probability of my connection should not exceed 30 %!" Although although

However, with a little unwillingness, Jingwu, the trace department, gave an objective answer after a few seconds of silence.

Bei Mo looked at the other party and pointed to the position of the other person's heart.

"You are different from Tezuka, Xiao Jin!"

"In the realm of selfless ... you can hardly achieve something! '

This remarks made Jingwu a little ugly, but it was placed in which the concave surface was not enough.

He was proud of him, and he was obviously unacceptable for a while.

"Remember the game with you?


Jingwu Jingwu was stunned.(Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

There was a picture of more than a month ago in my mind.


He widened his eyes and seemed to realize something.

"There are two major meanings in the world of the world!"

"The first one! The light of reserved, that is, the so -called seamless limit of the so -called sky clothing on the neon side!"

"The second type! I was displayed in front of you. Hell Shinto! Neon is called Ashura god here



Bei Mo said, his fingers were in the mouth of the other person's heart.

! ""

"The victory and defeat !! Under the support of the strong inner victory and defeat, defeat the opponent at all costs, and win the determination of victory!

"This is the foundation of Hell Shinto !!

"With the strength of hell abyss, let yourself be fearless, and play every hit that goes towards victory!"

"Trace Department Jingwu! This may be more suitable for you!

"Try to force yourself to the desperate time and time, let yourself be clear, what is the difference between medical defeat and victory! You will change

Easy to feel your inner power!



Bei Mo turned his fingers to the other side and followed Stan to learn about the training equipment Ajujin Ren.

"He is the same as you! It is also a player who will eventually belong to hell!


"After this time, let him torture you this new tennis person! You can also torture him!

"You should get all ... what you want!"

Junwu Jingwu followed Beimo's fingers to stare at Ying Jiujin's body.

There is a strange color in the eyes.


the other side.

In the Qingxue Tennis Department.



I saw Dashi Hideki Ichiro and others did not train, but gathered together.

The person surrounded by them was dragging the suitcase and carrying Tennis bag, Guoguang.

"Tezuka, although I'm still not sure if Beimo can believe it, but if this is your opportunity to treat your arm, I support you

Dashi Hideki Ichiro looked a little bit reluctant to speak slowly.

It is relatively peaceful for the second week to help the color, and speak with a smile: "Big Stone, this trip to Germany is a good thing for Tezuka

! You should be happy! "

"Besides! He will come back!"

Kikumaru Yingji also hooked Dashi Hideoichiro's neck and nodded echo: "Yes! Although this trip is certain

Can't come back to the Guandong Conference! "

"But this time it is our turn !! Tezuka, you can rest assured !! At the Kanto Conference, the doubles of Dashi and I are definitely not absolutely not

Will lose !!

Qian Zhenzhi, Hecun Long, Taochengwu, and Haitang Xunxun, the three of them also expressed their Ping Tuesday at this time.

In front of Ryoma, he pulled the baseball cap on his head and didn't say anything.

Tezuka Guoguang looked at the people who gave off for himself, with deep eyes.

"Everyone! I believe you can win the qualifications to the national heaven at the Kanto Conference !!

"I will be in Germany ... cheer for you !!"

"No matter what changes in the Qingxue Tennis Department, but our goals will not change !!

Tezuka Guoguang stretched out his own



The left hand, sinking in front of the crowd, shouted:

"National !!"

Dashi Hideki Ichiro and others did not hesitate, and immediately put their hands on the other's arm.


"Oh! Longma! Hurry up! We train well. Maybe you will defeat the Bing Emperor at the Kanto Conference.

"Know, you know! Know these things ..."

Ryoma was stared at by Shishi Hideki Ichiro and others. After complaining, he glanced at Xunzuka Guoguang.

Still stack your hand up.

"National !!!"

After they shouted the goals they thought in their hearts in their mouths, the corner of the mouth of Tezuka Guoguang also raised a sincere smile.

A few minutes later.

Outside the Qingxue tennis department.

While Tezuka Guoguang walked towards the entrance of the school, Ryoma was dragging his luggage compartment for him.

"Will that guy go to Germany with you?"

"As far as I know ... After the guy left the country 3 years ago, he went to Germany!"

Tezuka Guoguang listened and shook his head slightly: "I don't know, Mr. Stan didn't tell me too much detail! Just let me

After dealing with everything, I am in the medical park!

"Before crossing, I know what you want to know ...


"But! Sorry! I can't disclose it to you before the permission of Beimo!

"It's just like........

You can't get any answers from your father!

The two talk.

Already standing at the gate of the Youth School.

Looking at the front of Ryoma, who was no longer speaking, Tezuka Kuoguang raised his hand and took his suitcase.

"Before the cross, your talent is very good! At least, I once regarded you as the future of Qingxue ... Pillar!

"Although this concept is wrong! But you should understand, I see the possibility more from you!"

"About the development without me ..."

"The first two doors are not difficult! As long as you experience it with your heart, I believe you can do it!

"And the last door ... it depends on your own!"

"I removed my burden, why did I get to the original intention of tennis! I believe you can!"

After speaking, he turned and dragged the suitcase and stopped a taxi.

Under the gaze of Ryoma, get in the car and leave.

The car gradually drifted, and the brows of Ryoma were wrinkled a little.

It's like thinking about what Beimo has experienced in Germany in the past to become so strong.

It's like the words immersed in Tezuka Guoguang at the end.

His original intention of playing tennis ... what is it?!

4. 1 In my mind, it can not help but appear in the courtyard of Boston in Mi Guo. Looking at two young figures than him,

It looks like a hit in the stadium.

Regardless of whether it is in the Bing Emperor's Tennis Department, Bi Mo's bandit given before leaving neon.

Still the Qingxue people, farewell to Tezuka Guoguang to Germany to treat their arms, and encourages each other.

At the same time.

The entire neon border has also set off a lot of storms because of the release of the latest issue of tennis monthly.

Gunma, Saitama, Chiba in the Kanto area ...

Osaka, Kyoto, Hyogo, Nara ...

More and more neon students have gathered the focus on what happened in Tokyo's doctors.

A 14 -year -old professional player !!

One of the strengths of the Emperor of the Bing Emperor with a power of the Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor of the Bing Emperor, the first minister, one of Kyushu, one of Kyushu, who was seriously injured and admitted to the hospital.

4 -year -old boy!

Tezuka Guoguang, which will not even open the third door of the third door of our realm, will be lacking on the front !!

Beimo !!

This name .. In just a few hours, the entire neon tennis industry has sounded !!

And many people were terrified in Beimo, and they paid attention to a school in Kanagawa !!

King stands in the sea !!

The behemoth of the neon tennis world has ruled the team of the National Championship for two years.

In this year......

The Bingdi Academy may undoubtedly become their most difficult opponent !!

He even had the ability to cut the crown of the king from the top of their heads.

But although many people are staring at the king's Liberty University, I want to see what they do to return to

But the accident is!

There was no news, and it was heard from the Liga Tennis Department.

What they don't know is that the troubles that appear inside Liga have caused them to have a headache!

[Seeking full order!].

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