0142u-17 New regulations released! Three ships: Want to know about Beimo information?

German U-17 head coach office.

"That's it!"

"Coach Reitru, QP! I have already taken the professional master competition after half a month after the name of Beibei. Now I want to retreat.

Two ... it will lose 1,000 career points!

Stein sat on the sofa and helplessly spread his hands.

Just now, Bei Mo asked him to find Reitru and told the other party that his identity had been known by neon U-17.

I went straight to the training stadium.

And in front of Stan.

Leitru and Q. P also looked a little serious.

The former said: "This incident is still too hasty! It should be discussed with us before deciding!

"The professional master competition is not a newcomer tour!"

Q. P shook his head on the side: "Teacher, since Beimo has made a decision, even if we told us in advance, it is difficult for us to change his thoughts!


"But! Although I think there are risks, I hope the bed will go out!"

"After all ... the new rules of the U-17 organizer have not yet officially issued! Neon U-17 is Nantojiro over there

Sir, before you consider it clearly! It should not do anything rashly! "

Reitru shook his head: "No! Just now! I have received emails from the U-17 event organizer! Ten days later, the U-17 team representatives of the world's branches were convened and a meeting was held in Berlin!

"I'm afraid it's for the new regulations!"


"Moreover, from time to time! If you really want to join the junior high school players to the competition team, the organizer must leave the team's time to train the players in advance!"

"So, not only the probability of our guess is right! It also represents ... Neon U-17 If

I really want to disclose Beimo's identity, and it is too late to come in time !! "

Q. P and Stan heard that instantly gaze.

A meeting was held 10 days later.

Half a month after the Professional Masters.

This is not easy to handle !!

Q. At the same time as P was silent, he turned to Stan: "Bei Mo him in the days of neon, do you have any progress in training?

"Although he was in a world -class level, he was no longer the weak! However, in the professional master competition, before the ranking of professional points appeared

100 players are common!

This problem made Stan's spirit.

"Just a few days ago, Beimo opened Ai Zhi Guanghui !!"

The words fall.

Reitru and Q. P Qi brushed their eyes widened, stood up and stood up.

"What?! Ai Zhi Guanghui?! How is it possible!


"When is Beimo's contact with love?!! He didn't mention it before!

The excitement of the two made him shock.

But he also understood the disorder of the two in front of him.

after all.

When he saw the light of the restraint on Beimo, the degree of incentives in his heart should not be from two.

"I only knew it after he opened it!




"Specifically, he didn't say anything! Just tell me that the light of reserved is the ability he originally built six ways, belonging to heaven!

"As for his current strength ... To be honest! I'm afraid he is the most clear!"

"But whether it is his attitude towards the professional master competition, or the strength he has always shown! I believe

Most world -class players should not threaten him! "


Stan said, a touch of concern flashed in his eyes.

And his concerns also clearly captured the two.

"Unless ... The opponent has opened the unstable factor of dimming!


Reitru said deeply and returned to the sofa.

The office was also in a short time in the office.

The appearance of the two upsets of Hell Shinto and the Light of Apocalypse, for tennis players around the world, are undoubtedly the first way to open

The gap between gifted and genius.

The degree of grasp of the inner strength almost represents the upper limit of players' future potential.

Any top professional players in the world rarely appear in these two Chinese -style players.

Whether it is Hell Shinto or the light of reserved.

It seems to be the standard for the top professional players!

The different dimensions are in this standard, which is a new direction in the dimension of players' strength improvement.

Combining with its own tennis style, mental power and inner strength.

The product that is finally evolved!

Starting the ectopic dimension may not be able to defeat players without the opening of the different dimensions.

But any player who turns on the different dimensions is qualified to be faced !!

Because the different dimensions are like the light of the restraint, the hell Shinto, it is full of infinite possibilities !!


Even if Beibei's strength and talent are exaggerated, even if Beibei opened the door to Hell Shinto and Aizhi Guanghui at the same time.

There is still a trace of reservations in the Three Reatel.

That's ... if you really face the players who turn on the different dimensions !!

At the same level, Beimo's winning percentage may not be 100%!!

Once the opponent's different dimension is too weird, Bi Mo has obvious vulnerabilities in the game.

It is not impossible to have an accident !!

A few minutes later.

Reitru rubbed his temple and said helplessly: "The mouth.. The group has now hoped that everything is just just

We think too much!

"After all, there is still half a month!


Having said that, he motioned for himself to continue to work.

Q. P and Stan also stood up and walked out of the Cenang door together.

"嘭 ----"

After the door was closed at the door, Stan and Q.P looked at each other and walked towards the building.

"I heard that you brought back the junior high school student named Tezuka Guoguang this time. He also opened Aizhi Guanghui?

"Hmm! Tehstra is not because his arm was injured two years ago, and he still experienced something in neon. Now his strength should be

It's not just a national level! "

"Maybe you can turn on the light of reserved earlier!

The evaluation of Tezuka Guoguang is undoubtedly positive.

Q. P silently nodded and fell into silence.

But about half a minute later, he suddenly said again: "Stan, I might need his help later!

Stan took a pace.(Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

"Well? Tezuka help you? What do you help you?"

Q. P took a breath and said slowly: "Help me open love and know the glory!

"Ah?!" Stan thought he had heard it wrong.



Tezuka Guoguang has just opened Aizhi Guanghui. Q.P, even if you want to discuss the experience of opening up the light, you should not

Is it looking for Beimo?

In terms of mastering, even if it is just opened, it is far more than Tezuka Guoguang !!

Q. P seems to see the accidents and puzzles in Stan's eyes.

At the moment, I said again: "Beimo should say to you, my tennis is a supporting point, so that it is comprehensive to expand outward expansion

Style! "

"Although the perfect quality is formed at this stage, the distance is really perfect .., there is no doubt that there is a gap!"

"This is also the disadvantage of the German elite tennis training!

"The lack of inner power development!"

Stein nodded and expressed his clearness.

Q. P also continued to open: "So, during the days when you go to neon, I will mention the direction after research



"Is it the accuracy of continuing to improve the skills, or the center of gravity, put it in the lack of, and make up for it!"

"In the end my decision is the latter as the goal! Build a new quality of the perfect quality! I call it ...

The quality!


Stan narrowed his eyes, and said with a long way: "So! The foundation of the quality of the quality is the light of reserved! And you

The reason why I want to find Tezuka for help! Mainly because you have to play with the players who have opened the light of reserved, and get this calendar.


The feeling of quantity! [01400501070010010]

"But Beibei's strength is too strong! The situation on the one side can only make you constantly stress, and you can’t really spend it.

The energy is on the light of reserved! "


Q. P did not hesitate to say that the other party was right.

Stein laughed: "It's like this! No problem! I will find Tezuka for you to talk about it! Rest assured, he will definitely know, he will definitely know

I am happy to help you!

! ""

"Moreover, his main advantage is skills! I believe that the communication between you will definitely be smoother than you think

Hearing, Q..PE flashed.

"Thank you! Stan! In addition, you can rest assured! This time ... I will take care of Tezuka Guoguang!"

"Hahaha! Then I am not polite! I can just go to the analysis room during this time, and learn again!"

10 days later.


The top floor of the Fudelin International Hotel, the medical discussion room.

I saw that all the location in the venue was full.

In front of each seat, there is a name with a name printed with a name.

People sitting in the position have men and women, and they are all floors.

But the expressions on their faces are almost the same.

Dignificant !!

Sitting in the core of the conference room, the old figure of Lei Shi was in his ministers.

The name of his identity in front of him reads [Kan Ritru] [Germany's U-17 training camp representative in charge of the U-17 training camp].

He was sitting around Switzerland's U-17, France U-17, and Spain U-17.

This is the dominance and status of the four major power teams of the U-17 World Cup.

In the same position space, the second row of six represented by the second row is.

Ten in the third row.

And the fourth row is as many as 20 ...

The distribution of a cone -type seat undoubtedly makes the atmosphere of this conference room more important.

The meeting held by the U-17 World Cup organizer is so realistic and cruel.


In the seats in the fourth row, the huge body of the three ships is also located in it.

His gaze, like everyone present at the present, condenses the position of the middle podium.

And sitting in this position ...

It is the chairman of the current professional league -Abbe Rock !!

In the past U-17 World Cup conference, it is impossible to appear as the identity of the other party !!

To know.

What happened in the World Professional League, the other party may not come forward in person.

What's more, the U-17 World Cup organizer launched a meeting.

But the appearance of the other party is enough to make many people realize that the meeting is not easy.

"This time, everyone came, except for the beginning of the new U-17 World Cup, the organizer and the U-17 world

The Cup event association hopes that the teams will be able to prepare well ...

"Also announce one thing!"


"From this year's U-17 World Cup, the original expedition selected and the official mechanism remain unchanged.

Formally introduced the enrollment mechanism of the junior high school student!

The words fall.


The representatives of the audience shocked.

However, the first row of Leitru, Ruishi, France, and Spain, three representatives, were relatively flat.

As a director of the association, Yueqian Nanye Lang will ".. disclose" in advance, and other directors in the professional associations have not did not

Will not do so.

Everyone will have it!

As long as you do n’t do the bottom line, you will not cure the anus any trouble!

For the vast majority of the rear row to attend the meeting, the news that Abbe Rock now announces is undoubtedly a

Landing missiles.

The three ships were frowned.

Why didn't he expect ...


The so-called U-17 World Cup may occur in the Nandejokou of Yuejianjiro.

"How can this?! The strength of the junior high school players is completely unlikely to be on the U-17 World Cup court !!"

"Yes, the age difference between middle school students and high school students has led them

Strength !! What is the significance of such a game ?!


"Let the state -level players and quasi -world -class players competition? What is joking !!"

"Oppose !! President Abbe, this decision is definitely wrong !!



In just a few seconds, the silent conference room was noisy.

But Abbe Rock just looked at the representatives of the dissatisfaction.


The entire meeting room is quiet again!

There is no powerful aura and strong words, just sitting there, let the team representatives who just now dodge,

I regret being too impatient to express their views.

"The association made this decision is also the result of voting by the 21 associations!"

"The cultivation of the world’ s online world for young players has always been inadequate! "

"Between junior high school students and high school students, the maximum age difference is 6 years old! If it can be 6 years in advance, cultivate each one on the tennis

Talent and enthusiastic players! "

"It has more benefits to the future development of the world online and the popularity of tennis promotion around the world!"

"So, this decision can be accepted!

"Also ... In order to ensure the core strength of each branch! U-17 World Cup event association and organizer decided

! Only implemented in the formal competition!

"And, (Mo Naohao) In each team's list of players, at least three junior high school players must be!"


After speaking, Abbe Locke got up and walked out of the door with the attention of everyone in the meeting room.

And his departure has also led many representatives to the back of the chair one by one.

Obviously !! (Seeing violent novels, just go to Novel Network!)

Everyone is thinking, where will you go to find three junior high school balls who are qualified to stand on the U-17 World Cup Stadium


After half an hour.

The representative of the organizer announced the end of the meeting.

The representatives of the teams present also hurried towards the meeting room.

Everyone is ordering the earliest ticket to leave Berlin to return home. It will also introduce U-17 World Cup to the race machine of middle school students.


It was passed on to the training represented by each.

"Mr. Cass!"

"Huh? Three boats enter the way? I didn't expect you to come to me in the initiative! Hum!


I saw the representatives of the French U-17 participating in the meeting in the three ships.

At the age of thirty, it feels a sense of sharpness.

But as the youngest senior executive of the French U-17 training camp, Kass is undoubtedly qualified to show his own sharp farmers.

At this time, he looked at the three ships in front of him, and his face was obviously bad.

after all!!

Between the French U-17 and Neon U-17, it is not a friendly relationship.


A French U-17 player "Destroyed King" Duke Watanabe, but now it has already joined the craftsman

Mohhong III 17 17th team !! [014005011 070010010]

The three vessels did not care about the attitude of the other party, but instead said: "Mr. Cass, French U-17 and Neon U-1

7 is not a friend, but the old man has a message here, it is a compensation for DUKE to add neon U-17!

Cass raised an eyebrow: "What information can it compare to the gold content of the destructive king? Three ships enter the road, I don't have time to chat with you!

"If the old man said, is it about the three 17 teams added by the Tianquan professional player Beimo?"


[Seeking full order!].

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