
0027 The motivation to become stronger in Longya! One year! In a room on the second floor of the villa.

Beibei sat on the sofa.

Looking at the complex colors of the face of the face full of astonishment, surprise, and even unbelievable.

"Guru ---

After swallowing a sip, Yueqian Longya looked at his hands.

Just a few minutes ago.

He learned of his current situation from Beimo's mouth.

And why he did not let himself and Reinhart continue the game.

It's because of

In the case where he did not know his own ball, he was affecting "devouring" Reinhart.

Let the other party's body burden worsen, and even the movement of the ball deforms.

Although he can't understand any mental power and "devour" talent.

But he still had a bottom.

That is, once you have entered the state of winning and devoting in the game in the game.

The opponent who competes with yourself is likely to be deprived of the possibility of continuing to play tennis!

As for whether such a thing happens on weekdays, no one can be sure.

"Boss ... I'm not deliberately! The old man knows right? Can't he help me? '

Qianqian Longya knows that if this talent cannot be controlled, it is almost impossible to stay in this home now

Even if it cannot affect the front of Yue, if it affects the small, even the North ink in front of you.

This is the result he doesn't want to see.

Bei Mo looked at the struggle, and even a little desperate Long Ya, nodded in a deep breath.

"You are born with you!"

"Your victory has become a help to promote it!


"Just like playing on the court, no one can help you change!"

"But ... as a tennis player! How many players such a talent is not available!"

Under the soothing of Bei Mo, Yueqian was a little calm.

But then said with a bitter smile: "What should I do now? I can't stay? Where will the old man arrange me?"


Bei Mo said softly: "Rest assured! The old man and I will not be affected by you! You can at least stay at the time when the Longma officially starts to learn tennis!

"In addition, what you have to do is to face yourself and the talent! And, adapt to it by improving your strength! Develop it! Control him!

"Besides, I am the same as you! I won't stay here all the time!

The front of the Dragon Ryatthaya turned on.

Although it will definitely leave, at least it is not immediately left!

This is the best news for him now !!

at the same time.

He also realizes that as long as he can control this dangerous and rare talent that he is born with, then everything will be as usual in the future !!

The motivation to improve his strength also completely ignited his fighting spirit at this moment.

When Beibei walked out of the opponent's room.

At first glance, I saw the front of the door, with a serious expression.

"Old man ... Do you want to know the answer so urgently?

This remark made his serious face show a sense of helplessness.

Turning around and walked towards the other end of the corridor, Beibei followed.

At the end of the window platform, Yuejianjiro looked at the empty stadium under the window sill and sighed.

"Xiao Beimo, I really have selfishness in this incident! Not only to Longma, but also to you!"

"I can't see the situation where Longma can't play tennis, and your future is what I am most looking forward to!"

"This talent like Longya .. Whenever there is a way to control it in a short time, I won't ... '' '


Speaking of half, I don't know if I feel that my explanation is a little pale and selfish, and I pause.Bei Mo said with a faint opening: "I wouldn't blame you and Long Ya! And, you also promised to give him time!

"Both of us are also brought out of the orphanage! There is no right difference between your decisions! So, you don't, you don't

Need to care too much!


"Just like what I said, the next time is as usual!


"Long Ma is almost 8 years old now! Let Longya stay until his 9th birthday! One year, it should not be too much


Nam Jiro had no hesitation and said directly: "No problem! Before Longma started learning tennis, as long as you agree! I have no opinion!

"In addition! Before you said that the progress of training at home is getting slower and slower!"

"I have contacted an old friend! If you are interested ... almost after Long Ya leaves! You can also


Go and see!

"At that time, you are almost 12 years old! It has reached the lowest age recruited by players!

Bei Mo heard it suddenly.

He was very clear.

The "there" in the Nantajiro mouth of Vietnam must be the U-17 training camp.



Since it is a 12 -year -old minimum recruitment standard rule, it must not be the neon controlled by the other party’s old friend.

U-17 training camp.

Basically, as long as there are many outstanding status in the world, tennis enthusiasts are how many U-17 training camps in their country


After all, it is the gathering place of genius, the cradle of the world's top players in the future.

And the neon side?

In the original plot, if it hadn't received an invitation letter, I am afraid that a number of neon students would not know that there was a U-17 training camp.


The resources of the neon net altar are obviously too scarce.

If you want to cultivate a high school student team that can stand on the U-17 World Cup and play neon U-17 reputation, it takes somehow

How long is the way!

Diamonds headed by the Phoenix of Equalist Courtyard.

And Xingcun City, their golden generations of golden generations.

Undoubtedly, the "protagonist halo" is constantly superimposed.

And can recruit 12 -year -old talented players for training.

I'm afraid there is only the training camp of those four countries ...

"Now that you have thought about me, I don't ask much about where you go!

"By the way! Old man! This year I want to participate in everything that can make money!

Eyenan Jiro frowned slightly.


The game of making money ...

Although he didn't think Beibei made a correct choice, he also understood Beimo's character.

Even if he stops, he will find a way by himself.

"You can go to check on the National Tennis Website!

"Also ... be careful!"

After that, he turned and left.

Bei Mo looked out of the window in a blink of an eye, and murmured in his mouth: "One year! Almost enough!

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