0033 data analysis! Perfect prototype? Beibei appeared!



Testing the ball on the court constantly sounded the sound of Belti's swing.

Moreover, his expression is obviously very relaxed.

From the beginning of the test to the present, for 6 or 7 minutes, not only did he not miss a goal, but he took advantage of this test

According to the initiative.

That's right!

Just take the initiative!

Under the observation of Beimo, Belti's movement speed was not fast.

But he came to the falling point half a step and half -step.

There is only one explanation in this situation!

That is, the opponent has analyzed the rules of the goal of this player, and even the data parameters of each ball.

As long as it is not beyond his physical and technical limit, then this test is one for him now

"Open Volume Exam".

The answer is still in front of it, so that the other party can just follow the "copy".

Those data analysts on the stadium obviously noticed this.

"Genius! There are few players who have such a powerful data analysis ability! Moreover, he is only 12 years old! He also has the level of a state -level threshold!


"Oh! His name ... Is he the brother of Bolk's classmate?!

"It should be! Brother Genius and Genius Brother! '

"Don't continue! He can pass it directly!




In less than 10 minutes, the staff received instructions to close the running machine.

"Classmate Bellti, your test has ended! Congratulations, passed the selection!

When the staff announced his results, Belti did not show an unexpected color.

But the corner of the mouth was slightly raised.

Subconsciously turned his head and scanned Q. P and Beimo, who hadn't played yet.

It seemed to have a little show off.

Even if it is a genius, there is a manifestation of the little fart.

But he got Q.P's "ice face" and Beimo didn't care.

This made him hold his lips, sitting unpleasantly in the area he passed through the selection.

The three middle school students who have been selected have also seen that Belti is not easy.

They all greeted each other politely.

The Mihair Bismarck sitting outside the court, his eyes stayed on Berna's body, flashed and played.

"Polk actually said that his brother's strength is not good!"

"If this talent and strength are not good, you can still recruit players in the preparatory camp! '

"Next! Q.P!

The staff spoke again.

Q. P, who was clicked to the name, took a racket from the tennis bag and slowly got up and walked into the court.

As he nodded to the staff to be prepared, the kicker was also opened again.



His expressionlessly caught every ball in the test stadium.

It feels like a precision "machine" that will not make mistakes.

Flowing and clean!

The horizontal and vertical movement speed and the hitting power of the front and backhand are very stable.

Even the offensive in the face of rotating offensives is perfectly dealt with.

Data analysts kept knocking on the computer on the computer, and analyzed real -time data analysis through the screen captured by the eagle eye.


With the end of the 10 -minute test, the kick machine stopped operating automatically.

Q. P still has no expression on the field of the game, just wait for his test results quietly.

Mihair Bismarck touched his chin and looked at Q.P full of appreciation.

Bellti's face also appeared without concealment.

Because the strength shown by Q. P is definitely not as simple as ordinary state level!

This is a performance that has reached a certain height in order to be so calm.


The 10 -minute test did not show Q. P the slightest feeling of exhaustion.

Beimo has also performed Q. P's performance, and has a general strength judgment ...

National -level threshold!

It is almost the same as Reinhart's strength a year ago, but it is very different in style.

Reinhart is mainly based on his own "weakness repair", so as to build a defensive counterattack style.

But Q.P is different.

Obviously players with skills and ball control.

Although physical fitness is not prominent, there is no shortcoming.

Taken together, it can be said that it is almost a comprehensive technique player!

no doubt.

He also passed the selection.

The selection came to 5 places through the quota.

This also leads to 25%of the selection rate of this session!

It can be considered almost the same as the previous session.

One time.

The eyes of everyone present were gathered on Beimo, the last player who participated in the selection.


At the entrance of the stadium, the Litu three who had just been selected at the selection office also came in.

They quickly finished their work at hand, and they also wanted to see the selection and testing.


The main purpose is to see the legendary recommendation and the biggest sponsor of the training camp, Sigmond first

As an endorsement teenager.

The arrival of the three made the staff who presided over the selection test.

But I didn't say much.

I just looked at Beimo and said softly: "Beibei classmate! It's your turn! Please come on!

The words fall.

Bei Mo took the racket from the tennis bag and walked to the court tightly.

However, he did not start testing immediately.

Instead, he turned to look at the staff member.

"Before testing, I have a problem!


"Huh? Beibei, do you have any questions about the selection rules? '

"No, I just want to know ... what kind of grades can skip the preparatory camp and enter the high school student player training

Practice area? "

Once this says.

The staff who presided over the selection and testing was stunned.

Those data analysts couldn't help raising their heads and unexpectedly looking at Beimo.

Mihair Bismarck, which was originally concerned on Q.P. At this time, after hearing the problem of Beimo, I couldn't help raising.

From the beginning, he whispered to himself: "Interesting .. Polk didn't dare to say that at first!

Q. P, Belti and other players such as Bolti also showed different look.

"Skip the preparation camp? What are you thinking about?

"Is this confident or stupid?

"It must be arrogant and stupid! Why did he dare to say that he entered the high school student player area!

The remaining three middle schools were subconsciously dismissed.


Bellti and Q.P did not speak.

However, the former's views are the same as those three middle school players.

At the age of 14 to reach the national level, it may not enter high school students.

Right now, Beibei raised this question, it is undoubtedly the whimsical sky!

The latter looked at Beimo deeply, and his eyes flickered.

Although he has seen Beimo for the first time, but unlike other people, he has heard of this name before.

In the past year, a 11 -year -old Asian boy in Mi State.

With unimaginable talent and strength, the 10-14-year-old group competition is almost caught.

Known as the first day of the new generation of the country!

Mysterious and terrible!

And the name of this boy is Beimo!

Q. P can also confirm that Beimo standing on the court is the genius player he heard.

It was just that he didn't expect that the other party came to Germany.

And like yourself, participated in this selection!

Now that the other party is now asking how to skip the preparatory camp.

Then he has reason to doubt, the other party is definitely not arrogant !!

It has a special confidence !!

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Fei Lu novels, Fei wants you to look good!

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