0049 The data analysis report of scare people !! Quasible world level?!

Germany U-17 high school student player activity area.

The Bismarck, accompanied by the North Mo with a tennis bag, came to the entrance of the player's dormitory.

"This is the player dormitory!"

"1-2 layers are where ordinary high school students stay in!

"The 3rd floor is the room of their respective assistants!


"The official team and their assistant stay on the 5th floor!


"I, Polk, and Schneider are currently arranged on the 4th floor! There are many free rooms. Are you interested?

Bismarck put his pocket in one hand, and his fingers at the 6 -storey dormitory building in front of him, saying to Bimo with a smile.

Bei Mo shook his head indifferently: "As long as you can take a good rest, it doesn't matter!

Speaking, he looked at the 6th floor.

"What about the top layer? Is it empty?"

Bismarck shook his fingers: "Of course not! Coach Reitru, he usually lives on the 6th floor!"

This answer flashed Beimo's eyes.

He did not expect that Reitru would live in the player's dormitory.

However, this also proves that even as far as possible, as the head coach of the training camp, the other party is very responsible!

"Beibei classmate!


At this moment, Mark helped the tutoring to the three people.

He was also holding a list in his hand.


This list table is a list of assistant to choose from!

After sending Polk to the training room with Berarti to the training room, it was preliminary inspection that it was not a big deal, he quickly came to find Beico.

Although the teenager in front of him was only 11 years old.

But regardless of the teacher behind the other party, the front of Nanjiro.

It is still the real calendar showed by the other party in the selection and testing.

Or ten minutes ago, the game of Borke was defeated.

It is enough to let the other player in the German U-17 training camp are in an extremely special position!

At least.

Mark has put the opponent in the official player as the German U-17 team, and is treating the same position at the same position!

"This is the assistant list, and they have done all the things they are good at!"

"Although I am not satisfied after employment, it can be replaced! But it is more convenient if it can be suitable for one -time matching!

Bei Mo took the list of the opponent's hand and glanced at it first.

Bismarck also said softly: "Beimo! These people are all types of talents recruited by the training camp!" "What special needs do you have in the future! They can also involve more skills according to your needs!


"In short! If you want to be a professional player, then your assistant can even obtain a professional player brokerage certificate for you! Be your helper!"

"As long as you stay in the training area of high school students! Then during this period, all the assistance spending of the assistant will be paid by the training camp!

"And! Even if you are over 17 years old, you leave the camp normally! As long as your assistant agrees! You can also take him away! No!

You have to solve your own fare!

Bei Mo heard the other person saying that, and his eyes lighted up.

I thought that the assistant was at most just a "life steward" role.

did not expect!

There are such a special process!

Germany U-17 not only cultivates players, but can even be synchronized in other aspects.

The genius among high school students is destined to set foot in the professional league in the future.

Then, the assistant who has been grinding in advance for several years has become the most trustworthy person.

In the future, you do not need a person to face the complicated professional league charter.

And the general high school student players, even if they are not qualified to set foot in the professional field in the future, there must be various in daily life and training


At the same time as the player assistant, the player will continue to get various new skills training opportunities.

Finally staying in the training camp, the training camp is also steadily profitable!

It belongs to mutual benefit.

"Then I still take advantage. After all, I am only 11 years old! Even from the age of 12, I will stay at the age of 17, and there will be 5 years!

"I'm afraid I want to add a lot of costs to the training camp!"

"Beibei, you're laughing! The funds of the training camp are Mr. Sigmond, and they have always been abundant!


Beibei scanned a familiar name in the last row of the assistant list.

Mafle Stein!

Come to the airport to receive your own reserve camp.


"Can the trainee intern be in the assistant candidate list?"

"Oh, yes! After all, this is also an opportunity to improve! If it is selected, the intern will also turn directly!

"Then he! Mark assistant, please tell him! Go directly to the 4th floor to choose a empty room! By the way, buy some life for me

Just fine!

"Ah? Just choose it?! Intern?! Do you want to do it again.


"No more! Anyway, if I have been in more than 5 years, he will be able to learn medicine for more than 5 years!"

After that, he was carrying a tennis bag directly and walked towards the course of the high school student on the other side.

Bismarck and Schneider also looked at each other in surprise.

Then I followed Beimo's footsteps.

The Mark helped the church scratching his head and whispered: "It's a strange little guy! Do you have to pick an intern?

But he didn't think much, and turned around and arranged.


the other side.

There is a flat-layered building in the middle of the German U-17 Preparatory Camp and the high school student training stadium.

Although there is only one layer, it is the most important place for Germany to practice camps.

Player data analysis room!


"The training progress of the preparatory camp C is backward, please go to check the situation!

"The players of the preparation camp F were injured, and the medical team was notified to set off!

"High school student stadium! Three players played multi -ball training!





More than 20 data analysts wearing unified pure white uniforms were busy in front of a computer.

Their sights are constantly on dual -screen, or even three -screen computer screens to move back and forth.

In the screen.

In addition to the finishing data analysis data, there are real -time monitoring screens of the players on the training ground.

If you use the training equipment, you can also obtain the calculation data on the device at any time.

It can be said.(Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

These people are the most solid cornerstone behind all training plans of the German U-17 training camp.

The head coach Tru and Hanfa Savich are standing behind a data analyst.

On the computer screen, the final data is sorting and generating.

Finally, the concave progress bar has reached 100%!

A detailed data report appeared on the screen.

After the analyst glanced simply, a touch of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Immediately, he turned his head and said to the two of the two: "Coach Reitru, classmate Hanfa Savich! In the game just now,

Beimo's data analysis report has been completed!

‘In addition to the requirements of coach Reitru before, in addition to the basic information!

Make a key observation and analysis! "

"Now I will explain it for you!"

Retelu nodded with satisfaction: "Hard work! Start!"

The analyst did not hesitate, while stroking the mouse, he spoke again: "First of all, in the preparatory camp selection test,

Five -dimensional data that cannot be measured accurately! "

The words fall.

A simple watch appeared in front of the two of the two.

【Player】: Beimo

【Age】: 11

[Data five-dimensional]: Power (5-6.5), speed 4.8, skills 5, mental power 4.2, endurance 5

[Total value]: 24-25.5 (quasi-world level)

See the content in this form.

Rao was already prepared in his heart, but Reitru and Hanfa Savich still jumped.

The latter said: "Sure enough! He has no shortcomings at all in all aspects! The five -dimensional limit of power reached 6.5 points!

It's amazing! "[014005011060460360]

The former couldn't help nodding: "Yes! Although the mental strength is relatively low! However, in the game with Polk,

It does not involve mental power confrontation! "

"This data, I am afraid that the actual five -dimensional value of the actual five -dimensional total value!"

Analysts did not deny Reitru's statement.

"Coach Reitru, you are right!


"4.2 Points of 5D data, more based on his game, mentality and emotional stability as a parameter to calculate



"From my experience, his actual spiritual strength should also reach 5 points!"

"So, whether from the perspective of five -dimensional data, or his record of defeating the classmates of Polk! He has a quasi -world level


Leitru and Hanfa Savich were unwilling to signal the other party.

Analysts then continued to decline analysis reports.

"The next step is the technical analysis of Beibei classmates!"

"First of all, his serve! That is [impermanence]!"

"The result of the analysis is that this serving is two -stage rotation and stacking.

The side side of the ground plays a role in helping! "

"In the first paragraph, the flying trajectory has changed in a total of 6 times! The second side of the side rotation strength is 22R/s!



"Moreover, with the strength of Beimo and the improvement of rotating ball control skills, this serve can continue to transform!" In the world serving database collected by training camps, no hair similar to two stages of rotation interaction appeared.


The two of Lertru's heads were slightly E.

"Yes! The rotation of this ball is indeed the first case in the world!


"Being able to develop such a serve, his talent in rotating skills is terrible!

"When his physical fitness increases with age, he will also grow simultaneously! Perhaps at the age of 14 ....

In terms of physical fitness, it is already stronger than many top professional players!

"By then! With this goal alone, he can stand on the professional court?


While the two talked softly, the analyst opened a video in the report.

"This is the physical change shown when Beimo confronts Borde's use of sweet zone technology!"


Seeking flowers · ·


"From the data collected during the game, we can calculate that his muscles have increased by 30%-40%!

"It's not just holding your arms! Most of the whole body's muscle blocks have such signs!


"But unfortunately, we can't analyze how he did it! Perhaps it is a special physical talent!

Reitru and Hanfa Savich came to the computer and watched the whole body in the video when Beibei faced the light strikes played by Borke in the video.

The muscles have obviously expanding and firm scenes.

"I have doubts before! In this way, I suspect that he may not know the reason! After all

If it is a certain skill, it should be able to observe objectively! "The latter expressed his views.

Reitru also held the same opinion in his heart.


He said slowly: "I also hope that it is his special talent on his personal body! If it is, you can learn and train

Power skills ... He will subvert the status of all the power players in the world of the world !! "

This is not a joke!

The use of physical strength and sweetness, even if it is a world -class power player, the main advantage is these two points!


If Beimo's power skills can be trained, all top players are equivalent to the new side of improving themselves.


Reitru dare not imagine.

At that time, the status of a powerful tennis player will hear what height!

Obviously, analysts did not expect this.

When he reacted, he quickly saved this analysis report and video into the database.

This move showed a satisfactory smile on the corner of the mouth of Reitru.

"Finally! The last goal of this game! Beimo said to Polk the cutting rotation node!


.. 0

"This is a very special and vague concept! '

! ""

"But through the moment he hit the ball, and to restore the baptism of the vortex by data through data!

"Finally, a guess conclusion!",,,

"Before the strength of the ball rotation, even during the flight of 0.01 seconds, there are strong and weak differences

"The moment Beimo hit the ball, it seemed to be the trough of this ball's rotation intensity within 0.1 seconds!"

Analysts said that they were a little guilty.

after all.

If Beimo can capture the lowest point of the ball's rotation and weakness, then any rotating ball can never play in front of the opponent

The strongest effect!

But Reitru and Hanfa Savich widened their eyes and were very excited.

"This represents Beimo’s visual ability is also different from ordinary people! And, he controls the control of his physical muscles and the timing of hitting the ball

The grasp is so precise that people can't believe it!

"Even there is a problem of concentration! Don't forget, when he faces the baptism of the vortex, he is not ready in advance!

Physical movement, observation, muscle reaction to hitting the ball again! The whole process may not exceed 2 seconds!

After the two expressed their opinions, they swallowed a sip.

Seeing the game between Borke and Beimo, although it brought them a great shock.


After seeing all the analysis reports in front of them.

They only knew that they still underestimated the talent and strength of the 11 -year -old boy.

other side......

It is simply unparalleled tennis genius !!

Even for a moment they felt ...

Maybe the legendary samurai in the world of the world, maybe how to teach the other person with a headache?

"Coach Reitru, how do you plan to arrange him?"

"Arrange? Savich! This incident ... I'm afraid it's not something I can determine alone!"

"Indeed! If you really want 100%to leave Beico in the training camp, you still need Dr. Sigmond to come forward!"

"Before that! Savich, I also need you to help me!

"What busy?


"Let Beibei in the high school student training stadium can get the maximum freedom!


Hanfa Savid stared at him seriously and asked for a request.

He looks right.

Sound open: "Coach Reitru! You can rest assured this!"

"For the future of Germany's U-17, let alone others! Even my training resources and Beico conflict, I do

Will make concessions! "

And just when the two had reached an agreement.

The analyst who completed the work beside them suddenly stared at their screen and said in a hurry: "Coach Reitru!

! North Mo, Bismarck, and Schneider, have entered the high school students training stadium! "

"They seem to have to conduct multi -ball training for sweet technology technology!


This made the two of Lertru flickering and put on the computer screen.

Seeing the figure of Beimo, Hanfu Savich whispered to himself: "I just mastered the light strike in the game, and now I have to enter

Did you train? "

Reitru found two analysts and asked them to observe Beimo's training simultaneously.

He wants to see.


Today, what level height can Beibei achieve the grasp of sweet technology technology !!

[On the shelves, it is more! Seeking full order! Wan].

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