
0063 Stan's means! Pass 600W! Equal Court: Every one I want to play !!

In the player channel.

Bei Mo and Stan didn't take a few steps, and saw a familiar noodle that was obviously squeezed out.

It was the staff member who had a gambling contract with Stan before the game.

"Mr. Stan!

"Beimo player!"

"Congratulations !! It's so beautiful to win today's game! Just now I can't help but applaud you !!

"Introduce that self -introduction! My name is Jason Tulan! It is a job that is responsible for the player's locker room!"

Bei Mo's change in the attitude towards each other was not in his heart, just "uh", and continued to walk forward.but.

He found that Stan did not keep up with himself, but looked at the staff member with a sneer.


"Beimo, I have dealt with the factory! Feng Zhengma, I! '

Get the opponent's reply, Bei Mo's eyes narrowed slightly.

Is there something to hide from yourself?

But he saw from Stan’s expression that although he was a little nervous, he looked like his eyes as in his eyes.

At the moment, what he said in bed.

Nodded and continued to walk towards the locker room.

However, he slowed down a little bit, and he wanted to listen to what Stein was hiding himself.Especially ....... It is also related to this staff member!


"Mr. Stan! This is 5000 francs! I would like to bet! I hope you don't care about the previous things!

"I promise! If I have heard any news about other opponent players in this game! I will definitely tell you!"

"Oh, you are very close to your credit! Since you are interested, I won't embarrass you! Remember what you say! '

"No problem !! Wrap it on me !!

5000 francs.

Bei Mo, standing at the corner of the door of the locker room, frowned.

to be honest.

Even if I clearly heard the conversation between the two, Beimo did not believe that Stan would be straight because it was only 5,000 francs, so he was straight.

By betting with others!

! ""

The first is that the other party knows his temper.

The second is that 5000 francs are not attractive for each other!

The salary given to each other every month alone is exceeded 5,000 francs!

Even the opponent as his own professional player agent, the competition bonus is divided into a proportion!

Bei Mo thought about it, and did not come out to see Stan as soon as possible.

For more than this year, he thought he had clearly seen Stan.

Otherwise, it will not be allowed to be his own agent.

Moreover, ask such things 合 Look at the occasion!

740 is obviously not suitable for this occasion!

At the moment, he pushed the door into the locker room, and planned to leave Stan to ask Stein after leaving the game.

Player locker room.

When Beimo took a bath, changed his clothes, packed things, and was going to find Stan to leave together.

I saw the locker room door, and the other party was holding a mobile phone at this time. Facing the staff of the two organizers, a recording was played.

One of them was Jason Tulan, who had just taken the initiative to come to the door.

The other is the head of the person in charge of the organizer. When the player registered, Beibei had seen the opponent.

[Sure enough! I can participate in the professional competition at the age of 13, but I have money!】

[Players have to spend money to be embarrassed in the game, and even player agents have to send 5000 francs in vain!]

[Gambling! Wait for the end of the game, I will wait for you at the door of the player channel! I hope you will not pretend to be stupid when you arrive!]

When the recording is played.

The face of the supervisor was hard to see the extreme.

Jason, who bet with Stan, was pale.

"Supervisor !! You listen to me explanation !! Is he betting with me first !!

"Explanation?! As a professional league staff, participate in gambling privately !! Have you ever thought about what you are doing?

"Jason !! From now on, you have been fired !!"

"Ah?! Supervisor !! Please give me another chance !! Supervisor !!

Hearing that he was fired, Jason Turand was anxious.

He still wants to justify himself, but his supervisor obviously does not want to hear.

Just apologizing to Stein again, he turned straight to buy rot.


No matter how the staff named Jason caught up with how to begged, there was no idea of ignoring it.

Bei Mo saw everything in his eyes, and slowly walked to Stan with a tennis bag: "Is this your plan?"

"What about 5000 francs?

Stein obviously did not expect Beibei to come out so fast, and he also saw his "doing".

I couldn't help but scratch my head and said, "How can I collect money! I am your agent, I just can't get used to this

The guy's face before! "

"That 5000 francs, I am used as a physical evidence, and I will give the organizer directly!"

"Coupled with the recording in my mobile phone! This guy named Jason will definitely be fired !!"

"But ..... Do you think I do too much? Otherwise, let me talk to the organizer, punish it

OK! Don't fired him? "

Bei Mo smiled: "Don't think too much! Although this means can't get on the table, I know you want to maintain me!"

"As for that guy ... now just pay for his own greed!

"However, don't do such a thing next time!"

Stein nodded again and again.

Bei Mo can see that the other party did such things for the first time, even if he succeeded, he thought very well.

But more or less confusing!

In the future, it is estimated that except for the other party to do so, otherwise the other party will not be good at claiming.

That night.

After eating dinner, Beimo, in the hotel room through a laptop, watch some German U-17 training camps for the ball

Skills video of staff learning.


"Ding Dong!

The doorbell of the room sounded.

Beibei thought at this time, only Stan could come to himself.

But I didn't expect.

Through the cat's eyes, he was no longer dead.(Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

"Beimo !! Are you surprised?

The moment the door was opened.


I saw that the long hair fluttering her head tilted her head, with a sweet smile hanging on her face, closer to Beimo step by step.

Without a distance of less than 10cm, he could smell the water smell of the other person.

The person who came with her was a pocket in her pants with both hands, and she was playing with the front of Nanjiro.

"Old man! Sister Cai Caizi! When did you come to Switzerland?"

to be honest.

For the arrival of the two, Bimo was still unexpected.

Although in U-17 in Germany, I have contacted the two and Qianlunzi several times.


The two suddenly appeared in front of them, and it felt really different.

After all, it is also a person who has been together for 2 years.

The front of Cai Cai was pulled holding Beimo's hand, as familiar as before.

"Beimo, my uncle and I dedicated to your first professional competition !! You are so amazing today !! Both games are

6-0 won !! "

"I checked it! Players who can stand on the professional arena at the age of 13, like you, have never appeared in the past !!

"And you see, after this game today, several local sports newspapers put you on the cover !!"

She said that she also took out several newly bought newspapers from her bag.

Bei Mo looked at the other person's happiness for himself, and his mouth raised slightly.

However, the newspapers printed with their own photos in their hands were stuffed back to the other party's bag by Beimo.

This incident, as early as an hour ago, Stan had already told himself.

And this is also expected.

After all, he settled in the professional arena at the age of 13, which is already the first example of the World Professional League.

There are also the strength of world -class players, and two games have won the game.

If this cannot be attracted much attention, it will be strange.


Beibei also found the content written on these newspapers, obviously unable to dig more things.

For example, the relationship between himself and Qiannanjiro, and the relationship with Germany's U-17.

At most, I said everything that happened in today's game, "add oil and vinegar".

By the way, the results they won when they were in the country of Mi!

He guess that it may be that time is not enough to dig deeper.

Or maybe Sigmond did behind him.

But no matter what, Beimo also believes that Sigmond, as his "collaborator", is not able to deal with these in Stan

At the time, the other party will find a way to deal with it!

"Cai Caizi! Who said I came to see this boy game? I just took you to travel to Switzerland! By the way, I know that this kid is compared with

Sai! Just look at it!


"It is a sloppy fight! The strength of the (BBEH) is too bad, and I am almost asleep when I see it!"

"These media have no vision! Isn't it a newcomer tour!"

Obviously, Yuejiro obviously did not admit these words in his niece's mouth, and denied his mouth.

"Oh? By the way? Uncle! Don't talk hard! Don't think I don't know! You also let Mr. Sigmond help before the game

What are you betting !! 400W meters, right? 1 to 3! That's 1200W !! "

"Hey !! Cai cuisine !! Why do you say everything !! I ...

Before being "betrayed" by Cai Cai, Nam Jiro suddenly jumped up.

But don't wait for him to finish.[014005011 060480470]

Bei Mo has already stepped in front of the other side, and said with an unscrupulous way: "400W gold? Less than half an hour is less than half an hour

! Directly 1200W!


"Old man! How can I say that I am also a player! I don't want much! Half! 600W!"

"Otherwise ... I will tell Aunt Zi now!

Emperor Nanyeng's cheeks twitched slightly.


"600W ?! Your kid crazy?! My principal is 400W !!


"Principal? I won't lose, you have no business! Give me 600W, you still get 200w!"

"If I told Aunt Lunzi! Your principal and profit are gone ..

"No right! Beimo, Nadam Benjin did not come out! It was Mr. Sigmond from his own betting amount to Uncle 400 400

Mi Jin!


"How can you help this kid?! I am your uncle !!"

5 minutes later.

Eyenan Jiro was lying on the sofa of Beimo's room, looking at his bank account, full of heartache.

I knew that I would be "robbed" so much money at this time to find Beimo in the evening.

He will not be able to follow the Cai Cai Zi!

And when he looked at it with Beimo, his face was full of smiles

Former cuisine, I couldn't help turning her eyes.

at the same time.

A tennis club in Zurich.



In the leased indoor stadium, the Phoenix of Equalist Courtyard held the racket and kept fighting back the tennis pop -up in the kicker.


As the gate of the stadium opened from the outside, Duke walked in by two bottles of water.


The servers on the court also exactly reached the set time and stopped operation.

"Head! When I went out, I heard one thing!


The Phoenix of the Equality Courtyard walked to the rest area, wiped the sweat on the cheeks with a towel, and passed the Aquarius in the opponent's hand.

Tao: "It is related to Ama's???"

What surprised him was that Duke shook his head.

"No! It was the group D game tonight! Greek player Ares Radarman was defeated!

Phoenix listened to the Equal Court and frowned slightly: "Who is that guy? Is it strong? Is it stronger than Aydis?"


Duke shook his head again: "Armadis is the popularity of winning the champion! Ares is just optimistic about winning the top four this time

Just! In the last round of the newcomer tour in Spain, he was easily defeated by Nole! "But! The protagonist of this game is not him! Instead of his opponent! The youngest competition has the youngest age!

13 -year -old Asian teenager! Beimo! "


"He not only defeated Ares with two seals in the game! It also took only 10 minutes and 7 minutes respectively!

"The most important thing is ... he has a zero -rotation! The physical fitness is extremely amazing! Sweet region technology has reached it

To play the point of hitting the ball! '

"Also ... he was hard in the game and hit the Olympiad silver light to the loss.


Every sentence in Duke Watanabe made Phoenix pupils in the equal courtyard shrink slightly.

It was almost half a minute, and he put the water bottle in his hand beside him, and said seriously: "Duke! You know

What are you talking about? Are you sure he is only 13 years old? How is this possible !!

It seems that the other party would say that.

Duke took out a folding newspaper from his coat pocket.

"Head! After hearing a few people in the club, I couldn't believe it!"

"But almost all paper tennis media in Switzerland reported the results of the game as soon as possible!

"And I also checked the game score and player information! Exactly the same!"

The Phoenix of the Equal Academy was locked, and took the newspaper in the opponent's hand, but took a glance and breathed a little bit.

"It turned out to be true ... 13 years old! Defeated professional players who opened the light of Olympia and silver!

Shao is also the existence of the quasi -world level, approaching or reaching the first echelon! "

"This talent ..."

"Have you been playing in Mi Guo before ...


Duke said softly on the side: "The head! If you are interested, it is better to do me and me! Although he

Young! But not a good opponent!

"Besides! His talent ... For you! The effect of the game may be better!

The eyes of the Phoenix of the Equality Courtyard flashed.





Although at the age of 13, he embarked on a professional stadium, and there was such a real life.

It's appalling !!


Such a player who has a talent and strength is not exactly the opponent he wants to find a hierarchy in this wandering world?

"Can you find out where he lives?" (Seeing Blizzard's novels, go to Novel Network!)

"Let me try!


"Still! He and Ami Dis are both players! Even if you want to find this little guy named Beimo, you are not in a hurry

"Both of them are over this game, and it is not too late to find them again!


"I want to see it now, if Ama and this Beimo encountered it! What would it happen !!

"Anyway, no matter who they lose ... Every I want to play !!"

The Phoenix of the Equality Court said that all the water in the water bottle was poured into the mouth, and the racket was picked up again and walked towards the stadium.

Duke Watanabe was watching the other party who planned to continue training, and was accustomed to sitting in the rest area.

Because he knew that the other party had ignited his ambition again.

No longer training for two hours, I am afraid I can't go back to the hotel to rest!

[On the shelves, it is more! Seeking full order!].

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