0065 Steak Gao Steng! Final! Rival Amardis!

5 days later.

7 o'clock in the evening.

Monde Gog International Stadium.

Obviously night has come.

However, the huge game court was completely illuminated by the lighting equipment around the audience.

The stars above the open court flickered, and below was full of colorful.

At the same time as completing each other, thousands of audience seats are also full of audiences with excitement and expectations.

Because the upcoming competition will be the final final of the Risato Zurich Professional Newcomer Tour!

Both parties.

It is the two players with the highest popularity and voices in this competition !!

One is the highest call to win the championship before this time.

Alexander Amardis!

In the three rounds of the finals, he only completed the six -set game!

This also means that under the three -sets and two wins, facing all his opponents did not have the opportunity to win the victory of a game from his hands!

Each round of competition is 2-0!

As a talent recognized by the new generation of Swiss players.

He used his own performance and strength to prove that as a player who set foot in the professional court at the age of 16, it is worthy of all the praise from the outside world.

And another ...

Naturally, it is the same way to make progress all the way!

From the first game, it brought the thickest Beimo to the entire world professional league!


Even if there are many loyal fans of the newcomer professional player.

However, they can't deny that in talent, Beimo undoubtedly made the entire world online altar, which was terrified by horror!

13 years old!

Even as a professional player, there is no accurate age limit.

But at the age of 13, he participated in the professional league. The record of the first competition was not only inferior to super genius like A Mardis.

And in the first three rounds, there are fewer less than Amiidis !!

It can be said.

Once Beimo defeated the "Four Two -seven" Amardis once Beimo!


The final of this newcomer tour will also become a new chapter in the World Professional League !!

The first 13 -year -old professional champion player ... is about to be born !!

It also represents the same as a world -benchmarking star, which is destined to be rising, completely blooming its bright light !!

There were dozens of numbers present, and the organizers arranged for media reporters around the stadium.

They held the "long gun and short cannon" and kept trying to make up.

For Beibei, a 13 -year -old group player who had had a record in Mi State, and disappeared three times.

Tennis media around the world are naturally very interested!

But because of the rejection of their interviews before the Beimo match.

I can only hold my heart and wait for the start of this final!


Some radical media journalists have listed the manuscripts of the two results in advance before coming to the field of the game.


Just wait for the game process and final results, write quickly!

In their eyes, it doesn't matter if Beibei loses!

As long as Bei Mo can have a brief trial against Amardis in the game, it has been eliminated!

In the auditorium.

Phoenix and Duke ̇ Watanabe are also sitting in it.

Although the two people looked calm, they also faintly revealing the color.

During this time, the two did not intend to watch Beimo or Amardis's match.

But the final final is obviously not missed !!

"The head! Although the game hasn't started yet, how much do you think of the winning rate of Amardis?"

"Winning rate ... ... duke! You should be very clear, I don't believe in the winning rate under objective analysis, I just believe

The strength of the players on the court! "

The Phoenix of the Equal Academy said, and the player channels that were closed under the oblique of the audience.


"Amardisa's guy must not show all the strength in the previous game!"

"That North Mo ... From the score and time of his game! There is no!"

"In the case of both sides hidden with the cards! In addition to their own strength, if they want to win the game, they are also stable in the mentality.

Test !! "

"At this point, I think Ardis still dominates! '

"Young ghost.

It's always easy to reckless !! "

Duke listened to Watanabe, and no longer nodded.

On this view, he coincides with each other!

Observation box.

Sigmond and Yueqian Nanjiro stood in front of the floor -to -ceiling window.

Compared with the relaxed expression on the latter's face, the former is already a little nervous.

The crutch in his hand was stunned by his subconsciousness.

"Alexander Amardis ... Switzerland's arrogance! Last year's U-17 World Cup, his performance

A little worshiped Borke! Even if I believe in Beimo! But I am not sure if this Swiss genius player has reached world -class water


"If it is reached, it is possible to do it after all !!


Emperor Nanyeo stretched out a lazy waist and said, "Old guy! Don't care! Don't care! You are not worried now, it's useless!


"This kid is thorough than you think of your professional path!


"Otherwise, I won't think about it more than a year ago. I want to stand on the professional court today!"

"Besides ..."

"This kid hasn't lost yet! Nothing once!

"I don't think .. A newcomer tour can make him taste the taste of failure!"

"He wouldn't want to lose this face!

This can also be regarded as comforting Sigmond slightly worried.

And he subconsciously glanced at the front of Nanjiro, tentatively said: "Mr. Nanjiro, since you think Beimo will not lose.

"But if one day in the future, you and him stand on the court to become an opponent ... what will it be the result?


On the side, Foster and Eye Causaki, who also watched the direction of the competition court, no longer looked at Yueqian Nanjiro.

Under the gaze of the three, Yue Nam Jiro's complexion became serious.

Just when the three looked at each other open their mouths, when they were about to answer ...

"Of course it's me !!"

"Want to fight with me? This kid is still far away !!"

"a ha ha ha!!

His exaggerated appearance made the Sigmond's foreheads could not help but start up.

Without waiting for the previous Cai cuisine to complain, the sound of the MC of the field has sounded the entire game.

The game player has entered !!

The moment when the outside player channel is turned on.

In the auditorium closer to Amadis, a large number of other fans and supporters of the other party stood up and shouted:

"Ami Dis !! Armadis !!"

"Come on !! Be sure to win your first career champion in Switzerland !!


"Don't let the 13 -year -old ghost look flat !! Switzerland tennis is the strongest !!


"Beauty !! Beauty !!"


Amadis, who was cheered cheering, just beckoned symbolically to those people, which responded.

He was calm with a headscarf, as calm as before the game.

And his gaze always stared at the player's passage.

It is also his opponent of his game ... Beimo !! (Seeing the storm novel, just go to Novel Network!)

At this time Beibei was out of the player channel.

Naturally, a large number of audiences who have been conquered by his strength and talent, cheered cheering.

But he apparently didn't even have the idea of response, but he only walked to the player seat with the tennis bag.

This attitude also made some people in the audience show an unexpected expression.

"No! Although I heard that this North Mo did not ignore the audience at all, but now I have been taught by myself!

"It's really arrogant !! Without us, why do he stand on the professional court !!

"That's it !! I was so arrogant at the age of 13. If in a few years, I dare not think about it !!


Some people are dissatisfied with Beimo's attitude, and naturally there are some relatively calm and objective people standing.

"Bei Mo and you don't know! Even if he ignores you, what's wrong?"

"I also say that people are arrogant! If I can reach the finals of the newcomer tour, I am more arrogant than him !!"

"Are you people from watching the game? If you are really upset, the attitude of Beimo, Chenpi will be fine.

"Yeah! There are so many things to watch a game! Don't take yourself too seriously!"


Some voices of the auditorium also passed on to the player seats.

Stein, who was sitting in the player's seat in advance, smiled and looked at the North Mo who was sitting around.

"Beimo! You really don't want to ignore these audiences at all!


"But! The organizer of the game said, I hope you can still respond! The first few games were like this, they

I'm afraid that the audience will have a resistance to you!

The ball ticket was sitting in the auditorium! "


While taking the racket from the tennis bag from the tennis bag, Beimo said faintly: "You can tell the organizer, although these audiences are buying

"But I am a player, only responsible for the game! Other things have nothing to do with me!" [014005011 060490050]

"in addition..

. Even if I ignore them, they will continue to watch the game!

Stein listened, and could only nod to understand.

He is only responsible for making suggestions, and he will not force if Beimo does not adopt him.

Stan knows his positioning.

In the cooperation with Beimo, the other party's idea is the most important.

I am just a serviceman of the other party.

In non -necessary situations, you will never try to shake the other party's decision.


Even if it is just like this, he greeted Xiaokang from the direction of the audience.


"The game is about to start!

"This competition is the finals of the newcomer tour at Zurich Station in Switzerland!"

"The competition system is a general game system for professional competition! Three sets and two wins! First of all, winning the victory of the two games first, winning the game victory

"Now invite two players to enter the game! Complete the first first goal guess!

When the referee announced that the player entered the field and began to guess.

The audience's seats gradually quietly.

The two of them Phoenix and the Phoenix of the Horizon looked at each other with their rackets, and they were two figures in the stadium.

Both ends of the ball.

At the same time, Beimo and Ami Dis looked at each other almost at the same time.

"Although I haven't watched your game in person ..."

"But from the perspective of results ... even if the guys you defeated are just miscellaneous fish! It can also prove that your strength is very good!"

"It's just that this game is different from the previous game ...

"You will lose!



The words that do not participate in any emotions are the first to sound.

Bei Mo nodded inexplicably.

Then slowly said: "I thought you were not the same as them, and the stupid thing about playing ruthlessly before the game would not be too keen.


"did not expect.

You also like to play this set!

His response made Aldis frowned.

I thought my "provocation" would stimulate the North Mo in front of me and raised a few resistance.

But now I feel like a punch on the cotton.

Moreover, he was ridiculed by the other party.

"If you don't believe it ... but try to defeat me!"

"But if you lose, go with me a place after the game! Rest assured, it may not be a bad thing for you!

Amardis suddenly proposed a "gambling contract", which gave Beimo a weird look at each other.

Go to a place ?!

Isn't it a bad thing for yourself?!


Where can I go?

It must be Switzerland U-17 !!

With your age, talent, and strength!

Coupled with the status of a German U-17 player, it was not "dug" by the outside world.

As the current U-17 master of Switzerland, even if the other party may not want to pull himself into the Swiss U-17 training camp,

Others of Switzerland U-17 should also have plans.

Combined with the "ridicule" discourse.

Amardis, this Swiss high school student, will also play with excitement?!

But Beimo hasn't said anything yet.

The referee standing on the side of the two and holding the coin in his hand, he already said in a bad look: "If the two players have

Private affairs! Please talk after the game! "

"Start guess now! Choose face!


Amardis's response was not slow.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, I said it directly: "That's it!

Then speak to the referee: "I choose front!

North Mo's eyes twitch slightly ...

What do you do?!

If you set it, it will be fixed ?!

But he just glanced at each other and didn't say anything.


Just signaling to the referee to reverse.

He really doesn’t want to waste his tongue with Amiidis, and this "gambling contract" is undoubtedly based on the opponent who can win the game.


The problem now is ...

Can the other party do it?


The answer must be negative ... Next second!

The referee tossed.


Guess the results of the first. The coin was facing upside down!

"I announce! This competition officially begins! (Seeing violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

"The first game was taken first to serve by Beimo players!


At the same time as the referee was announced to the audience, Beimo and Ami Dis also walked towards the bottom line of the reception.

The audience also sounded again in the audience.0.5

And the Phoenix and Duke Watanabe of the Equality Courtyard watched as standing at the bottom line of the serve.

The former had both hands around her chest and sneered: "It seems that today’s luck seems to care more about this kid ...

"But! Have the first hand, but it does not mean that it has an absolute advantage!"

The latter nodded and agreed: "The power of the first hand needs to be grasped! If it is too conservative, it is easy to be caught by the counterattack.



"If it is too aggressive, it is equivalent to brightening your weapon first! '

"In contrast ..... The first game of this game was controlled by Amiidis, for this young little guy

Seems more favorable!


In the game.

Amardis has entered the state of the game.

Standing on the bottom line of the ball, he breathed and tied.

His eyes were locked on the Beimo body opposite the court, and his body bowed slightly.

There is no idea of the northern Mo.

Moreover, this game is not just to complete the "task", bring the 13-year-old talented player back to U-17 in Switzerland


It is also for his own first crowns and career points !!


5-8 newcomers can get 50 points of occupation points before the tour.

4th place 80 points!

3rd place 100 points! [014005011 060490050]

The second and first places are 150 points and 300 points, respectively!

The gap between the runner -up and runner -up has doubled the professional points of the obtained occupation !!

In the next stage of the next stage of the Golden Tour, the minimum event registration points are also 800 points !!

Therefore, more points are won in each newcomer tour, and more chips can be added in the future professional competition!


Even if he is known as the top talent of the Swiss new generation, he dare not say that he can survive in the cruel professional competition.


[On the shelves, it is more! Seeking full order!].

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