What is the 0069 Hell Shinto? Phoenix of Equal Academy: He is a world -class player !!

"唰 ----"

Amardis's serving was scratched through the session of the stadium in a moment, hitting the bottom corner position on the left hand side of the North Mo.

In Beimo's eyes.

The powerful side spin on this ball is like a sharp knife mouth, rubbing the stadium on a clear mark.

A Maridis under the Hell Shinto is indeed the same as before.

Although it is also an increase in personal strength.

But hell Shinto is obviously better than the Ares Ralman from the Greek net altar before, the Olympian silver opened by the Greek

The light is too powerful.

The essential difference between the two is ~.

The former stimulates his inner desire and obtains the outbreak of the potential power of the body.

The latter finds the inner support through faith as a medium.

In terms of strength level or method, there is a huge gap between the two !!


"Ami Dis.


"I said that!!


"not enough!!"

As the north ink moved at the foot of the northern ink, the racket had changed to the left hand.

For the vast majority of players, the concept of using hand -held shots was disappeared when he was 10 years old.


At the moment of the ball bounced, the racket had completed the bed with the ball.

The ball was rotated on the racket of the North Mo's hand, and it quickly reduced at the speed of visible to the naked eye.

Not only the reversal of skills, but also the positive suppression of strength !!


Northern Mo did not use [Six Dao -Wuxi] !!

Just relying on the sweetening technology and its own strength, it easily blocked the blessing of hell Shinto, and Aydis's powerful side rotation was used.

His relaxed attack made Aydis change his face.

But under the role of Hell Shinto, his heart was already very tough, and it was not so easy to break down again.

With a moment of momentum, go straight to the position of the court.

One -handed diagonal drawing !!


The increase in strength and skills made him face the power of Beimo without any difficulty.

The status of the whole person's game completely shows two ministers !!


Ami Dis thought very clearly.

Now he does not have any extra choices, and it is impossible to delay the competition.

It is even more impossible to follow the game in the past, during the game, I will complete the weakness of my opponent !!

What he can do now is to suppress Beico from the momentum, giving the other party a sense of oppression! Forcing Beimo to be forced to expose the power flaw in the pace of forcibly accelerating the game.


One time.

In the game court, the confrontation between Amiidis and Beimo is already in the first game, and there have never been a fierce shape that has never appeared.

The dull hit sounds from the dough on both sides hit the hearts of many audiences at this time.

Stress, expectations, anxiety!

Various emotions appeared on the face of the audience with the players in the stadium.

The players of both sides.

As the absolute supporters of Amiidis and Beimo on the court, Pitt and Stan also frowned.

The two of them are compared to most viewers present.

The first goal of the first goal of the second game, to a large extent, determines the situation of the initial situation of the game.

If Amardis can win, for him, for him to open the hell Shinto, it is obviously a point in the momentum!

Every victory is the best nutrients and supplies for the growth of Hell Shinto !!

And if Beibei scored the first goal ...

The situation that Amardis is facing will also be even more dangerous !!

Stan and Pete belong to two camps, and they are also in their hearts at this moment.

Come on !!

And the Phoenix and Duke Watanabe, who are sitting in the auditorium, follow the sight of the two.

The ball was moved.

The two can see that in the face of Aydis, who opened the Prison Shinto, Beimo obviously showed signs of improvement in physical fitness.

The most basic power, speed, response, and so on, almost all of them have reached a new stage!

It just shocked the two ...

Under the stalemate.

Under the full offensive of Amardis, who turned on Ashura Shinto, it did not allow the 13 -year -old genius to have any weakness


And then 7 or 8 rounds.

The two were more and more shocking.

Because they saw some wrong !!

Originally standing in the front midfielder, Amardis, who was attacking his full -scale attack, was unknowingly and retreated to the position of the middle and backcourt !!

What does this mean?!

In the seemingly mediocre counterattack of Beimo, the opponent was passive under the attack !!

Duke • Watanabe couldn't help but stunned: "The head ... do you see it? How can this be !!"

Phoenix in the Equal Academy whispered: "Since the facts happened, there was nothing impossible! Aydis should not expect ... Ashura Shinto could not help him break through the defense of this teenager!


Duke shook his head and said again: "It's just physical fitness again, and it shows E

The skills of sword flow! Can you resist God?! I ... still can't believe it! "

As the "Destruction King" of the former French U-17 representative team, there are not many things that can make it incomprehensible on the court.

At present, even if they witnessed the first game.

He still cannot accept Beimo, and has the strength to compete now !!

Ashura Shinto !!

Not to mention players with quasi -world -class strength.

Even if it is a world -class professional player, at least 90 % of them are not qualified to contact the horror power !!

There are talented reasons, and there must be a tough and crazy side in their own personality.

Only to be eligible for the company and this power.

But it's just a qualification !!

Want to enter the gate of hell and come out of it ..

It can almost make most of the qualified people fall into the abyss of hell and cannot extricate themselves !!

Amardis can open this power, and it is a miracle in Duke. Watanabe's eyes!

The Phoenix Phoenix of Equality Courtyard slowly said after watching Beimo's back to a goal again: "No! Not only the these you saw

"Duke! Don't forget! In addition to physical fitness, their playback is mixed with every player.

The ability to abandon!


"Beimo's biggest reason now can suppress Armadis is .. In the sweet technical mastery, he suppresses it positively.

Amadis !!

Duke heard the words of the Phoenix of the Equal Academy, and the expression was revealed again for the first time.

Sweet -regional technology mastery Amadis?!

But the respect of the Phoenix of the Equal Academy, and the recognition of the other person's eyesight.

He did not refute and doubt the first time, but instead sinking down, staring at the actions of Aydis's hitting.

After a few goals.

His eyes were tight.

"It's ... Really !!"

The whispering of subconsciousness in the mouth is enough to represent the shock he suffered at this time !!

Ami Dis !!

Looking at the performance of talent and the U-17 World Cup last year!

The opponent's current skills have reached at least 11 goals, and it is not even the opportunity to reach the level of 12 goals !!

In the case of the opponent's opening of Hell Shinto, we take sweetness skills as the main point to occupy an advantage.

That Beibei has a degree of masterpiece of skills ... to what extent?!

12 goals?!


"13 goals !!" (Seeing violent novels, just go to Novel Network!)

It seemed that Duke was thinking about what Duke Watanabe was in his heart, and the Phoenix of the Equal Academy directly said the answer.

Duke watched the person beside him with a stunned person who answered him.

"13 ...... 13 ..."

"I finished 13 goals at the age of 13 .. · Terminal! Are you really sure?


"This is 13 goals !! World -class players, not all of them can reach this level!

The Phoenix of the Equal Academy turned to look at each other, and his eyes were full of incredible restraint.

"Duke, I know you can't accept it! I do the same!"

"13 goals in a row, even last year the German U-17 team leader Woff Savich, can reach this



"But I can be sure that in Beimo's hit, I seemed to see the former Lord of Walf Savich and Switzerland U-17

The same feeling in the game!

"It is the grasp of 13 goals! And, it is no less than Walf Savich !!"


I doubt it! Beibei's strength is not just the quasi -world level we think !!


"It's .. World -class !!"

As the words fall.


There was a sound of tennis hitting the ground.

"Beibei player score! 0-15!"

The sound of the referee's announcement also echoed the ears of everyone in the audience.

Duke's huge body was extremely stiff at this time.

On the one hand, it was mentioned in the Phoenix mouth of the Equality Courtyard. Beimo reached 13 goals in the sweet technology technology, and may even reach the world level.


On the one hand, Beibei won the score of the race! [014005011 060490420]

The impact on both sides fell into a blank gap in his mind.

13 years old ..

world class?!

13 balls in a row ?!

How can there be such a player in this world?!

You know, the other party is there !!

Even if you are talented again, it is already the physical limit to start playing tennis at the age of 8-9?!

It is necessary to achieve the world level in terms of personal strength, but also take into account the training of district technology!

Even if it is full, at the age of 11, he has reached training qualifications to contact sweet technology technology ...

2 years ... from scratch!

Do 13 goals in a row ...

What kidding !!

It is impossible to do it !!

The Phoenix Phoenix, who is sitting on the side of Duke Watanabe, has a preparation in my heart, but I didn’t speak again at this time.



Seeking flowers •

Regardless of whether Duke believes or not, he has placed the strength of the teenager at the world -class level of the inner cognition

Then, then

Position, steadily occupied a seat!

And the audience's seat.

At this time, there was an uproar.

"Amardis was scored again !!

Impossible !! Didn't he open Hell Shinto?!

"To what extent this Beimo's strength has reached?! Can Hell Shinto not resist his score ?!

"The person who took the initiative to launch the attack was Ami Dis !! Why is it the North Mo?!"

"There must be a problem !!"


At this moment, the huge gap in cognition was completely revealed.

The Phoenix of the Equal Academy just now, as well as Pitt Lamyl before the game.

Although they may have a world -class guess on Beimo, the time points generated are completely different.

But at least they can make objective judgments based on the facts they have happened!

And the audience outside these professional thresholds.

Except for the way of exclaiming the noise, it shows that they have not considered the inconvenience of all the truth in front of them, they have not considered more

Deep -level ability and cognition !!

Observation box.

After seeing the result of the ball, the two people and Sigmond were full of thick colors on their faces.

"Great !! The loss of this ball is definitely a big blow for Amiidis !!


"Uncle !! I only know that Beimo is sure !!"

Emperor Nanyue looked at the two, and did not think he waved his hand: "OK! Isn't it a score of a ball! Make this small

Zi is like becoming the first in the world! "


"If the world -class level is in the hands of a quasi -world player, it will be too shameful!"

As for his "wind and cool words", the front of Cai Caizi and Sigmond are also used to it.

The hearts are different, and it has almost become the consistent attitude of each other.

The two did not know that this time I really "wrongly".

The gap between world -class and quasi -world levels can not be closer at all with the power of a Hell Shinto !!

not to mention.

Amardis's Hell Shinto is just a degree of just opening.

Whether it is in the extent of the increase, or the right degree.

It is still impossible to be called the ultimate mysteries from hell !!

At best, it is just a threshold, set foot on the first step !!

In the game.


Amadis, who is out of mind.


The scoring Beimo stood in front of the net, staring at less than 3 meters away from himself, looking down at the scoring seal just now

"Hell Shinto has made you stronger.


"Look at the portrayal you will show all the strength, I have played with you for so long!"

"But I really don't want to waste more time!"

"This game ... it's over!"

Bei Mo's indifferent tone slowly moved Amardis's eyes from the direction of the ball to his face.

The firm look when opening the hell Shinto has emerged again at this moment.

As a North Mo's opponent, he knows the strength oppression he felt in the game just now.


Even the gap between Hell Shinto cannot be closer !!

Obviously Beigo's height is half shorter than himself.

But at this time, Amardis felt like standing in front of a towering mountain.

It seems that every idea of ​​regenerating a hint of resistance.

This snow -capped mountains shake slightly, a natural disaster that is enough to destroy him ... it will follow !!


"Come again !!

Knowing that he was dangerous, he still said with his head and gritted his teeth.

The atmosphere of Hell Shinto has not disappeared, and it also means that Armadis still does not give up the idea of ​​the game !!

Victory ...

Any player has a special belief because of his heart.

The difference is only at the level.

Half a month ago, Amardis faced the defeat of Midorine, allowing him to finally push away the door of hell !!

He now ... Even if you pay everything, bet on everything !!

Also absolutely want to play at the last moment !!

What Swiss U-17 representative general.

What is the most genius player in the new generation of Switzerland.

All titles can be exchanged at this moment.

He would rather get it from the hands of Beimo in front of him in exchange for a defense !!

The turbulent fighting spirit that Amardis finally ignited made Beimo look at him, showing a deep meaning.

"you sure?


"I know how much strength did I show this ball from your hands?"

Amiidis looked unchanged, staring at the eyes of the ink.(Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

See you.

Bei Mo sighed, and shook his head helplessly: "Forget it! Amiidis ....... I will go all out!

"If you can't hold it, remember what I said now! Abandoned! No shame!"

[Today 2W characters! 2/4 thousand].

reminds you: Three things for reading-collection, recommendation, sharing_! (BIR


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