0072 Sky Speaking !! Swiss U-17 olive branches thrown again!

Interview room after the game.

A group of reporters sat on a chair and looked anxious.

"Why haven't you appeared yet? Will you not really leave the trophy?


"Isn't it? Beimo should be clear. Interviewing is the most important thing to communicate with audience fans as professional players.

Channel is right!


"It's really not too optimistic! When you see the game, what attitude he is on the audience is! People may not care about us!"

"I feel that he is not so stupid! To put it plainly, he is still a newcomer for his talents! Let us wait for a while, what are the benefits for him?

"Joke! You still plan to discredit people with a new Tennis issue in Switzerland? Do you know what the name of Beimo was on behalf of Beimo after this game today?"

When they talk about each other.

"Ka ----"

The interview room was pushed away from the outside.

It was Beimo and Stan, who was led by Ive.

As soon as the three appeared, the anxiety on the reporters disappeared instantly, one by one, and stood up with the camera and microphone, and rushed forward subconsciously.

twenty two

Obviously, I can't wait to start the interview directly.

Seeing this, Ivy frowned immediately: "Security !!

A order.

The security team, which has been standing in the interview room, quickly formed a wall.

They with big waists made these reporters present seem to realize their problems.

They stopped each other and sat back at the original seat honestly.

Ivy said coldly: "Everyone! People I invited you back! But I hope you can leave some decentness for yourself!

"Otherwise! I'm afraid next time, some of you are not qualified to be here!"

He really scared the complaints of these reporters.

But it does not mean that as the person in charge of the organizer, he is afraid of these reporters.

In terms of occupation, even if the reporters in front of them are thrown out, there will be no problems.The reporters sitting on the seat listened, and no one expressed dissatisfaction.Ivy also turned his head and looked at Beimo: "10 minutes, Beimo player! Please!" Bei Mo nodded, took Stan to visit the stage, facing a reporter present.Essence

"10 minutes! Time is as precious to you and me, start!"

When the words fell, some reporters had not reacted from the time limit of 10 minutes.

The response can already raise his hand, and Stan's signal can be asked.

"Hello Beimo, I am a reporter of the local Swiss New Global Magazine! My question is, you won the newcomer tour championship for the first time to participate in the professional competition! What do you feel?"

"At the age of 13, it has reached a world -class level. Looking at the history of tennis sport, it seems that no players who can compare with you among your peers!


"Are you also thinking about the outside world, the goal is to become the new legend of the future world online?"

The questioning of this female reporter also asked almost every reporter present, and wanted to know the answer.

Beimo looked at the opponent calmly: "I won the game that should be won, and there is no special feeling! The future goals .. It is not convenient to disclose!"


The brief answer makes the female reporter and the corners of the eyes of others twitch slightly.

There is no special feeling !?

Isn't it convenient to disclose?!

They didn't know how to write this answer for a while.

But soon, another reporter stood up again.

"Hello Beimo! I am a reporter from St. Roland, France! '

"I want to ask, I heard that before Beimo, you played tennis in Mi Guo! And known as the first day player of the Mi Guo!

"In addition to talent, those who guides you to learn tennis should also be top -well well -known coaches?"

"I don't know if I can disclose it?"

And he just finished speaking, Beibei glanced at him: "No!


The atmosphere of the entire interview began to embarrassed.

The reporters were holding the recording pen and the camera's hand.

They did not interview some "difficult" professional players.But at most, he was talking about him!

Like Beimo, the attitude of "exclusion" is almost written on the face.

Even the players who answered the content could be satisfactory.

It is the first time to meet!

But even so, these reporters can only press the anger of their hearts and continue to stand up and ask questions one after another.


Every time Beibei's answer, their faces are iron -blue.

Evan, who looked at the interview process, couldn't help laughing in his heart.

He expected Beimo to take it seriously, but he did not expect that the other party was so perfunctory.

He even doubted whether this interview continued!


The embarrassing question session has ended after 10 minutes.

When Bei Mo and Stan got up to leave, the reporters at the scene looked at each other one by one.

Maybe I can't help it.

One of the local middle -aged journalists stood up angrily and shouted towards Beimo: "Beimo! You plan to leave

"Only 10 minutes of interview time don't say, your answer is simply obscuring us! There is no sincerity!

"Your attitude just now is like the audience who treats you to see you! Indifferent! Dedication! Even I can feel you

Contempt for us!

Is it?


"Do you think you are qualified to be a professional player?! Is it your talent?!

Bei Mo, who was going to leave because the other party's shouting factories.

Stan even glaring at the reporter who said these words.

If it wasn't for Beibei's hand, he would have rushed to the reporter to apologize to the reporter.

The sudden situation made the reporters present could not help but set up a "long gun and short cannon" and aimed at Beimo and the reporter.


Bei Mo turned his head to look at each other, and his face was always calm.

"The time limit agreed before the interview is the 10 -minute time limit! You did not raise any objections, so the agreed to take effect naturally!"

"During the period! I made an answer every question, but I didn't say the answer you wanted to hear, so I was so angry that I was so angry.

"As for my talent enough to become a professional player. I think the results of today's game can prove this

These few words made some reporters present no longer a sense of guilty conscience.


They don't know how to refute.

The reporter who called Beibei obviously did not intend to end like this.

He was still unwilling, and even took the initiative to go from the three or four rows, and walked to Beibei in front of Beimo.

"Don't quibble! Your attitude is arrogant and arrogant!"

"You have never taken the audience and our reporters, right?"

"Otherwise, how can you treat this interview like this!"

"Just a moment of victory! Except for the once legend, no one can guarantee that he will not lose any game!

"Your arrogance and arrogance! It will definitely give you a price !!"

Whether it is a reporter or Ivey, when he hears these words, his complexion is tight.

This is completely torn!

Avo has even stepped forward, and the anal mouth was rounded.

But next second.

"That's right! I really don't care about your journalists and those who watch the game!"

In a moment.

Eva and the faces of all reporters present were full of shock.

Dare !!

They did not expect that Beibei, a 13 -year -old genius professional player, dared to admit it directly on such occasions!



Too crazy !!

Even those professional players standing in the upper layer of the pyramid are now, and they dare not announce this.

Speaking !!

How many media reporters and fans are you to offend?!!

The reporter who asked the question could not help swallowing a sip, apparently he was scared by Bei Mo's courage.

Even if I wanted to escape the problem with Beimo, the next question was already left behind.

This situation is not within his expected range !!

Bei Mo glanced at these reporters present, and took an interview microphone from the hands of a reporter on the side.

"I participated in this interview, there are only two reasons!


"First, the director Ivy personally asked me, so I don't mind spending 10 minutes, and change to a place for 10 minutes! Answer a few

A question!

"The second is that I know very well, instead of making you unable to complete today's interview, and afterwards, try everything to find me to complete your manuscript!

It's better to make both parties easier! "

"at last......"

"I don't mind saying a little more!"

"The World Professional League is essentially a platform for players. As a professional player, I don’t think I need to care about you

Or the audience's opinion!

Lost me!


"If you feel that my attitude is wrong, then I hope that some players who you feel that there is no problem with the attitude will appear in the game


"And the arrogance and arrogance in my mouth .. I don’t deny it! But I have my strength and talent as the basis


What about you? Is the microphone in the hands of the reporter?


He returned the microphone in his hand to the silly reporter around him, and turned his pocket and turned his head away.

Stan also watched these reporters present with a sneer, followed by the footsteps of Beimo, and left together.

Until the two left.

The reporters present came back.

"This ... damn !! He is too much !!

"I have never seen a rude professional player like him !!"


"He completely despised the identity of our reporters !!"

"We are obviously helping him !! Do you really think you can become the legend of the world's Internet with talents?!


"What's wrong with genius players?! I don't believe that he will not lose a game in his career !! I see him ...

. Can you still be so proud of now !! "(Watching the violent novel, just go to Novel Network!)

"Keke !! Although I don't want to admit it, at least this year's game, he should not lose a game! The 13 -year -old world

Level level! Is it enough to win the championship steadily in any newcomer tour?

"That's not necessarily !! The German U-17 team leader Polk, now also entered the door of the professional league at Denmark!

There is also a genius player Midorine who played a game with Amardis in Spain! Their talent and strength are not bad at all.


"Then the problem now is.

How to issue a press release? "

"Of course it is true !! Such a arrogant guy ... You must let him know !! The these he just said just now

What kind of consequences will be !! "


One time.

Although the reporters present came from different media institutions, they were already in the same camp with their enemies.

Ife has a headache at this time

But he is just the person in charge of the organizer. In addition to reporting today's situation to the high -level, he will deal with this kind of thing.

No !!

But he also knew.

I'm afraid to wait for these reporters to publicize the content of the interview just now.

The name Beibei will not only represent the unique tennis talent height of the world's Internet.

It will become the focus of many contradictions !!

Anyone who really lost any game in the later game !!

For this genius player, I am afraid it will cause turbulent public opinion.

After the interview, Beibei and Stan ended the interview and returned to the hotel directly.

Both are very clear.

The "farce" seemed to end the interview room.

But this incident will inevitably have a lot of consequences.

After Stein calm down, he was a little worried.

But Beimo didn't care.

Although my words are a bit straightforward, it is the fact itself!

Players, reporters, audiences.

The identity of the three is the different functions of the tennis movement.

Players cannot force reporters and exaggerate their performance in the game.

You can't force the audience to enter, and you can't watch the game!


The reporter's interview with players and the requirements of the audience also need to have some rationality.

Then take today's newcomer tour final.

Thousands of audiences of the audience's seats were looking forward to Ayidis before the start of the game.


Once the game changes, extreme negative emotions have begun to spread in audience seats.

The organizer also needs to arrange the staff to appease.

If Aydis itself made a mistake in the game, then all this is nothing.

However, the fact is that Ama's sale is only uneven.

So, after the game is over.

Those audiences who claimed that he was a "genius player" and "the legend of the future" would naturally not care about Beimo.

The wall grass itself is not sad.

The sadness is that its head is light and light, and any foreign side can make it dump.

Such dumping will change according to the wind direction at any time.

The same is true of those reporters!

The so -called expectations and support are just to prove their subjective judgment of accurate vanity!

the other side.

Swiss U-17 Training Camp.

A player dormitory.

Amdis was wrapped in gauze on his arm.(Zhao of Zhao) (Looking at the storm novel, go to Novel Network!)

In front of him, in addition to Patt with complex expressions, there is also a white -haired old man.

Qin Ouocii!

The current head coach of the Swiss U-17 team.

It can also be said to be one of the highly status coaches in Switzerland.

just now.

Ami Dis and Pitt have resumed today's game from the perspective of players and viewers.

Qin Ouociha closed his eyes and seemed to be thinking about it.

But soon, he slowly opened his simple eyes.

"Beimo, this name will be left in the history of the world of the world!"

"But the only difference is ... Can Switzerland U-17 leave a mark in his tennis career!

"Pete, I'm sure he did not join the Mi Guo U-172/

Patt focused.



"I'm sure! Although I found that Beimo and Reinhart must know, I have asked a leaving camp just from Mi Guo U-17

Soon high school students! "

"He has never seen Beimo in the training camp!


A certain answer, let Qin Ouociha's calm face also showed a smile.

"That's good......


"Otherwise, our invitation is not polite after all!

"Pitt! Tomorrow you and Ami Dis to find this genius player!

"No matter what, you need to try it!"

Pitter just wanted to agree, but no longer subconsciously glanced at Amaz's direction.


"The hotel where Beimo stayed in said, he continued the room for two more days! Obviously he didn't rush to leave Switzerland than after the race!"

"After the training in the morning, I go to the hotel to find him with you!"

Ami Dis slowly opened without any resistance.

As the current leader of the Swiss U-17 team, Amiidis knows his own position.

Even if he is looking for Beimo as a loser.

He won't resign!

Qin Ouociha stood up slowly, raised his hand to pat the other's shoulder: "Hard work! But if successful, everything is

worth it!"

[Today 2W characters! 1/4!]

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