0075 The possibility of mastering one of the new six roads! Beimo: Is it difficult to hit the ball?

Side side of the street.

"Beibei, hello! Although we have seen one side when you play with Amardis yesterday!

"But allow me to introduce myself now!"

"Pitt Lamy! Swiss U-17 representative team high school student player!


Pitt Lanbeier took the initiative to reach out to Beimo and said slowly.And in his heart, he was also very satisfied with his decision to leave a note before!

at the moment.

At least the attitude of Beimo's attitude towards Switzerland's U-17, the craftsman did not resist!

Otherwise, the other party will not appear here now!

As Bei Mo shook hands with him, he saw that the other nodded at Stan.His move also represents the importance of himself to some extent.

Not only are you paying attention to yourself, but even the people around you have got the heavy weight!

And even if Stan does not have a cold in the Swiss U-17 people, but so-called reaching out without laughing, nodded in response

"Beimo. I am Duke Watanabe! I am ..

"I know, the former French U-17 team player! Destruction king! But now ... it's neon U-17



Duke's self -introduction in Watanabe had just opened his head, and Bi Mo opened his mouth lightly.

One time.

Stein, Pete, and Duke Watanabe were a little surprised.

Stan just recognized Duke Watanabe.

As a training camp in Germany, he is now an assistant and agent of Beimo even if he is now in Beimo.

I dare not say that the players of the U-17 teams in various countries around the world.

However, as long as the training camp database has the U-17-day talent information, he still keeps his heart.

Duke Watanabe's performance in the U-17 World Cup last year was naturally qualified to belong to it.

"May 1st" but not.

Compared to a year ago, the other party was obviously a lot strong, and he recognized it after carefully looking at it.

What he didn't expect was that Beimo actually said that Duke added neon U-17!

France U-17 ?!

Neon U-17 ?!

Between the two ..... Both fools know how to choose?

Pitte and Duke Watanabe are unexpectedly something that Beimo knows, more than they expect!

Then, then

Since the opponent is not a player of the Mi Guo U-17 team, the other party has no possibility of contacting the source!

In addition to talent and strength, the aura representing the mysterious ones has begun to shine.

Beibei ignored the strange eyes of Pete and Duke Watanabe, and took a few steps forward to watch the Phoenix of the Almidis peaceful courtyard in the game court.

"You haven't answered my question yet, and come to me deliberately! Just to let me see the game of the two of them?"

Beibei came to this street court and was surprised to see what was happening in front of him.

I thought Pitt Lamyil came here to come here, and I invited myself to join Ritan 3:17 alone!

I did not expect .. It would be such a situation now!

Although I plan to stay in Switzerland for a few more days, I just want to see when the Phoenix of Equal Academy took the initiative to find Ah

Madis, complete this fate between the two !!

But from the moment, this confrontation has begun!

Pitter walked to Beimo, and his mouth rose: "Since Beimo, you even added Duke • Watanabe. He joined the neon U-17

It is also known that you must also recognize who the players in the game with Amardis!



He came to Beimo with the Phoenix of Emartis and the Phoenix of Equal Council, but he briefly told the accidents.


The two sides "ghosts" and deceiving each other to leave the hotel, but he was skipped directly.

He was embarrassed to confess to the target figure of Beimo.

"In other words .., in order to invite me to join! So, the Phoenix of Amardis peaceful courtyard Phoenix is in this way,

Determine the right to invite? "

Beibei's summary made Peit nodded with a smile: "You can say that! However, I think the game should end soon!

"Ami Dis .. Win!

The words fall !!

I saw Amardis's backhand a beautiful and precise frontcourt intercept, and the next goal from the Phoenix of the Equal Court.


When Patt Yoyou reported the score, he also deliberately compared Mo Mo smiled: "The big score 3! Amaqius ... .. Lead!"

But Duke on the side hummed: "Aydis is not weak! But ... the head is not so easy to be defeated!"

"Don't be happy too early !!

Pitter obviously did not intend to refute with Duke Watanabe on this issue, but just spread his hands and signaled that the competition was over.

Know the answer!

Bei Mo stood quietly by the court, since he didn't say anything.

Stein came over and watched the two of the two of the Amadis in the game.

"Beimo, shouldn't we go?


"There should be no suspense in this game!


Beibei laughed: "Oh, do you think Armadis will inevitably win?

Stein nodded without hesitation.


"Of course! Isn't it? Even if the Phoenix of this equal courtyard is not bad in the game last year!

But if compared to Ami Dis, the gap is still too big! "

In this regard, Beimo is not available!

At this stage.

The strength gap between these two guys is naturally very obvious.

But if you are only talented, the Phoenix of the Equal Academy is obviously stronger than Amiidis!

Although the other party is not as good as the "legend" talent such as Longya and Yueqian Nanyan.


The reason why strength cannot be compared with Aydis is because of the neon altar itself!

At the stage of basic training of the underlying player.

The training system completed by a world tennis country such as Switzerland and Germany is unmatched by the neon net altar!

Players with the same talent level, the starting line in different environments is both an objective substantial difference!

Tennis system for neon teenagers.

Although there are regional competitions in elementary school students, national competitions for middle school students, and high school students national competitions.

It seems to attach great importance to the training of young tennis.

But where the potential of talent players can be completely stimulated, he has only three 17th training camp!


Germany, Switzerland, France ... even the fifth -ranked rice country today!

At the age of 10-14, as a teenager competition, he puts elementary school players and middle-aged players in the same competition.

Stadium to compete.

Directly to make the age condition became the first difficulty to overcome each youth player.

Similarly, this has also led to the vision of technology and tactics, which is much wider than neon teenagers of the same age.

Tennis training institution, experienced tennis coach.

Even youth scouts, and local retired professional players, contributed in tennis development ...

This is the height that the neon network cannot reach at this stage!

The gap has become increasing !!

The fundamental reason for all this is also due to the different positions of various countries in the world of the world.

Originally, Yueyou Nanjiro was a key figure that made the neon's "break".


The neon net altar did not let the legend look at them, nor did they win this opportunity.

Today, this time period.

The diamond -headed generation headed by the Phoenix of Equalist Courtyard came into being.

Really allowing the Phoenix of the Equal Academy to be able to catch up with those people such as Ami Dis, and even realize the opportunity to surpass.

... is behind the other party's door to open the door of hell !!

That is, in this fate with Amiidis, the Phoenix of Equal Academy must do!

Whether it is the more mature Bawang tennis style in the future.

After the deep grasp of Ashura Shinto, the cost of gambling on life, the "Alaya consciousness" opened.

Or the power of different dimensions!

All the source comes from this hell abyss gate.

The reason why Beibei is very concerned about this game now.

At first, it may be just curious, and to witness the fate in order to "make fun".

But later because he was playing with Amardis, he felt the atmosphere of Hell Shinto for the first time.

Over the past year, he has studied Liu Dao's skills, and he feels some kind of inspiration.

Six techniques !!

The heavens are seamless and human is impermanent.

Shura is fearless, and hungry ghosts have no fruit.

Beasts are widowed, hell is bitter!

Humanity, hungry ghosts, and beasts have completed the clear construction direction and future direction.

But the remaining Tiandao, Shura Road, Hell Road!

Even after more than a year of research in the U-17 camp in Germany, Mo Zhe had no special progress.


At the final of yesterday, when he saw Aydis's opening of Hell Shinto, he inexplicably produced a wave of waves in his heart.

This wave makes him very familiar !!

Because of this feeling, it was like three years ago. In front of Yueqian Nanjiro and Yueqian Longya, he was under a pouring rain.

The spiritual light when [impermanence] appears !!

Unfortunately, he did not firmly grasp this feeling yesterday.


At this time, there was a guess in Beimo !!

Perhaps this game of the Phoenix and Asseli of Equality Courtyard.

Be able to give him this kind of "light -consuming" enlightenment again !!

Maybe ...

This kind of inspiration, as long as you see the Phoenix of the Pinglian Courtyard pushed away the door of the hell for the first time ...

It will really appear !! (Watching the storm novel, just go to Novel Network!)

at the same time.

Although the Phoenix of Amadis Peace Academy in the court also discovered the arrival of Beimo.

But they will not be distracted in the game.

Amardis had just lost to Beimo the day before, and today he will not allow himself to taste the taste that defeats others.

The Phoenix of the Equal Court was gloomy, and there was no discouraged, but the fighting spirit became more and more vigorous.

The aura on his body also burst out with his fighting spirit.


Ami Dis raised his hand to take a shot. In the face of the phoenix of the equal courtyard of this ball, the status of the whole person's game was obviously more mad, scored

The offensive is more rich. 2.

One time.

Amardis couldn't resist as easy as before.

5, 6 rounds after offense and defense.

The Phoenix's eyes were cold, and the ball stood in front of the ball, that is, Momoto drink: "Ami Dis !! Destroy !!


The dazzling golden light on the ball blooms in the game.

Pitter's pupils outside the court shrink.

He saw that the ball of the Phoenix of the Equal Court is not easy

Bright ball !!

But it is not just a light strike, it is an extremely integrated light strike that has a glimpse of the universal style !!

Bright Ball -Destruction?!

Duke Watanabe raised slightly at the corner of his mouth at this time.

As a follower of the Phoenix of the Equal Academy, the birth of the light shock was witnessed, but he witnessed him with his own eyes.

In this ball, the explosive power of the sweet area has been expanded to the extreme !!

The impact of the ball also broke through the height of the technical level !!

With the opponent's currently close to the sweet area of 12 goals, he played a goal.

It is even comparable to the players who have played a level in 12 goals.

He believes this ball, and he will definitely hit Ami Dis caught off guard!

Stein, who did not think that Phoenix in the equal courtyard, had a surprise look at this time.

Outside the court, the most calm look is naturally Beimo.

Although this ball is indeed the use of a sweet spot skills, it has erupted to some ultimate offensive hit!


For Amiidis, it is still so worse!

Inside the court.

Amiidis stared at the ball that Phoenix's Phoenix played at the Equality Council, almost instantly reacted, and put it out.


The dazzling golden light and the horror power on the ball.

As if it could not affect his determination to wave the racket.

"Phoenix of Equal Academy !!"

"Do you think ... Who are you going to destroy?!

The cold sound sounded from the mouth of Amiidis.


Following that the racket in his hand was blocked by the shock ball and made a dull hit.

Duke Watanabe, outside the Phoenix and Stadium of the Equal Academy.

The golden light bloomed by the shock ball was quickly dim.

This also means that the explosiveness and impact of this sweet -speaking hit is constantly offset.

Don't wait for the two to respond.

The ball was rebounded quickly.

At the moment of flying over the ball, Phoenix of the Elimination Courtyard only felt that his sight was completely shrouded in darkness.

Originally there was only one stadium lighting headlight, at this time more like a candle that was blown out, and could not give him any help.


** Akoj Akaj Ako !!

When a dark ball was smashed in the abdomen of the Phoenix of the Equal Court, it made it painful to the screams.

Duke Watanabe outside the court returned to God. If he could not take care of the game, he would rush into the court.

He recognized it !!

It's a dark hit !!

At the U-17 World Cup last year, Amardis played when facing Polk, playing in the last game of the key goal of the key goal

Come out.

The emergence of this ball made everyone who followed him knew that he had his own unique understanding in sweet technology!

Complete the general sense 3.8, other hitting use except the medical hitting !!

Dead corners of special sweetness in the dead corner and strength presenting a one -to -one proportion !!

However, although the ball was scored in Port's hands at that time, it was not able to show the second time!

Therefore, at that time, Ami Dis did not really develop this goal in the real sense !!

In the match with Beimo yesterday, the Phoenix and him who saw that Amardis opened the Ashura Shinto and did not suppress it.

Strike the ball.

The two thought that the other party had not explored the correct way to master the ball over the past year.

Who thinks ...

It actually played at this time !!

The most important thing is that because of the environmental relationship of the stadium in itself, the weird to the pole of the ball, the hidden hit

The ball trajectory cannot be captured.

Even if the ball hitting the ball is compared to the light strike, it is not a prominent point.

But by such a positive, Duke Watanabe does not think that the Phoenix of the Equal Court can not be hurt!

"Duke !! Go out !!"

Duke • Watanabe just stepped into the game stadium, the Phoenix body of the equal house trembled violently, and there was a struggling pain in his throat.

The sound of bitterness.

Even though he was hit by Amardis's ball, he did not raise the idea of ending the game.

"It's really stubborn ..." Pitter looked out at the court that Phoenix Phoenix wanted to get up, and couldn't help shaking.

The head whispered softly.

In his eyes, the toughness of the Phoenix of the Equal Academy is indeed worthy of recognition.

after all.

It is certain to be hit by a sweet spot!

Speaking, he turned to look at Beimo: "When he played with you, he did not show this ball!"

"Strike the ball! I don't know how to evaluate Beimo?"

Beibei glanced at him.(Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

"Strike the ball ... is it difficult?"

[Today 2w! 4/4!].

reminds you: Three things for reading -collection, recommendation, sharing_! (BIR


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