0082 The incredible result! The endorsement of the professional association?!


Harvey Legend Magazine.

"Editor !! There is news !! The Vocational Association has announced it !!


"What?! Finally posted !! Hurry up !! Let me see !!


In the magazine, a middle -aged man with a large figure rushed to a computer, and the young man who was sitting in front of the screen

Squeeze away.


A pair of eyes almost stuck directly on the computer screen.

[About the Newcomer Tour Amster Station Beimo Player Speech Promotion Announcement]

The middle -aged man quickly opened.


A brief response announcement appeared in front of him.

"Public opinion caused by Beimo players, the professional association conducted internal discussion at the fastest time, and reached the following conclusions

"One! During the game, there is no case where Beimo players maliciously hurt the opponent players! The following is the analysis of the eagle eye playback video and hitting data!

"Therefore, the results of the North Mo player and the Morais Kamobu player remain unchanged! The Beibei player will advance to the newcomer tour of the Amster Station in the next round!"

"Two! After the competition, Beibei players have a certain degree of provocative remarks on the audience and the reporter media present.

"Three! Professional associations are not only managing professional players, the organization of the World Professional League, but also to develop the progress of the world's altar!"

"I hope all players, audiences and tennis media can be objective and independent! Face any comparison with a good attitude



When the editor -in -chief of the Harvey Legend Ball Magazine saw here, those who persuaded the audience fans and media reporters later should not be ignored by him by the response content of a player with the wave.

The fat body was paralyzed on the office chair, and everyone was afraid that he would sit down the chair in the next second.

As the editor -in -chief, he saw the response announcement of this professional association.

Now my eyes are trembling, I don't know what to do.

How can it be!!

Is the Vocational Association who is so optimistic about Beimo?!

Actually, the anger of the audience and media reporters who pay attention to the World Professional League must also keep this genius player!

This is simply using the entire professional association to "endorse" for it !!

As for the fine of 10W Euros?!

What is this punishment for Beimo?!

In the last game at the newcomer tour of Zurich Station, the champion bonus received by the opponent was enough to pay ten times !!

And now ...

This response announcement of the Vocational Association also threw the problem in front of these ball publications.

In response to this response announcement, how should they write it?!

There are only three options.

The first!

As before!

From the perspective of accusing Beimo, this time the professional association is also used as the goal of bombardment!

The original output of public opinion effects will be further expanded, and the Insurance Professional Association pressures!

The second!

Vaguely, it does not amplify the content of the announcement.

Just use some words to easily bring all today's group feelings.

The third type!

Conduct this response announcement of the Professional Association!

The rotating muzzle is directly pointed at the audience who are targeted at Beimo.

And play a certain guidance role to transfer the contradiction target points from Beimo.

In these three methods, he was hesitant.

Although his response to the professional association announced the content of the professional association, he couldn't believe it.

But rational tells him.

Now that the Professional Association has decided to send it out, it must be ready for all cope.

Similarly, 给 is to give these media unbelievable!

Beibei, a 13 -year -old talent, will be the key players of the World League in the future.

Do you want to become the "enemy" of the Professional Association for a moment of anger?

As the editor -in -chief of the ball magazine, he must consider this.

So ... now the first way of writing is undoubtedly unreachable !!

The second type of writing is bland and there is no specific content.

Can't increase the sales and attention of ball publishing!

There is only the third direction ...

It is the best choice of writing for this incident !!

After thinking about it.

He shouted to all the editors and reporters around him: "Quick! Everyone puts down all the jobs at hand! The next issue of the ball journal is a personal special issue in Beimo ~~!!

"Summarize all the information of his past in the country!


"The direction of writing starts with his tennis talent! And, the interviewer who has watched him in the Mi Kingdom! I need them to distance

Response on the front! "

This order made all reporters and editors present widened his eyes and stayed in place.

Where they can't hear, their editor -in -chief means "anti -water" !!

Seeing them stunned in place, motionless.

As soon as a middle -aged man patted the table, he shouted in a hurry: "What are you doing?! Do things !!


Now everyone reacted, and one by one turned to start busy.

The same thing also happened on the well -known ball publication media of various countries around the world.

Almost 99 % of the media have made the same choice !!

No one is a fool!

It seems that the audience and their media reporters have occupied the advantages of public opinion.


do not forget!!

The Vocational Association represents the highest competition in the world, the attitude of the professional tennis league !!

The right to speak in the event is in the hands of the professional association. No matter how troublesome the public opinion is, it cannot shake this fact !!

To put it bluntly, the media is still based on the deep -rooted tree of the Professional Association.

So how to choose, they are like the mirror in their hearts!


Even if they are "anti -water", they still cannot imagine that the professional association will actually put her attitude for a 13 -year -old boy

The degree shows this level.

The players who can make the professional association have such risks and publish this "endorsement" announcement.


In the orphanage of Madrid, Spain.

"Longya !! Have you seen it? Beibei is okay !! Professional association is supporting him !!

Longya Longya listened to the sound of Reinhart's excitement in his headphones, and his mouth raised slightly.

!! ""

"I said Leinhart, don't worry too much!"


"With the talent of the boss on tennis, plus the influence of the old man in the world of the world! It is nothing to deal with this kind of thing

"Okay, don't say it! It's time to go to the game!


Swiss U-17 Training Camp.

The two people and Pitt looked at the content of the response announcement issued by the Professional Association in the computer page.

The two looked at each other.(Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

Ami Dis took a deep breath and said, "The Professional Association actually valued him so much ..."

Pitt reluctantly leaned on the back of the chair, shook his head and whispered:

"Actually, there is also a good! 13 -year -old world -class! Still starting the world -class player of Hell Shinto!


"This unprecedented tennis talent in the history of the world of the world! Even if things are so big, the professional association will not

Give him up like this! "

twenty two

"On the contrary, their attitude now explains a bit more!"

"Just as those media praised Beimo before, the Professional Association also regarded Beimo as the legend of the world's online world !!

Speaking, he talked a meal, showing a touch of emotion.

"The birth of a legend of a new world network will cause the world's online altar to develop to a higher level !!

In the hospital ward.


The Phoenix and Duke Watanabe of the Equal Academy looked at the announcement of the announcement on the computer screen, with different expressions.

Duke • Watanabe couldn't believe what I saw !!

"10W European fines?! It's just such a penalty?!"

"What are the seniors of professional associations thinking?! This way of dealing with this ... ... They are not afraid of being by the world's tennis media

Is it a physical attack?


"Those professional players will also protest?" [014005011 060510440]

At this time, the Phoenix of the Equal Court apparently had a completely different point of view with the other party.

"Duke! Don't you understand yet?"

"Can make such a decision! Those seniors of the Vocational Association will not think of these?"

Duke Watanabe stunned.

The Phoenix of the Equality Court sneered and spoke again: "It is not important to hurt people on the court, even the U-17 World Cup! This kind of advance

Attractive hitting, as long as it meets the basic score rules! No one will care! "

"The important thing is the remarks of Beimo!"

"It seems that he is arrogant and does not look at the audience and reporter media!


"But from another perspective, not only did he say wrong, but also asked the Professional Association to take him as an opportunity to adjust the ball

The relationship between members, audiences and media reporters! "

"And those professional players you are talking about ..."

"Don't be too naive! Which active player you really stood at the apex of the world of the world, evaluate Beimo's remarks

Is it?! "

"They are all very clear. If everything can be implemented according to the set of Beibei, players are no longer subject to the so -called media

And audience! It's also a good thing for them!

"Only some like to find the existence waste under the touting of the audience and the media! Only for various reasons, blame the North

Mo's remarks! And those waste, career association care? "

He said that there was a little expectation in his eyes.

The idea of wanting to complete the game with Beimo in my heart is even more strong.

Germany U-17 Training Camp.

In the office of Reitru, Bismarck cheered.

Even Schneider, Bolk, Q.P, full of smiles.

They just read the announcement of the Occupation Association's announcement, and they were already clear that Beibei was okay this time!

The "endorsement" of the Vocational Association is enough to make a considerable number of people dumb!

Reitru answered a call from Sigmund on the side.

When he hung up the phone, it was difficult to hide his joy on his face.

"Everyone, just received the news from Mr. Sigmond!"

"This response announcement of the Professional Association is determined by all association directors! So the Professional Association's attitude towards Beimo's attitude towards Beimo


You should understand it too, right?

The eyes of the four Borde's eyes brightened.

All association directors voted?!

This method determines things ... it is almost impossible to change !!

It also shows that Beimo's talent and strength have officially entered the vision of the professional association.


Bork couldn't help but speak: "What about the media? If they just continue to lead public opinion, the professional association will continue there

Continue to speak for Beimo?

Reitru waved his hand: "You don't have to worry about this! Local German balls have clearly stated that standing in Beimo and Professional Association


"Another Sigmond

Mr. also received the news, and most of the media and publications made the same decision! They will not be stupid enough to work with the Professional Association

Attitude to confront! "

"Even if there are some media that want to continue to provoke contradictions, they will be eliminated by the professional association to remove any cooperation name of any competition.



The four of the Boerke listened, and the big stone in his heart was completely landed.


In the top hotel suite in Amster.

”” - "

There was a towel hanging around Beimo's neck, and he continued to run on a treadmill.

Just now.

Stan has told him the content of the response of the Career Association.

And the content of this announcement made him a little surprised!

Although he did not feel that he should be punished, but there was not so much in the world.

Right or wrong can be the criterion for personal judgment.

However, it is difficult to become a professional association. It is necessary to consider the organization of many factors and the criteria for judging.

Beibei is ready.

As long as you do not directly cancel the identity of your professional player, or a penalty for a full ban on the newcomer tour.

He can accept it!

who knows.

The only penalty is just a fine of 10W Euros!

And this result also made Beimo's guess ... There are absolutely the reason for the old man!

When in Switzerland, the other party once said that at least it would ensure that their newcomer tour this year was successfully completed.


Seeing the mobile phone placed on the treadmill slightly vibrated, and saw the name of the caller display, Beibei stopped the running treadmill.

Pick it up.

"Old man."


On the other side of the phone, there was a light words that Nangjiro, Yueyue, as always: "Yo! Listening to your tone, it seems to guess my meat

Give you anal call!


"This time I helped you solve this trouble, but I paid a lot of money!"

Beibei walked down the treadmill and sat down in the suite sofa.

He heard the "small price" in the other's mouth, and he frowned slightly.

"What price?"

Although I don’t regret what I do, in the final analysis, Beibei never wants to cross the front of Nanjiro because he sacrifice too much.


Next second.

"I was set up in the position of the professional association's director !! Your kid knows that I was in order to push off this position


How many excuses do you think?

"That group of old guys are old foxes one by one! Every time I will happen every time in the future, I have to participate in them.

Well, vote! "

"It's annoying (Li? Zhao) !!


Bei Mo heard that his cheeks were unclear.

This is ... the price?! Director of the Vocational Association.

This position represents one of the leaders of the development direction of the world.

How many people dare not even think about it.

Bei Mo even thinks that the other party calls himself with a show off.

Others thought of it, but the other party was stuffed into the hand.

"Old man, I still feel that I owe you a great relationship! Now, I hope I am concerned!"

"You call me deliberately, shouldn't you just tell me this?"

On the other side of the phone, Yueqian Nanjiro skimped his mouth, but did not continue to make fun of joking, and said again:

"Okay! Say right!" (Seeing the violent novel, go to Novel Network!)

"You are my student, all those old guys in the association know!"


Half a few people think that everything you do is okay, and half of the people think you are too aggressive! Some things need to be changed

But it is not that simple to change!

"So! Although the professional association is standing behind you this time, you have to take a step back a little! Do you understand what I mean?"

Eye Nanta Lang's words made Bei Mo pick up his eyebrows.

to be honest!

The tolerance of the Vocational Association exceeded his expectations.

I was thinking that I had supported myself so much, and I would inevitably be forced to restrain myself.

However, just take a step back, Beimo is not a person who drilled the horns.

Stretching your hand without laughing.

The face is given by both sides!

In this battle, I have won very beautifully!

"I can promise! As long as I don't take the initiative to provoke me, I won't take heavy hands!


"But if you meet like today ... the guy who wants to step on my climbing up!"

"Let them pray that they will not meet me in the game!


This answer made the front of the phone on the corner of Yuejiro's mouth.[014005011 060510440]

"No problem! That kind of guy, you can hit it casually!"

"When I was young, I didn't beat these guys!"

[Today 2W! 3/4].

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