0098 Xiaojin Yizhong Town! Tezuka: Bing Emperor found their future pillars!

Bingdi player seat.

After watching the referee's list of the players of the single 3 competition, I had already held the auction and stood up, preparing to play Yuanshan.

Kim Taro.

"Xiao Jin! It's time for you to perform!"

"Hey! Uncle Taro, you can rest assured! I won't lose!

"No! This is your first official participation in the public game! And your first game! You are not just to win! And

And be sure to win!

Yuanshan Jinsuro scratched his head, obviously he didn't quite understand what it meant to win beautiful.

When he looked at Jingwu on the side, the latter inserted his pocket and laughed with a smile: "Coach Kataro means .. Let you play your own name and momentum in this game !!


"This way! In the future, any opponent does not dare to underestimate you when you face you on the court! Even you have to be afraid!

"This is what a tennis player can suppress the opponent in addition to his personal strength!


Yuanshan Jinsuro nodded like an unknown place: "The sooner he gets the game, the better?"

"Okay! I still want to try in the game. The high hanging ball I trained last night!

"Since this is the case .............. I'll do my best!

Speaking, he walked in the racket towards the stadium.

Looking at the figure of him towards the stadium, the corners of the lips of Kotaro and Konatsu, the Ministry of Hiroshi, showed a smile.


Junwu Youyou said: "I heard that Tezuka found a first -year first -year ghost! Uncle Ben wants to see. The moment Xiao Jin showed his strength! Is that little ghost a genius!"

Sitting on the seat, he helped the glasses and said softly: "Xiao Jin's opponent in this game ... Fuji Yu

Too? It is said that there is a title of left -handed killer! Moreover, he also has a identity! The younger brother of Qingxue for two weeks! Last year's first grade transferred from Qingxue to Santu Dufu!


Xiang Ren waved his hand: "Oh! Endure! Brother is brother! Brother is your brother! Is it possible that you can think this is better than his brother.


"What's more ... even if it is a non -two weeks, it may not be an incomplete opponent! If this Fuji Yu is too strong,

His brother's genius player: How can you let you go! "

This analysis made it rare to re -examine each other.

"On the day, you have recently improved the IQ!


"Damn !! Tolerance !! You can say something !!"



The Emperor Bing Emperor was echoing.

As a coach, Taro did not participate, and his eyes were always locked on Taro Taro.

In his eyes ...

Although the Yuanshan 463 Kim Tae Tarram was trained with Beimo, he joined the Bingdi Academy.

But the other party is different from Beimo.

Beimo is a professional player, and it is already the third grade of middle school!

At most, they will only stay in this national competition in Bing Emperor !!

Taro Yoshan Jinsuro will continue to stay in the Bingdi Tennis Department in the future !!

And the other party is just the first grade now !!

Wait until the second grade ?!

Third grade?!

Once the "Emperor" of the "Emperor" of the Ministry of Trace, the Yuanshan Kamotaro is destined to be the Bing Emperor tennis whether it is talent or strength.

The future successor of the ministry !!


He believes.

With the speed and growth potential of the other party, the other party will definitely bring the Bingdi Academy to an unprecedented new height in the future!


This is what he expects to see the most as a coach of the tennis department !!

And all of this, the waist starts from the first game of the opponent's right now !!

The younger brother of genius ...


For the future of the Bing Emperor Tennis Department, you will become the first ..... Stonestone !!

And on the other.

St. Lodifu player seat.

A flat -headed junior high school student held the racket with a slight fierce color, and said to the same ugly curls in front of the face in front of him:

"Watch the moon! You can rest assured! I won't lose this game!

Having said that, he looked at the short figure who had walked to the court court, and said coldly: "The Bing Emperor is really arrogant! This Yuanshan Jintaro ..... It's just a freshman in the first grade!

"They are working with our St. Rudorf as a sparring!"

At the beginning of Guanyue, I watched the bad anger that had already risen, and the expression on her face eased a little.

When I walked to the other side, the tone and strangely said softly, "Yu Tai, yes! Keep your anger in your heart now!

In the game, take a little color for this first -year little ghost!


"Although I don't have this first -year data, I believe that the real experience will definitely stain him!

"Don't forget your ultimate goal! Qingxue ... But the first round of competition has been completed! If we lose to

Bing Emperor, you have no chance to play in front of so many people in front of so many people! "

"How do you prove that you are the second Yuxia! Not ... What about the brother who has assisted you?"

This remark made Fuji Yu look too gloomy.

"I know what to do !!"

The anger is even more angry.


He walked towards the stadium with a shot.

At the beginning of Guanyue, Shen Tu breathed a sigh of relief: "Bing Emperor ... Damn! Why did you encounter the Bing Emperor in the first round!




His words made the players who lost two doubles on the side ashamed.

As the minister, Akawa Kirang couldn't help but apologize: "Sorry! Watch the moon, even with your data, we still

Lost! "

At the beginning of Guanyue, he said coldly: "After these things take the Bing Emperor, let's talk!

Level opportunity!


"Even in the face of Jingwu in the Ministry of Trace ... My winning percentage is above 50%!"

His self -confidence made Akawa Jezawa and others look at each other.

In the face of Jingwu, the Emperor Emperor's Trail, can there be more than 50%of the winning rate?!

But now.

However, they didn't say much, for fear of stimulating it to the beginning of the moon at the beginning of the moon.

"Eh !! It is really the first -year ghost !! Bing Emperor actually sent the first -year player to serve as a singles No. 3!

Isn't this a chance?

"That's it !! Can't you wait to cultivate the future Bing Emperor?


"San Ludorfu, this is the best ... The name is so familiar !! I remembered it, is it the Qingxueqing group?

The brother who helps for two weeks?

"That's right! It's him! But why is he not in Qingxue, but at the St. Rudorf Academy?"

"Who knows! Instead of me, I must go to Qingxue! There is a week to help such a brother to accompany him to practice the ball. It is estimated that he is in

The election of Qingxue is only a matter of time!


(Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

Far away from the remote corners of the people watching people, standing in two figures wearing Qingxue is choosing a ball uniform.

It is the first round of the game that has just ended.

The former mainly came to see the game of his brother Fuji Yutai.

Fortunately, Yinhua Middle School was not strong, and he caught up with the single line 3.

The latter came with it for two weeks to help.

In addition, as the minister of the Qingxue Tennis Department, he also wanted to watch Bing Emperor's real experience this year.

I didn't expect.

The game has not yet begun.

The voice of the identity of Yu Tai has permeated.

Looking at the appearance of a slightly worried look around me, Tezuka Guoguang guessed that the other party was afraid of the current remarks, which affected his brother.

Brother's play in the game.

Then he said softly: "Fuji, when your brother left the tennis department, I also felt a pity!"

"But if this is his choice! You only need to be the regiment of him!


After two weeks, he smiled and shook his head: "It's my fault! Yu Tai has suffered a lot of pressure! Even playing a game, you have to

Discussion by the outside world!


"And now, he has always wanted to prove his strength and talent, and he finally had a chance!

Grade little guy!

"I'm afraid that even if he is beautiful to win the game, no one will recognize him!

Speaking, he couldn't help but sigh.



For this game that has not yet started.

After two weeks of help, the heart also has the same opinion as most people present.

Although, his brother's strength is indeed not a player in the first echelon of the neon tennis tennis industry.

But as a second grade, the real experience has been sent to the capital level level.

This game. There is no glory to win.

In the game.

Due to the rotation of the goal right, Yuanshan Kim Taro held tennis and stood at the bottom line of the serve.


He looked at the opposite side of the court, and at this time he stared at his opponent badly, feeling somehow.

"Hey! Little brother! Should we meet for the first time? Why do we feel like I have provoked you!"

"It's easy! Even if we are an opponent! It's just a game!"

And what he said at this time, that is, Fuji Yu Tai is regarded as a provocative of unknown heights.

"Less nonsense! You Bing Emperor look down on people first! Actually let you play in the first grade!

"San Ludov Academy is not the object of you to practice!"

Everyone at the competition site could feel his inner anger from his tone.

Fuji Yu Tai is not just aimed at Yuanshan Jinsaro.


Those school students outside the court have raised his anger to a vertex!

He just wants to prove it with his own background ...

He is him !!

Two Yu Tai !!

It's not just the younger brother of Qingxue !!

Stan, who stands in the crowd, has guess what he has guessing from the emotional state and external discussion of the outside world.

It's! ""

"As a younger brother who is recognized as a talented player. I was anxious to prove myself!"

"But! Now it has become the opponent of Xiaojin's first -year player! Is self -esteem?


"Unfortunately ... Although I don't know what his strength is! But I think he may suffer a lot of blows

"Beimo, what do you think?

Seeing Stan's look at himself, Beimo said lightly: "The talent is not high, the strength is not good! There must be a preparation for facing failure!"

at the same time.

Yuanshan Jinsuro frowned slightly.

When will I look down on each other?

He has a feeling of being regarded as a "outlet".

"Huh! Who wants to practice your hands!"

"This is also the first time I have a official game! I'm angry!"

Taro Taro, who was also in his heart, shouted, and threw the tennis in his hand in the eyes of everyone.


In addition to the members of the Bing Emperor Tennis Department and Beimo,

No one cares about a goal he is about to play.

Not to mention that it has been negatively affected, and it has affected the mentality.

Although I was preparing to pick up the ball, my eyes were full of disapproval.

When Yuanshan Jinsuro took a jump in place, showing exaggerated bouncing power, the people suddenly stressed at the falling tennis.

"嘭 !!"

The dull hit sound made Tezuka Guoguang and Fu two weeks help the two of them shrank.

Don't wait for the two people's face to show a surprise.

A yellow -green ball has gone straight into the stadium of Yu Taiyu.

The latter as the person who faced the serve, he was dumbfounded.

Until the tennis impact on the ground of his stadium, he burst quickly by reaction.

He captured a trajectory of the ball.

But want to fight back .. It is undoubtedly a dream!

His physical response could not support him at all.

"哐 !!"

Tennis impact on the iron wire guardrail of the stadium on the field, making a loud noise.

The ball body was just inlaid in the grid.

"Ice Emperor Yuanshan Kim Taro scored! 15-0!"

When the referee announced the score of this goal, he couldn't help looking at the Yuanshan Kamotaro who played the serve.

This ball just now ... It's hard to imagine that it can be played by the first grade middle school students !!

San Ludov player seat.

Originally, I had already waited for Fuji Yu Tai to win the game at the beginning of the game, and opened their mouths one by one.

What do you do?!

Such a strong serving ... It was actually played by the first grade of the Bing Emperor?!


Why can the first grade freshmen play such a serve?!

What exaggerated ball speed and strength is this?!

"This first grade ... is the level of Kanto -level!" As the only Kuanda -level player in the team, although Akawa Kyolang

His face was full of confidence, but he had to admit this fact!

Putting aside tennis inlaid in the fence net grid, or array is a factor in luck.


But the speed and strength of hitting the ball can't lie!

"Impossible! What are the jokes when you reach the Kanto level in the first grade!


"The Qingxue, the front, is just the level of the conference level! How can the little ghost of Bing Emperor be the Kanto -level!"

"This serving must be a coincidence! It must be!"

Regardless of whether others believe in other people in San Ludor, they shouted irritable at the beginning of the month.

Even his complexion began to sting.

Even if he was very clear, Chizhi Jirang was based on the serve just appeared, and the judgment conclusion was objectively given.


Once you agree with this view!

Doesn't it mean that this game has just begun, and the conference level level is the best, just in the absolute disadvantage in strength?

Once the opponent loses, then the National Contest of St. Lodif to stop at the first round of the national conference this year!

This is what he can't accept at the beginning of the month!



The school students who watched the competition in the audience returned to God after the referee announced the comparison.

"The first grade of Bing Emperor is so strong?!"

"I heard a heavy hitting sound just now! Then I scored! Too exaggerated?! He is really the first grade


"I thought that the first grade of Qingxue was already very strong! Now it seems that the Bing Emperor is not lost at all!


To, I feel that Yuanshan Kanotaro is even better! (Looking at the storm novel, just go to Novel Network!) "The bouncing power of this grade is also amazing! He just jumped in place, I thought he was under his feet. Where is the spring! "

"This is interesting! Fuji Yu said just now, saying that the Emperor of the Bing Emperor looked down on them and let the first grade new life

The players have humiliated them on the court! Now, he was played by Yuanshan Kamotaro ACE! Be embarrassed! "

"Hahaha! Yeah! If the second Yu Tai lost the game ... Isn't that more shameful?!

At the same time that the students of the schools were surprised at the strength of Yuandama Kanotaro, the members of the Bingdi Tennis Department had already boiled.

The ears of Beimo were full of their shouts to the refueling of Yueshan Kim Tae -soar.

One time.

Many people in the audience also saw the clue!

The first -year new player on the court has a higher status in the Bingdi Tennis Department than in their imagination!

In the crowd.

Tezuka Guoguang looked serious, and whispered softly: "Fuji, your brother may be in the face of a talented gifted player who is stronger than Yue!"

"Bing Emperor also appeared in the pillar of their future!

[On the shelves, it is more! Seeking full order!].


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