The Ultimate Lich King

Chapter 101 The Lost Holy Relic

Holding Ye Yu's clothes, Ying Nian reluctantly boarded the plane to Einzbern.

One year later will be the day when the Holy Grail War begins, and Sakura will naturally stay in Einzbern's castle with Illya.

"Will my sister and mother be okay?"

Finally looking back at the land of her birth, Ye Ying asked in a daze.

"Don't worry, they will be fine. They will take refuge in the countryside when the Holy Grail War begins."

"That's it...then, dad, will you...become his enemy?"

As Ye Ying said this, her voice softened. Now Ye Yu has become her father, and the person in her mouth is naturally Tohsaka Toki.

For the ignorant girl, perhaps hatred means not knowing anything. She is just confused and confused as to why her father no longer wants her and wants to give herself to others.

She didn't understand anything Tokitatsu Tosaka said. The girl only knew that she had been abandoned.

"Don't worry. Even if the Holy Grail War fails, as a master, nothing will happen. Just quit this game as soon as possible."

Ye Yu said this and showed a smile that comforted the girl.

"'s best this way, otherwise my mother and sister will definitely be sad."

Ye Ying lowered her head as she said this. The implication of the girl's words was that the man had nothing to do with her anymore. Because she is no longer a child of the Tohsaka family, but an insignificant outsider.

Now she is Ye Yu's child and the heir of the Ye family.

Well...if this Ye family really exists.

Ye Yu muttered, and as the planes slowly flew together, the two people left Fuyuki City.

There are still ten months until the Holy Grail War officially begins.

Hayid was slightly surprised that Ye Yu actually brought a girl back to Einzbern, but after knowing the girl's identity, Hayid couldn't help but smile with relief.

The other party is a child of the Tosaka family, which means that before this war began, Einzbern was already on the same front as the Tosaka family.

Of course, everyone in the Holy Grail War is an enemy, but at least in the early stages, the Tosaka family and the Einzberns have the possibility of joining forces to fight against the enemy.

Everything is ready, and all that needs to be waited for now is the holy relics that will be transported to Einzbern.

When you get the holy relic, you will definitely be able to draw the strongest card, which will definitely increase your chance of victory.

It is impossible to say that Hayid did not have much hope for Ye Yu. In fact, he was more anxious than anyone else.

Yubusta Kuhayid. Feng. Einzbern. Since inheriting the position of the eighth generation patriarch, he has lived for almost two centuries through continuous extension of life. Leading the Einzbern family from the Holy Grail "Quest" to the Holy Grail "War".

This old man has suffered from the pain of failure since the Second Holy Grail War, so for him, the anxiety in his heart when facing this third opportunity is extraordinary. It was precisely because of this that he chose to recruit foreign aid. If it weren't for Ye Yu, the one who settled in Einzbern nine years ago would have been the notorious magician killer Emiya Kiritsugu.

It can be said that the current existence of Ye Yu is the last trump card played by the Einzbern family, which has always been proud of its pure blood. For this reason, they did not hesitate to change their family's creed for the second time.

Of course, Ye Yu didn't know everything. He was not going to win the Holy Grail for anyone. He didn't care what Hayid's long-cherished wish was. He only wanted to win the Holy Grail to protect the important people in his heart.

Ye Yu also vaguely felt something. If he failed in this Holy Grail War, neither Irisviel nor Illya would have any good results.

There is absolutely no way to fail, no matter what method you use, you can't lose in this Holy Grail War.

That day was getting closer and closer, but just when the holy relics were about to be transported to Einzbern, an accident happened.

Ye Yu and Irisviel accepted the call from the patriarch in a hurry and rushed to Einzbern, the most magnificent and darkest place in the ancient city sealed by ice - the chapel of Einzbern.

This is certainly not the place to praise God’s grace and find peace of mind. In the city where magicians live, the so-called prayer hall refers to the sacrificial room where magical rituals are performed.

Therefore, when I looked up at the stained glass above my head, what was painted was not a portrait of a saint, but the long history of the Einzbern family, which was wandering in pursuit of the Holy Grail.

Among the "Three Founding Royal Families", the Einzbern family has spent the longest time on the Holy Grail.

Seal themselves in the frozen mountains and stubbornly cut off any contact with the outside world. They began to search for the miracle of the Holy Grail almost a thousand years ago. But their quest was fraught with setbacks and humiliations, as well as painful countermeasures. These situations go back and forth to no avail.

Finally, he began to despair of pursuing the Holy Grail alone, and had to establish a cooperation agreement with external magic families such as Tohsaka and Matou two hundred years ago.

In fact, the noble Einzbern looked down upon these secular magic families at first, but sadly, the Einzbern have now fallen to this level.

The old magician Hayid, who is the Lord of Winter City, is waiting for Ye Yu and Irisviel in front of the altar.

"There is a problem... The holy relics that were once searched for in Cornwall were robbed on their way to Einzbern..."

Hayid said with a heavy face. The impatience and rage revealed from the depths of his sunken eye sockets were not ugly. The old man in front of him was already so angry.

"This group of dirty thieves actually resorted to such tactics before the start of the Holy Grail War. Damn it... If things get like this, it will be too late to find new holy relics."

The so-called holy relics are the objects used to summon Servants in the Holy Grail War. Most of them are things used by the heroes they want to summon during their lifetime. Of course, it is possible to summon without a holy relic, but this way the summoning will be more random, and it is also possible to summon a very weak Servant.

Therefore, the theft of the holy relic is now a very serious matter, and will directly affect Einzbern's results in this Holy Grail War.

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