The Ultimate Lich King

Chapter 142 Helpless Saber

The Holy Grail War has been a battle of life and death from the beginning, and it is possible for Masters to use any means.

But even so, Saber still hopes to fight the heroes of other time and space openly and dedicate victory to her Master with her own hands.

Stealing other people's sacred relics may seem very despicable, but when you really think about it, there is nothing worthy of criticism.

Servants do not have the right to make choices, it is the Masters who make the choices.

Rider's Master's holy relics were also stolen from others, and Rider didn't care much about it.

But that's because the character of Lancer's Master is not as good as his current Master, and comparing his own Master Emiya Kiritsugu to Ye Yu...

Saber closed her eyes, not letting herself think about such things anymore, and the girl slowly left the Einzbern courtyard with her heavy body.

At least we can't be sure yet. At least we need to confirm with the Master to determine what the truth is.

The sky in the east turned slightly white, and Saber didn't know what kind of mood she was in when she left Einzbern and returned to Emiya Kiritsugu's temporary base in Fuyuki City.

It seemed that because he had not returned home all night, the Master, Emiya Kiritsugu, also did not sleep. When Saber opened the door and entered, the man was sitting on the bedside, silently smoking a cigarette.

"Where did you go?"

He asked such a question coldly, but Saber did not answer his feelings. Rather than answering this question, Saber wanted to find out more about what Ye Yu said.

Although it was very rude to ask the Master like this, Saber could no longer resist the urge.

"Master, please tell me, where did the holy relic that summoned me come from?"

In response to Saber's question, Emiya Kiritsugu was slightly stunned, and then showed a look of understanding.

"I see, did you go to Einzbern?"

As Emiya Kiritsugu said this, Saber's whole body stiffened. The Master's answer was already very clear. The holy relic that summoned her was indeed taken from Einzbern.

It turns out it’s not an extravagant wish… So that man should be his Master?

An uncontrollable anger rose in his heart, anger towards the indifferent man in front of him. If he hadn't used such despicable methods, maybe he could have cooperated with his like-minded Master to fight for the Holy Grail.

But why...because of this despicable man in front of me, all of this has become a fantasy. Now I still have to endure a series of despicable methods from this man.

Since he had obtained himself and summoned himself using such means, why didn't he want to believe in his own power? Why didn't he want to let himself bring him victory? !

Is a fair duel between knights so difficult for the Master?


Unable to suppress the anger and disappointment in her heart, Sabe asked the expressionless man in front of her in a choked tone.

"To get the Holy Grail."

Emiya Kiritsugu said calmly as he threw the burned cigarette butt in his hand onto the ground and stamped it out.

"In order to get that universal wish-making machine, no matter what kind of things you do, what kind of price you pay, and what kind of sacrifices you make, it's all worth it."

Emiya Kiritsugu gritted his teeth and spoke firmly, but his seemingly plain tone revealed an uncontrollable madness.

If Saber looks at Emiya Kiritsugu's face, she will find that this man has a ferocious expression with clenched teeth. There seems to be something alive pulsing under his face, like twisted blood vessels.

The Matou family's magic has never been good. As the nominal adopted son of the Matou family, in order to gain strength, Emiya Kiritsugu naturally accepted the transformation of Matou Zouken.

He did gain power, but paid a heavy price for it.

How long can this broken body last after the Holy Grail War? Ten years, five years, or shorter?

Emiya Kiritsugu didn't know, and he didn't want to think about it. As long as it could support him in winning the Holy Grail, that would be enough.

"Do you really want to win the Holy Grail?! Even if you don't hesitate to use such despicable means?!"

"Understand the situation. I am your Master. No matter how I obtain the sacred relic that summons you, it is not important anymore. What is important now is that I summoned you, concluded the contract, and gave you the ability to The magic of action in the world.”

Emiya Kiritsugu said this and showed Saber the command spell on the back of his hand.

In the still dark room, the bright red sword-shaped Command Seal glowed with a strange light, and the light looked extremely dazzling in Saber's eyes.

At the same time, Saber also felt the coldness all over her body. Emiya Kiritsugu's attitude was already very clear. If he had any extra thoughts, he would use the command spell directly without hesitation.

"I think you also understand what this means. I don't want such an unpleasant conversation to happen again. Don't forget the purpose of accepting the conditions of the Holy Grail and coming to this world. You also need the Holy Grail. In this case, cooperate well. I win this war."

Emiya Kiritsugu stood up as he spoke, carrying his toolbox and walking towards the door of the room.

"Start the operation tonight. The target is Lancer. First, deal with this troublesome enemy and remove the curse on your arm."

As Emiya Kiritsugu said this, Saber couldn't help but feel a tingling sensation on her wrist. The area injured by Lancer's Noble Phantasm has never healed, which is always affecting the performance of Saber's strength.

"Lancer and I still have a fair fight, and do you want to be Master?"

"Who knows..."

Emiya Kiritsugu shrugged, ignored Saber's gloomy expression, and left the hotel.

Sure enough, there is no way to defend even this final glory?

Saber thought desperately, and slowly fell on the bed beside her with her extremely heavy body. Heroic spirits are not tired and do not need to rest, but at this moment, Saber's heart feels extremely tired.

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