The Ultimate Lich King

Chapter 145 Lancer exits

Although he clamored to make Emiya Kiritsugu look good, there was no doubt that Kenneth in his current state was no match for even an ordinary person.

Even if Kotomine Rimasa had a little bit of hope, Kenneth would have no chance of killing him. Kotomine Rimasa died because of his own carelessness.

But Kenneth couldn't calm down. The familiar sound reminded Kenneth again of the pain when the magic circuits in his body were cut off, and he couldn't help but roar wildly into the darkness.

"Is it you! Emiya Kiritsugu! Is it you! Get out of here! You rabid dog and waste! You are a scum among magicians!"

Soon the cold touch on the back of his head made Kenneth swallow all his next words. Under the naked threat of death, Kenneth retreated.

"Emiya Kiritsugu..." He turned around and gritted his teeth as he looked at the man standing in front of him, with his old coat, untied hair and listless beard. Different from the gloomy appearance, only those eyes shined brightly like sharp blades... I will never forget the man who cruelly tore apart all the magic circuits in his body at that time, the hated Matou family ’s lackey, a man with an expressionless face wearing a large trench coat.

Kenneth's eyes revealed a piercing murderous intent, his hands holding the armrest were twisted, and his haggard face was twisted and ferocious. If he hadn't become a cripple, he might have pounced directly to clamp the neck of the demon in front of him.

A piece of paper fell beside him. It was just a very ordinary piece of letter paper, but Kenneth stared at the concise words on it.

"If you don't want your lover to die, just look behind you quietly..."

Kenneth stared blankly, moving the wheels of his wheelchair to change the direction of his body. Deep in the dark abandoned factory, the light from the skylight illuminated a place like a spotlight.

In the faint and cold light, the outline of a woman who fell to the ground like a drowsy figure emerged.


No matter how dim the light was or how far away the distance was, Kenneth could not misjudge that appearance.

Although the pain and haggardness on Sola's livid face showed that something had obviously happened, a strand of hair near her mouth trembled like a breeze. Her breathing at that time proved that she was still alive.

The micro machine gun in Emiya Kiritsugu's hand was pointed at Sora's head. Kenneth's breathing was stagnant. He looked at the ruthless man in front of him, not knowing what he wanted to do.

Then another piece of paper flew down, and when he saw the words on it, Kenneth's eyes widened suddenly.

There was no sign, no clue... the bright red color spread all over the earth.

Both Saber and Lancer were equally shocked during the battle, both of them widened their eyes in astonishment at this too abrupt ending... The one involved, Lancer, must have been the most surprised. Because he had no expectation or awareness of the severe pain and despair.

Lancer stared blankly at the red lotus flower dripping from the red gun rod to the ground. No matter how hard it is to believe, it is his own blood.

His love spear pierced his heart. It was none other than his own hands that thrust the tip of the spear into himself.

That certainly wouldn't be his will, nor his hope. What his red spear was supposed to pierce was Saber's heart. And it should be Saber's sword that pierced his heart.

Being able to completely ignore his fighting spirit and belief and strip everything from him at will... This kind of powerful power must be the Command Seal.


Red tears flowed from Lancer's widened eyes.

Betrayal... another brutal betrayal... In order to change, in order to be truly loyal once again, he transformed into a heroic spirit and came to this world. However, what he got was a tragedy repeated... only to fully experience the despair again. with sadness.

The heroic spirit looked behind him with eyes stained with blood and tears. At this moment, two Masters came out of the abandoned factory to witness his end. Kenneth sat in a wheelchair with a vacant and dull expression, and another man stood holding Sora's unconscious body. That was the Master of Saber whose name he had met not long ago.


Lancer knelt down in a pool of his own blood and tried to speak in a hoarse and low voice.

"Do you want to win so much!? Do you want to get the Holy Grail so much!? Even my...only sincere wish will be trampled...aren't you ashamed!?"

"Unforgivable...I can never forgive you! The dead who were captured by fame and fortune and belittled the glory of knights...use my blood to defile that dream! I curse the Holy Grail! Curse your wishes to become disasters! Wait until you fall into When you are in the cauldron of hell, do not forget the wrath of me, Diarmuid!"

As he gradually lost his entity and collapsed into a hazy shadow, he screamed curse words until the last moment when he disappeared. There was no longer a glorious figure of the heroic spirit, only the voice of the evil spirit roaring with resentment. The Servant-Lancer was finally completely wiped out.

Kenneth stared blankly at the space after Lancer disappeared. Kiritsugu casually placed the still sleeping Sora on his lap. Kenneth asked Kiritsugu in a feeble voice while gently stroking his lover's haggard sleeping face.

"...Is this your contract?"

"Ah, it's established. I can't kill you anymore..." Kiritsugu slowly stepped back, taking out a cigarette from his pocket and lighting it... maybe that was a signal.

The gun rang out, coming from the Steyr assault rifle in the hand of Kuu Maiya, who had witnessed everything from the shadow in the distance.

The magician and his fiancée were torn apart and fell to the concrete floor under the force of the bullets they had despised in the past.

"Indeed... I can't kill you anymore, so I have to ask Maiya to do it." Emiya Kiritsugu said expressionlessly as he spread his hands innocently.


Maybe Sora was lucky enough to be killed by a gun without any pain. Kayneth tragically still hasn't stopped breathing after being beaten into a hive and knocked out of his wheelchair. He suffered multiple fatal injuries all over his body and there was no hope of survival. But even if there are only a few seconds left to live, if you have to spend it silently enduring the pain of death, it should be a cruelly long time.

"...ah...kill...,...kill me..."

"Sorry, that's a contract that cannot be fulfilled."

Kiritsugu ignored the faint begging at his feet and replied in a cold voice while exhaling the lavender cigarette he had inhaled.

The sobs of pain did not continue. Saber couldn't bear to watch anymore and cut off Kayneth's head with her sword, ending his pain.

"Let's go."

Emiya Kiritsugu said so calmly without looking at Kenneth and Sora who fell on the ground. Naturally, there would be someone to deal with the bodies of the losers of the Holy Grail War.

Of course, he didn't know yet that Kotomine Rimasa, the supervisor, had been killed by Kenneth.

In this way, three of the Servants have retired, and only the three most powerful enemies are left among the surviving Servants.

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