The Ultimate Lich King

Chapter 149 The Sword of the Vowed Victor

After the Conqueror King unfolded his own inherent barrier, he and Ye Yu disappeared into the courtyard.

Feeling the gradually receding chill, Weber couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. If he continued to stay like this, he was really worried that he would freeze to death.

However, before Weber could take a breath, he felt another powerful magic force approaching, which frightened him into confusion.

"What...what's going on? Is there another Servant attacking?"

Weber thought with a panicked look on his face. If another Servant really attacked, then he would be in danger now that he was alone.

But soon he thought about the Servant who was still alive, and suddenly felt that his worries were a little unnecessary. At this stage, apart from Berserker here and his Rider, there should be only Saber, Lancer and Archer left.

No matter which of the three Servants attacked here at this point in time, it was impossible for him to attack his Master.

Saber and Archer, who are kings, disdain to do such a thing, and Lancer, who follows chivalry, does the same. It seems that his worries are really unnecessary.

Weber breathed another sigh of relief when he thought about this, and at this time he also saw clearly who the uninvited guest who came at this time was.

"Is it Saber...Did you also consider this place a target when you visit Einzbern at this time?"

Flandre exposed a lot of things at last night's party, so it's not surprising that she would be targeted. After all, knowing her identity as a vampire, it would be too easy to target her. Saber's Holy Sword would probably pose a great threat to her, right?

Waver was so lost in thought that Saber had already stood in front of him.

Originally, he wanted to say hello to the King of Britain, but after seeing the other person's appearance, Webb was stunned.

This is how the same thing?

The girl's appearance was not much different from what Weber remembered. If anything, her temperament had undergone a huge change, and she no longer looked like the upright King Arthur before.

For some reason, Weber felt an evil aura on Saber in front of him, which made the young man feel deeply uneasy.

Saber didn't notice the expression on Weber's face. She stood beside the young Master, frowning slightly.

Naturally, strong magic power fluctuations cannot be hidden from her as a Servant. There is no doubt that the only thing that can cause such huge magic power fluctuations is Rider's inherent barrier.

"I see...Is he imprisoned in the inherent barrier?"

Listening to Saber muttering to herself, Waver on the side suddenly showed a nervous expression.

He didn't know what Saber was here for, whether she planned to attack Berserker or form an alliance with Berserker. If it's the latter, will she help Berserker deal with Rider?

Such a thing should not happen. As the upright Knight King, Saber should not do anything to disturb a fair one-on-one battle.

Just like the battle between her and Lancer at that time, it was full of chivalry that made people yearn for and admire them.

"My Servant is having a one-on-one battle with Berserker's Master. Saber, what do you want to do here?"

He mustered up the courage to ask Saber, but Waver's words made the King of Knights change his color instantly.

"What did you say?! You said the one fighting Rider was Berserker's Master?!"

"Ah...yes, it is indeed Berserker's Master Ye Yu. What's wrong?"

Weber was stunned for a moment, not understanding why Saber was suddenly so excited.

Just when he was wondering, the biting wind pressure suddenly blew around Saber, and the invisible holy sword was held in the girl's hand.

"What...what do you want to do?!"

Weber immediately panicked. Could it be that Saber was going to kill him here?

Ignoring Waver's intentions at all, Saber took a deep breath and immediately released her most powerful Noble Phantasm without hesitation.

There was nothing wrong with Waver's feeling. Saber was indeed no longer the Saber she once was. Ever since she made up her mind to stab her Master Emiya Kiritsugu's body with a sword, Saber was broken.

The noble knight king who insisted on ideals and justice has died. The person standing here now is not a king, nor a righteous knight, but a girl who acts arbitrarily based on her own preferences.

After getting rid of the shackles that had been bound to her body for a long time, Saber felt unprecedented pleasure. She doesn't regret what she did or her choices.

It would be the greatest blasphemy and betrayal to endure it for the sake of the Holy Grail and then continue to sit idly by and ignore everything Emiya Kiritsugu did.

Even if he finally wins the Holy Grail War and makes a wish with the Holy Grail, he will probably only be reviled by his own people, right?

What kind of expression will they show when they learn that their king actually saved them in this way?

As for why she chose to come here after leaving Emiya Kiritsugu, Saber herself couldn't figure it out. Maybe it's because she feels that Ye Yu is the only one who understands her, maybe because she feels that she should be the Servant of Einzbern, or maybe it's something else.

Saber doesn't want to know what her inner emotions are at this moment. She just wants to follow her heart and do what she thinks is right.

Just like now, when she learned that Ye Yu was trapped in Rider's inherent barrier, she raised the invisible golden sword without hesitation and used her most powerful treasure.

Light is gathering.

As if illuminating this holy sword was his supreme mission, the brilliance condensed infinitely into a dazzling beam of light.

Under this intense and clear light, the night was like day, leaving Weber standing aside speechless.

The figure of a hero who once illuminated the darkness of troubled times deeper than night.

It has been unyielding for ten years and undefeated in twelve battles. This meritorious service is unparalleled in the world, and this honor is unparalleled. They transcend time and space and are immortal.

This dazzling sword is the crystallization of the prayer called "Glory" that all the warriors who have disappeared on the battlefield throughout the ages have pursued and longed for throughout their lives.

Taking pride in upholding this will and fulfilling this belief as righteousness, the King of Knights now loudly chanted the true name of the miracle in his hand.

Its name is...

"Oath - Sword of Victory!!!"

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