The Ultimate Lich King

Chapter 198 Acting like a baby

After Ye Yu opened his eyes, he found himself lying on a luxurious bed in a strange room. The entire room was decorated in darker tones, surrounded by a strong aura of death, and ornaments of white bones could be seen everywhere.

What is this place? By the seems like I was given by that girl...

The memory stayed on the flowery smile of Naisha in front of him. Recalling the girl's smile, Ye Yu couldn't help but fall into intoxication.

That girl... is really beautiful. Ye Yu doesn't know why there is such a beautiful girl in this world.

Maybe Kuroto, Asuka and Yao could all be considered beautiful girls, but they were still far inferior compared to that girl.

The beauty of Nesha Nesa is an overwhelming and aggressive beauty that cannot be described in words.

It wasn't until now that Ye Yu recovered from the demonic beauty of Nesha and Nesa.

"you're awake?"

Just when Ye Yu was sitting on the bed, lost in thought, a cold voice suddenly sounded beside him.

Kel'Thuzad, carrying some food, walked up to him and stared at him with strange eyes.

Ye Yu didn't know how to describe that look in his eyes. Can he call it concern?

However, although it seemed that he was caring about himself, because his eyes were really emotionless, Ye Yu couldn't detect any concern in them.

Probably because of his personality, even if he is concerned about his emotions, it is very difficult to express them.

"Thank you."

Nodding to Kel'Thuzad, Ye Yu took what she brought in. Their palms touched inadvertently, and Kel'Thuzad immediately shivered in an exaggerated way, almost knocking the tray over to the ground.

"Then...please use that slowly. Lady Nesha and Naisha are waiting for you."

After saying these words, Kel'Thuzad fled in a panic, leaving Ye Yu sitting there alone, confused about the situation.

What is this... shy?

Ye Yu was a little confused about the situation, but feeling the coldness left on his fingertips, the contact between the girl and him at that moment did bring him an indescribable feeling.

I always feel that I should know this girl, be familiar with this girl, and possess... everything about this girl.

Shaking his head to drive this somewhat crazy idea out of his mind, Ye Yu shook his head in a funny way, wondering if he had gone crazy, why did he have such a strange idea.

After simply eating something, Ye Yu walked out of the room and faced. After leaving the room, he was surprised to find that the place was much larger than he had imagined. The long corridor could hardly see the end.

Moving forward along the corridor, passing several rooms with closed doors, Ye Yu soon came to the hall.

Although she is the owner of this place, Naishanisa doesn't look like a master at all. The girl who seemed to have been waiting for him for a long time sat on the table and shook her legs carelessly.

The long purple hair poured down like a waterfall, part of it piled into a small puddle on the table, and part of it hung directly on the ground along the girl's exposed slender legs.

The girl who only wore a short skirt had her entire body exposed from the thigh down to Ye Yu's eyes. Her white feet looked as if they were carved out of jade, which looked really beautiful with the vermilion paint on her nails.

Seemingly noticing Ye Yu staring at her feet, Naishanasa smiled sweetly, and then handed her little foot towards Ye Yu like a provocation.

"What, do you want to add it? If it's you, that's fine. This is a special gift. Come and add it quickly and be grateful."

For a moment, Ye Yu was almost really moved, but in the end, reason prevailed. After waking up, Ye Yu shook his head in a funny way, and then looked at Naisha and Naisha to speak.

"What do you want to do by catching me back? I have heard that dragons have the habit of robbing golden treasures, and they also have the habit of robbing princesses. Is it true that female dragons have the habit of robbing men?"

Ye Yu said this in a semi-ridiculous tone, but such words seemed to annoy the girl. At a speed that could not be caught by sight, the girl's little foot accurately kicked Ye Yu's stomach, and then kicked Ye Yu's entire body to the ground.

Naishan and Naisha jumped on Ye Yu's body as if she was venting her anger, and spoke angrily while not forgetting.

"You are so brave. You dare to say such things in front of me. You know, that little girl Bai Yaksha doesn't dare to be disrespectful in front of me!"

Although Naisha and Naisa said this, she looked very majestic, but the girl's every move could not be associated with the word majesty. All she could feel was cuteness and funny.

It felt like a girl begging to act coquettishly to him. Ye Yu was slightly stunned, and couldn't help but stretched out his hand to gently pull the girl's sleeve, and immediately heard the girl's cute exclamation. He pulled her into his arms.

"Hey! You guy, do you want to die?"

He couldn't help but make such a threatening sound, but Ye Yu was not moved by it. He just hugged the girl's body gently and gently covered her head with his hands.

The long hair spilled, spread, and fell from Ye Yu's body, with a refreshing cold touch, which made Ye Yu couldn't help but sigh softly.

The sigh made Naisha feel particularly shy, and the girl's proud little face was stained with a slight blush. She didn't move or struggle anymore, but just lay on Ye Yu's back without saying a word. in the arms.

This was the embrace she had longed for, the embrace she had been waiting for for a long, long time.

A pair of big crimson eyes were filled with mist, and the expression on his face became as aggrieved as he felt.

But none of this was seen by Ye Yu, because the girl buried her entire face in Ye Yu's arms, only her shoulders that shook from time to time exposed her.


After a while, Ye Yu spoke softly, with an indescribably gentle voice, but Naishanisa's whole body was slightly stunned, and then she raised her head with a blushing face.

"Who! Who is crying! Why should I cry! You bastard, you are so brave, you dare to take advantage of me...I, I, I..."

Naishan and Naissa raised their heads again, blushed and spoke incoherently. That cute look made Ye Yu couldn't help but smile.

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