The Ultimate Lich King

Chapter 241 Monster

Sagimoto Shirou disappeared, and he had been missing for a whole week. There was no news about him anywhere, and even Sona began to worry.

"Where did he go?"

"The it really that big?"

Ye Yu touched the tip of his nose in a funny way. Although Cang Na, who was sitting in front of him, still had a serious expression as usual, the charming feeling between the girl's eyebrows could not be hidden.

Ever since he turned the girl in front of him into a woman, Ye Yu can be said to have been singing every night. It seems that demons are very open when it comes to sex. Rias didn't say anything, and Cang Na, who was completely relaxed, also brought Ye Yu farewell. Such enjoyment.

The power of original sin in Ye Yu's body does need to be vented regularly, but now Ye Yu feels that he has done some venting... Even his waist is a little aching.

If Rias knew about it, she would definitely not lose to Sona with her character. If the two of them got together then, she would always feel in danger.

Ye Yu rubbed his chin with this thought, while Cang Na spoke again on the other side.

"Ye Yu, where do you think he... will go? Could he have..."

Sona didn't say the next words, because the girl knew what it meant.

"Are you lost... There is no need to feel guilty, Cang Na." Ye Yu on the side spoke softly.

"There is nothing wrong with admiring the master and having beautiful fantasies about her. Any normal man will have unrealistic fantasies about a perfect girl like you, Cana. But fantasies are still fantasies after all. If you look at If you don’t know your identity and are not willing to act as a soldier, you will eventually get lost.”

"As you said, aren't you also a soldier?"

Cang Na shook his head amusedly, while Ye Yu smiled indifferently.

"I'm different... I'm a soldier, but I'm destined to become a king."

There were some treacherous words in his mouth, but Cang Na didn't care at all. Instead, he was deeply shocked by the domineering power revealed in Ye Yu's words. soldier, you will eventually become the king!

"Sona, be careful these days. Although I don't know if Shirou Shigen is lost now, but if he is lost and gains strength at any cost, there is no doubt that the first person to come looking for him will be you. "Ye Yu said to Cang Na with some worry.

"Don't underestimate me. I'm the sister of the Demon King Leviathan. Do you really think I'm just a cute young lady?" Cang Na disagreed with Ye Yu's reminder.

At the same time, Sona also had a trace of luck in his heart. Maybe... Shirou Shigen was not lost. He just hid in a place where no one could find him to calm down, right?

Perhaps when he calms down and figures it out, he will return to his side and continue to be his loyal soldier.

Because she had agreed to go to church to help Elsa, Sona left alone when school was over.

Although Elsa lives in Rias's house, she still insists on going to the church to clean the house every day. Because of the priest's death, Aisha was the only one taking care of the dilapidated church.

Although she became a demon, it is obvious that the girl still remembers her faith.

This made Rias a little helpless, but she didn't stop the girl from doing this, she just reminded her to be careful.

After all, the church is God's territory. If a devil comes in and out, sooner or later something will happen.

"It's going to rain..." Halfway there, dark clouds gathered quietly. Ye Yu raised his head and looked at the completely gloomy sky. Thinking of Aisha who was alone in the church, he couldn't help but speed up his pace.

In the rain, the uniforms of Kuou Academy were shaking rustlingly. The rain was so heavy that even the sky was covered, and the field of view was very narrow. It was impossible to see clearly from a distance of five meters.

However, such a downpour did not wet Ye Yu's body at all. The rainwater near him solidified into ice in an instant, and then the pen fell, and after landing on the ground, it melted and turned into water again.

Of course, there was no pedestrian visible on the street, not to mention that Ye Yu was walking on a very remote path leading to a suburban church.


A sound different from the rain came.

What appeared in front of Ye Yu's eyes was a priest. A person who wears a silver cross on his chest and speaks the name of the abominable God.

Blood oozed from the priest's abdomen. The priest vomited a mouthful of blood and fell down on the spot.

Crunch, crunch, the sound, like something chewing food, sounded in the rain.

Ye Yu frowned slightly, the sound made people feel disgusting.

The blood was flowing slowly, and the body of the priest who fell to the ground was dragged by an invisible shadow in the rain curtain, and then slowly disappeared.

The priest's body was eaten by something.

Jie Jie Jie Jie... The creepy laughter came from behind the rain curtain, and the surrounding atmosphere became weird, with a dangerous atmosphere permeating the air, which was murderous intent.

Eyebrows slightly lowered, Ye Yu smiled silently.

"What are you expecting? Are you expecting a look of fear on my face... Shirou Samoto?"

Ye Yu spoke slowly, and the laughter coming from the rain suddenly stopped, as if it was cut off by an invisible hand.

"Hehe...hehehe, you are much calmer than I thought. That's right. If you are so scared that you pee your shit out, then there is no point in it." A hoarse voice rang out, causing the black figure behind him to relax. Slowly approached Ye Yu.

It was no longer the familiar boyish voice, as if the vocal cords had been cut, there was a harsh, grinding sound.

"Originally, I thought you had gained strength and couldn't wait to show it off to Cang Na. Unexpectedly, you were curled up in a place like this like a lost dog. That's right. What kind of face do you have in this ugly look now? Where's Mian Sona?" After looking at Shirou Shigen who had fully revealed his appearance, Ye Yu said with a sarcastic smile.

"What do you know? Such a powerful body and such wonderful power, how can it be described as ugly?" The Shirou Shigen in front of him, or it would be more appropriate to describe him as a monster.

The left half of the body still looks like a human being, but the right side is covered with disgusting flesh and meridians. The squirming and rubbing flesh seems to be alive, and sticky blood is constantly dripping down.

Especially the arms. Shiro Shiro's right arm is simply larger than his entire body. He holds a sword on the completely ferocious alien arm.

The extremely rich sacred aura made Ye Yu frown slightly. He felt an uncomfortable feeling. This sword seemed to have great restraint on him.'s not about him, maybe it should be said that it's a great restraint on the devil.

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