The Ultimate Lich King

Chapter 306 Infinite Dragon God Orpheus


Listening to what Odin said and seeing the surprised looks of everyone present, Ye Yu thought of many things.

The reason why the sneak attack just now was effective was that Ye Yu was caught off guard. Another important reason was that Hades' power caused the riot of the sins of this world in Ye Yu's body. ,

The black mud that Ye Yu had suppressed so deeply in his body that he almost forgot about it became dishonest again, which made Ye Yu a little annoyed.

However, the appearance of Hades gave Ye Yu a message. It seemed that...if it was possible to devour Hades, it might be able to perfectly solve the problem of sin in this world.

Ye Yu thought so, his eyes couldn't help but flicker. Devouring Hades, the King of Hades, if he said such words, others would definitely think he was crazy.

"Hades, the king of Hades, his strength is probably among the top ten in the world."

A familiar voice suddenly sounded, looking for a voice. A crack tore open from the empty void, and the person who walked out of the crack was not a stranger.

White Dragon Emperor Vali. and Monkey, a descendant of Sun Wukong, a man in ancient Chinese armor. The last one is Arthur Pendragon, a handsome young man in a suit holding the Holy King Sword.

"Wally!" Everyone was startled by Wally's appearance. Everyone immediately entered a fighting state, and their powerful momentum reached its peak.

"I'm not here to do anything, just to take a look. But I didn't expect to hear such interesting things. Hades, the Lord of Hades, one of the top ten existences in the world, is also one of the targets I want to defeat."

"I'm not here to do anything. Could it be that Hades hasn't joined forces with your Disaster Group?"

Sirzechs asked with some uncertainty, while Vali shook his head slightly.

"Are you the little brat of the White Dragon Emperor? Although I don't know why the Red Dragon, who is also the Second Heavenly Dragon, was not born, but you should not be too self-righteous and think that you are already the destined one. Otherwise, even if you are the White Dragon among the Two Heavenly Dragons, you will only have The end of the soul is scattered."

Odin listened with interest and glanced at Vali for a few times, then took the initiative to remind him.

"This is Lord Odin, the main god of Northern Europe. First time we meet. I am Vali, the White Dragon King. This is my partner, Monkey King Monkey King, and Arthur Pendragon, the descendant of King Arthur. As for the so-called Destined Ones, Yes, I never thought that my purpose is just to keep fighting against the strong."

Facing the main god of Northern Europe, even Vali had no intention of being rude, but the monkey laughed inappropriately.

"Oh, I didn't expect to see the main god of Northern Europe. Hello, Lord Odin. I am Monkey, the descendant of Sun Wukong."

"Is he the descendant of the monkey in Journey to the West? Speaking of which, I haven't seen that old guy for a long time, but he was quite happy back then."

"Yes, yes, the first generation should be very good, aha." With a panic to cover up, when the first generation Sun Wukong was mentioned, the monkey had no choice but to give in.

"Okay, enough gossip. Members of the Disaster Group, can you tell us what is the purpose of your visit this time?"

As Sirzechs said this, he showed the majesty of the Demon King and immediately suppressed the three people led by Vali, making it difficult to even speak.

Vali didn't answer directly, he just raised his head and looked at the sky.

Ye Yu raised his eyebrows slightly and seemed to notice something unusual. He also raised his head and looked at the empty white sky.

Everyone's attention was drawn to the sky, and then...

Wow! Wow!

A huge cave opened in the sky, and then, the shape of something appeared from there.

"That is……"

Seeing the thing that emerged from the cave, the expressions of the demon kings and fallen angel governors present, including Odin, became extremely serious.

The uncomfortable feeling spread from the body of that huge thing, it was the will of the world.

Valisson smiled slightly and said:

"Take a good look, everyone. That's what I want to see, and it's also the goal of our Disaster Group this time, the real strongest in the world."

In the air, a surprisingly huge creature—a true red dragon—swimmed spectacularly.

Vali narrowed his eyes and continued.

"There are two kinds of dragons called 'red dragons'. One is the ancient dragon in Wales that you destroyed - welsh dragon, also known as the Red Dragon Emperor. The White Dragon Emperor also comes from the same origin as this one. However, although there is only one source, there is another 'Red Dragon Emperor'. That is the red dragon recorded in the Apocalypse."

"The 'real Red Dragon God Emperor' greatred. The great dragon known as the 'true dragon'. He lives in a small gap in the dimension and continues to fly there forever. This time, in order to confirm this, we come We’re here. The Ratinggame venue opened a barrier at the corner of the dimensional gap and opened up the inside. This time, Ophis’ real purpose is also to confirm that, Sharuba’s battle is insignificant to us.”

"The opponent I most want to fight - the 'real Red Dragon God Emperor' known as 'DxD'. - I want to become the 'real White Dragon God Emperor'. Red is the highest existence, and only White What does it mean to always be just a little bit behind? So, that’s how I am. One day, I will defeat Greatred.”

When everyone was speechless in surprise, Vali said with a serious look that he had never shown before.

"Greatred, long time no see." A sudden voice rang out. Very close to Ye Yu and others, stood a girl with black hair and a black dress.

"I came as promised." The girl with black hair and black dress said, her eyes moved from the body of the Red Dragon God Emperor, and then looked at Ye Yu.

Although there were many people standing around him, Ye Yu knew that the girl was indeed looking at him.

Those were dark, chaotic eyes, and what they faced were dark eyes that contained unparalleled curiosity.

"Infinite Dragon God... Ophis?" Azazel was shocked when he recognized the girl's identity.

"How is it possible, Ophis is this little girl?!"

Rias and her family members were also shocked and speechless, looking at the extremely cute and petite girl in front of them.

Vali confirmed it and said with a wry smile.

"Yes, she is Ophis, Ouroboros. The leader of our 'disaster group'."

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