The Ultimate Lich King

Chapter 313 Bastard Lord God

After all, there were so many fallen angel cadres that he couldn't decide who to ask over, so he asked Akeno's father to come over. It seemed like it had been discussed from the beginning.

"This is not the place to talk. Go back first."

Looking at the two people in the confrontation, Akeno was the first to express his attitude. Hearing what his daughter said, Baiqiu also nodded. He only needed his daughter to forgive him, and naturally he would not disobey anything she said.

Kuou Academy, in the Supernatural Research Department.

"Hahaha, in short, that's it. I came to Japan for sightseeing."

Odin, who came with Azazel, laughed and said this to Dorias and her family members.

In fact, Odin didn't plan to come, but it seemed that Azazel was worried about a fight here, so he came with him.

"Actually, he was also hated by others in his hometown, so he was kicked out?" Ye Yu said so casually on the side, which immediately stopped Odin's laughter.

Did you get it right? Seeing the embarrassed look on old Odin's face, Ye Yu rubbed his chin curiously and thought.

Ye Yu has no feelings for this guy, but Lias and other relatives respect him very much. In any case, he is also the main god of the party.

"Tea, please."

Rias put on a smile and greeted Mr. Odin.

"No need to make any fuss." Odin replied in a rare serious manner, and did not dare to look around, because he knew that the girls here were more or less related to Ye Yu.

Ahhhh, I'm so envious... having a harem or something.

"Oops! This is the first time I see Lord Odin acting so serious. Please tell me who you are pretending to be!"

Valkyrie behind Odin hit Mr. Odin on the head hard.

The old man rubbed his head and half-opened his eyes. It was obvious that he was used to this situation, but it was true that he was somewhat depressed.

"Really, I am the main god of Northern Europe. Do you think I would do something so rude as drooling and staring at the breasts of a beautiful girl?" Odin said with a serious look.

"Let me introduce, this is the old follower Valkyrie, his name is..."

"Sign up Rossweisse, please take care of me during this time in Japan. From now on, we will be friends." Rossweisse said a little coquettishly, and continued to secretly observe Ye Yu's face. face.

Naturally, the Valkyrie's little moves couldn't be hidden from Ye Yu's eyes. Ye Yu had been wondering why she kept looking at him since she was outside.

Valkyrie introduced by Odin, Rossweisse also said hello. Rias had naturally seen each other before, but it was the first time for others to meet her.

She looks like a young and bold girl, but she is very calm, capable and capable. Although it makes people feel that her clothes are cheap street stalls.

As if to retaliate for being knocked on the head for no apparent reason, Odin sent the information with a dirty look on his face, causing Rossweisse to look extremely embarrassed.

"That doesn't matter, ahhhh! I, it's just because no boy likes me so far! Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!"

Ah...I collapsed on the spot and started knocking on the floor non-stop, looking like I was broken by playing.

"Well, the battle otome industry is also very harsh. After all, even people with outstanding looks have not ushered in their spring. Recently, the number of heroes and brave men has decreased a lot. Due to the reduction of funds, Valkyrie There is also a trend of shrinking the deployment, and this person is also a member who can only shrink to the workplace before becoming an old follower."

Odin nodded and said, although he didn't understand what he was talking about, but he felt very powerful.

At this time Azazel spoke.

"While the old man is in Japan, we will serve as his bodyguards. Baiqiu is an important person sent by the Fallen Angels. I am quite busy at this time and my time to stay here is limited. During these days, Baiqiu will take care of it on my behalf."

"Please take care of me."

Mr. Baiqiu, who didn't talk much, said politely.

"Old man, is it a little early to come to Japan? According to what I heard, the schedule should be a little later. Isn't the main purpose of coming to Japan this time to talk to the Japanese gods? Michael and Sirzechs will serve as Agency, I’ll also be present at the meeting – something like that.”

Azazel took a sip of tea and then asked

"Absolutely. Because there are some troubles in our country... It's not so much troubles, but my way of doing things has been criticized. I think it's better to act early before any trouble happens. There are some things I want to discuss with Japan in advance. Let the gods talk. After all, it has been closed up so far and there has been no communication."

The old man sighed while stroking his long white beard.

"Since we said we are here to have fun, don't think about unhappy things. Master, is there anywhere you want to go?"

Azazel asked the old man, and the old man put on an obscene expression and moved the fingers of his two hands.

“I want to go to the club!”

"Haha, your vision is really unique, you god! Okay, let's go! My young girls here have opened a VIP shop in this town, so let's go there to entertain you."

"Oh ho ho ho ho ho! As expected of brother Azazel! You are so knowledgeable!"

"Follow me, old bastard! Let's go, Wano! Have you ever played the Adaikan Game? If you come, you must give it a try! Let me teach you the heart of Yamato!"

"I can't stand it! I can't stand it at all!"

The two people went out of the room quickly with stupidity, leaving Ye Yulias and others staring at them with dark expressions on their faces.

Is it okay for the industrial governor and the old man to be leaders? Ah, Rias put her hand on her forehead and frowned.

"Lord Odin, I am going too!"

Miss Rossweisse chased after her

"Just stay here. If Azazel is here, there will be no problem. You can just wait at home."

"No! I have to go!"

"If you come here, I'll fire you. I'm worried that I won't have this chance. If I can fire you, I can find someone more obedient."

After hearing the words of her master god, the Valkyrie immediately collapsed to the ground, her face full of dissatisfaction and helplessness. Speechlessly shaking their heads and sighing, everyone present had no idea what to say.

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