The Ultimate Lich King

Chapter 327 Uninvited guest.

Ye Yu walked towards Cao Cao step by step, and the rest of the Hero Faction also got out of the way. The opponent they were facing also could not tolerate their carelessness. That was a fallen angel governor, a seraph and a seraph. A demon king.

"I'm sorry, because I promised this child to recall her mother, so can I trouble you to let her go?" Smiling, Ye Yu spoke to Cao Cao so lightly, but it brought strong oppression to the other party. feel.

At the same time, the silent boy also drove his magical beast to attack Azazel and the others.

Although he possesses the God-killing Gear, he will naturally not be so arrogant as to charge at three Demon King-level warriors by himself, because that would undoubtedly be an act of suicide. While the boy was acting, the other men and women also attacked together.

"I'm curious as to what your purpose is. That guy Vali may be a war maniac with an abnormal mind. What about you, Cao Cao? You don't look like that."

Ye Yu, who was standing face to face with Cao Cao, asked curiously.

"Don't tell me that it's to fulfill the hero's wish, to slay a dragon or kill a demon, or anything like that that makes people laugh."

"Oh, how do you know this is not what we are doing? Vali can be so willful, can't we?"

Cao Cao smiled and shrugged. He didn't look as dangerous as Azazel said. He was a guy who communicated well.


While Cao Cao and Ye Yu were talking, a shining magic circle appeared among the people on the other side who were fighting fiercely. And it's a completely unfamiliar texture.

"This is……"

Azazel seemed to know who this teleportation array belonged to. On the battlefield that was temporarily suspended due to sudden changes, he looked at the extremely cute foreign woman dressed as a magician who appeared in surprise.

The girl wears a large, fully covered hat and cloak. Really dressed like a magician. He is about the age of a middle school student and has a very thin build.

Although she was in the most dangerous area of ​​the battlefield, the girl showed no fear. She turned around generously and spoke with a bright smile.

"First time we meet. I am Lufi, Lufi Pendragon. I am the magician who belongs to Vali's team. Please take good care of me in the future."

Azazel asked this girl, Luffy.

"...Pendragon? Who are you from Arthur?"

"Yes. Arthur is my brother. Always under his care."

"Luffy? Is it named after the legendary witch Morgana Lu Fei? It is indeed said that Morgana and the Hero King Arthur Pendragon are related by blood..." Azazel said while stroking his chin. .

Ignoring Azazel who was talking to himself, Lu Fei came to Ye Yu's side with little stars in his eyes.

"That, that..." She walked towards Ye Yu and stretched out her hand.

"You have a humble background as a soldier, but in the end you became Ye Yu, the representative of the three tribes. I am your fan! If, if it doesn't hinder you, please shake my hand!"

Ye Yu, who finally recovered from the accident, was stunned again after hearing the girl's words. Then he looked at the excited girl in front of him speechlessly. He was fighting you to the death. You suddenly appeared. Are you here to be cute?

It seems like I don’t know how to complain

"It's done!" The girl seemed to be very happy because of the handshake, but it was a bit confusing what this girl was here to do.

Not only Ye Yu was confused, but even Cao Cao was stunned, wondering what was going on, with a very embarrassed look on his face... In the end, Cao Cao scratched his head and asked.

"Are you from Vali's side? So, what's the reason for coming here?"

Lu Fei answered Cao Cao's words without hesitation and with a smile on his face.

"Yes! I'm here to convey Lord Vali's words! 'I should have told you not to bother me!' - this sentence~~-Sending a monitor to our team will be punished~ ~”

Boom! ! !

Immediately following Luffy's lovely words, there was a shock that shook the earth!

The violent vibrations made it difficult to even stand! If it weren't for Ye Yu's support, Xiao Jiuchong would have been unable to maintain his balance and would have sat down on the ground.

Boom! ! !

It was the sound of something being cut! If you look over there, the ground is swelling and bulging, as if something huge is about to come out! The one who appeared in the place that tore the earth apart and stirred up dust was——!

"Howling! Howling!"

It was a huge object like a giant howling!

"This thing - is it Gegu Mag!" Azazel raised his neck and exclaimed.

Luffy answered Azazel's words softly.

"Yes. This is a powerful character in our team, the little brother of Gegu Magli~~"

"Is this a demonstration?" Cao Cao touched his nose and smiled bitterly. He really didn't want to offend Vali. In his mind, Vali, this unpredictable guy, was even more dangerous than Ye Yu and the others.

Azazel, who was serving as the commentator, continued to explain arduously.

"Gurgmag. Something like a gargoyle placed in the gap of the dimension. Sparsely floating in the gap of the dimension in a stagnant state. It seems to be a destructive weapon mass-produced by the ancient gods... The whole body should be like this. It’s just a complete stop.”

"Ah, this is the first time I've seen one that can move. I have so many questions. I've heard that the function was stopped and it was placed in the gap between dimensions... but it's moving! It's so exciting...!" As Sacher spoke, his eyes sparkled like a child's, and he switched to fanatical researcher mode in an instant.

However, Azazel, who immediately reacted, started talking to himself again.

"Is that so? Vali has confirmed that it's not just the Great Red who's wandering in the gaps between dimensions..."

Luffy answered Azazel's opinion.

"Yes. It was Master Vali who discovered the existence of this Xiaoge. Master Ophis said that he had sensed this kind of moving giant when he was investigating the gaps in the dimension, so he explored it again."

Just when Azazel said this, Gegumag waved his huge fist at the heroes!

Howling! Howling! Howling! ! ! ! !

Accompanied by an extremely loud shattering sound, the gargoyle's blow slaughtered a large number of fighting monsters. All the opponents of the hero faction also flew back, and the battlefield was divided again.

"Hahahaha! Is Vali angry? He sent a big rock to vent his childish temper?"

Cao Cao laughed loudly and pointed his gun at the gargoyle,

"Stretch it!"


The tip of the gun suddenly stretched out and instantly pierced the gargoyle's shoulder!

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