The Ultimate Lich King

Chapter 334 The duel begins

After the school festival is over, it’s time for the younger generation of demons to finally decide the winner in Rating.Game.

Ye Yu, the opponent for the showdown with Rias, is also very familiar with him. He is none other than Sairaorg from the Barr family, a fighting maniac with the same temperament as Vali.

In fact, Ye Yu is the most troublesome to deal with this kind of guy. A person with this kind of temper is very stubborn. No matter how much you torture him, he will not be convinced. He keeps coming to you with the idea that he will defeat you one day. fighting.

If it was an enemy, just kill him. But unfortunately, the other party was not his enemy. On the contrary, he should be said to be his in-laws, which gave Ye Yu even more headaches.

However, even though they had a headache, they could only fight bravely. Not long after the school festival ended, the group of them took the Gremory family's special train again to the location of the decisive battle.

"Ah! That's amazing! It's actually an island floating in the sky!"

Several girls were lying by the window of the cable car, looking excitedly at the floating island above. Surrounding the huge island in the suspended city are countless ancient trees and green forests, and at regular intervals there are galaxy-like waterfalls hanging directly from the suspended island. The entire suspended island seems to be supported by countless water columns and held in the air, so dreamlike. The scene can probably only be seen in fantasy-themed movies!

This is a day equivalent to a grand ceremony in the underworld. The strongest future star in the entire underworld, the younger generation, the eldest lady of the Gremory family! The strongest young man from King Baer’s family! The strongest battle is today!

Underworld, the capital of Grand Duke Agares - Hanging Island! The fantasy island floating in the sky, the city there - Agres, is a magical island built in the old devil era! Originally, after the war between the old demon king and the new government, the hanging island had been greatly damaged. It was not until the current demon king, Lord Beelzebub, who invented the demon chess piece and Rating.Game, personally repaired it that it was perfected.

Now, the entire Hanging Island Agres has almost become the core capital that monopolizes the economic circulation in this area, and is even a tourist attraction.

As the core fortress, the method of entering the Hanging Island is greatly restricted. The first is to jump through the magic square array. Probably because this is VIP level, it can only be used during special festivals.

It is an important place and a world heritage site, so avoid using magic to move it as much as possible. The second method is to take an air vehicle such as a flying ship. Of course, if you want to enter the capital, you must obtain a pass from below, otherwise the unidentified flying ship will definitely be bombarded by countless magic bullets at the first opportunity.

As for the third and last type, that is the cable car that Ye Yu and the others are taking now. This is also a method that many tourists use to enjoy the scenery. At this moment, all the members of the Supernatural Research Department were sitting on the huge luxury magic cable car. The girls were excitedly looking out the window, while Azazel was talking about this competition.

"Alas, actually, there seems to be a dispute among the people above about the setting of the competition venue!"

Azazel, who was holding his hands and crossing his feet, sighed and said the news he had received from the higher-ups.

"Could it be that the finals weren't held on this suspended island from the beginning?"

"Well, I originally hoped that the current upper-level Demon King's faction Gumongli would hold the event or the Demon King's territory. However, the Baal faction who values ​​kinship here wanted to hold the event in Baal's territory. As a result, the two sides couldn't argue... "

Asachel said this and shrugged helplessly.

"Because the current Demon King is not hereditary. For higher-level demons who value blood relationships, the reputation of the Great King Baal family, one of the original seventy-two pillars, is even higher than that of the Demon King, so even the Demon Kings cannot maintain Tough attitude.”

"The two sides didn't want to give in to each other, so in the end it was decided to hold the competition on Agres' territory?" Kitty whispered, while Azazel nodded and spoke.

"Well, the status of Grand Duke Agres is between the Demon King and the Great King. The middle management, Grand Duke Agres. Although times are constantly changing, every generation is very hard."

"Does this mean that our game has become a proxy war between Demon King Lucifer and King Barr's family?"

"Well, there are many people who see it that way. On the surface, it is a match between the rising eldest lady of the Rias family vs. Sairaorg, the strongest young player. This is just a publicity statement to attract ordinary demons. But what is behind the scenes , politicians speculated that this was a proxy war between the Demon King and the Great King."

He looked bored, and that was true. As Azazel, who only liked collecting and studying artifacts, he was quite resistant to such political things, otherwise he would not have delegated power to the Fallen Angels' headquarters. Ran out.

"This kind of thing is not something we have to worry about. Anyway, as long as we win this game, I am full of confidence."

Rias said so confidently, with the powerful combat power of Ye Yu and the Fenrir wolf that had just been recovered not long ago, they can be said to be invincible.

"Confidence is a good thing, but you can't underestimate the enemy. It is said that this time your battle has attracted the attention of many forces. Even other mythological systems have basically come over, such as Greece, Mount Sumeru, and Northern Europe. Over there, over there in short, basically all the big figures from the legend are here."

"So let's end it as soon as possible. I can't bear this kind of scene anymore."

"By the way, that guy may show up too. Although he probably won't do anything on such an occasion, it's better to be careful."

"You mean...Hades?"

"Yes, although he took action several times, we couldn't find any evidence, and he would definitely not admit that he was related to the Disaster Group."

Azazel said this, revealing his deep fear of Hades in his words.

After all, the opponent is a being whose strength far exceeds that of the Demon King, and has reached a height that he cannot understand. In Azazel's opinion, the only one who can fight Hades is the pervert Sirzechs, right?

Of course, there is one more Ye Yu now.

Asachel thought this, looking at Ye Yu who was bowing his head in thought in front of him, he couldn't help but sighed softly, he was really old, and now the world is dominated by young people.

"I know, I will be careful. It's fine if he is honest. If he dares to do any tricks, I don't mind letting this so-called controller of death understand what real death is."

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