The Ultimate Lich King

Chapter 345 Return to the Little Garden

"Although I can rule the entire world,... I always feel that it is a very long and boring task."

In his room, Ye Yu sighed and said this, while Ophis on the side tilted his head curiously.

Although it sounds a little funny, the world is indeed at peace. Without Orpheus, the group of misfortunes is basically useless, and the voices of the various pantheons around the world becoming less and less united.

The only few discordant voices were silenced, and they did not dare to act rashly in the current situation.

The world has thus ushered in a period of stable development, with all the gods helping each other like a family.

"Why do you want to rule the world?"

"Because this is an exam. If I can't complete the test questions given to me by a big shot, she will definitely be angry."

Ye Yu said this helplessly, while Ophis's eyes showed a look of curiosity.

"That big he the one who gave Rulong the power?"

Ophis said this, and Ye Yuze nodded slightly.

"I want to see her."

"Even if you want to see her, it's not that easy to see her. You must know that she is in another world."

Ye Yu said this, and Ophis shook his head very stubbornly.

"Then take me to another world. This is a promise!"

Seeing that Ophis still remembered what he had said, Ye Yu looked a little embarrassed and touched the tip of his nose.

"But... I don't know how to go back. If I pass the exam, I can go back, but I don't know if I have passed it."

Ye Yu said this with some uncertainty, while Ophis beside him stood up in a flash.

"Well, what are you going to do?"

"To conquer the world."

"Don't make such a dangerous declaration with the expression and tone of voice that says I'm going to a street snack shop to buy snacks."

With a look of dumbfounding, Ye Yu pulled Ophis, and just as a crack in the world appeared in the room, it was swallowed up before the two of them noticed it.

When Ye Yu and Ophis reacted, they found that the surrounding scene was different. Ophis looked around curiously, while Ye Yu recognized where this place was at a glance. This was Nesha and Nesa's bedroom.

He came back just like that, and he came back with Ophis... Could it be said that Naishan and Naissa brought him back?

Thinking this, Ye Yu couldn't help but try to call out.

"Naisha Naisa...are you there?"

"Tsk, you guys are really enjoying yourself a little bit. If I hadn't pulled you back, how long would you have stayed in that world?"

The girl's clear and sweet voice rang in the room. For some reason, Ye Yu seemed to hear some resentment in this voice.

Immediately with a dazzling purple light, a petite lolita with long purple hair appeared in front of Ye Yu, and then because of her height, Naishanasa couldn't help but look up at Ye Yu.

Then the next second, the two people's positions were reversed. They stepped on Ye Yu's head and trampled his whole body on the bed. Naishan and Naisha let out a long sigh of relief.

"Well...this servant dares to let me look up at you. It's really disrespectful."

"I wouldn't be nice to treat me like this when we first met, right?"

Ye Yu said this with a bit of laughter and tears. Although he was stepped on by Naisha and Naisha, he didn't look angry at all.

The girl's white feet were soft, slightly cool, and had a faint fragrance. The curled toes are as round as jade, like pearls.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a kind of enjoyment to be stepped on by such cute little feet. Ye Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, moved his body slightly, and looked up the girl's slender legs, and then almost didn't Squirting out nosebleeds.

Isn't it true that Nesha and Nesa, like Ophis, don't wear underwear?

"Well...what are you thinking about?"

Seeing that Ye Yu suddenly lost his voice, Naishan and Naisha asked curiously, and the latter suddenly became excited and smiled kindly.

"Nothing, nothing. Why did it suddenly pull me back? I obviously still rule that world."

"It's not necessary. You idiot, if you continue like that, you won't be able to make that world your own for the rest of your life."

Naishanasa said this and shook her head with some hatred.

"Although you say so, I really don't understand anything about this aspect."

Ye Yu shook his head with a wry smile, while Naishanisa stomped on his face a few more times in anger.

"I just know that it's strange that you, a womanizer, can understand it!"

"Don't slander people casually! How can I play with women!"

"Tsk, I have ambiguous relationships with so many women, and I want to have a baby with this guy. Do you think I don't know anything?"

Pointing at Ophis, Naishanisa said angrily.

As Naishanisa's attention fell on Ophis, the latter shrank back in fear.

Ophis has remained silent since meeting Naisha and Naisha. The reason is very simple, that is, Naisha and Naisha's power and aura made the girl feel afraid.

It was overwhelmingly powerful in terms of blood, strength, and soul, so powerful that Ophis didn't even dare to move.

"Well... Are you jealous of Naisha? Even if I have a baby dragon, I will only have one with you."

Seeing Naisha and Naisha's reaction, Ye Yu showed some interest on his face, and then he said this in a colorful way.

"Tsk, you used to be an ice cube like little Keke, and now you have turned into a playboy. It seems that the sins of this life have really affected you a lot."

"Well, I don't feel that I have been affected by the sins of this life. I just feel that the once incomplete me is gradually becoming complete."

Ye Yu touched his head and said, he has indeed changed a lot. The biggest change is that compared to before, he now has more and more emotions, and behaves more and more like a complete and normal existence. .

I used to seem to be missing something, but now I seem to be gradually getting back what I lost.

"Complete? You are still far away from being complete now. This is just the first step. Congratulations, you barely passed."

Naishan and Naisha said this and finally let go of Ye Yu. The girl turned around a little arrogantly, and she didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, and her cute tail swept across Ye Yu's face.

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