The Ultimate Lich King

Chapter 352 Sandora

"Why are you here again?"

Seeing ShiroYasha appear, Black Rabbit was just about to say thank you, but immediately Nasha Naisa raised her eyebrows slightly and said this unhappily.

"If I don't come, who knows what you will do. I can't rest assured that you, the Demon King, are running around without anyone to supervise you."

Shiroyasha chuckled and said this, while Naishanasa curled her lips.

"What will I do? I have participated in the Fire Dragon Birth Festival many times. Don't you know that I just came to participate in the festival?"

"I know, of course I know, but although I'm not afraid of you provoking others, I'm still afraid that some unsighted people will provoke you. Then it won't be much fun."

Bai Yaksha said and shrugged helplessly.

"Ah... that's right. It's normal for a cute girl like me to be spied on by someone with evil intentions. This is something you, a small-breasted lolita, can't understand at all."

Naishanasa nodded and said this in agreement, while Shiroyasha on the other side also nodded subconsciously.

"Yeah... wait a minute, what do you say? Who are you calling a small-breasted lolita?"

"Didn't you admit it?"

"Admit it, you big-headed devil!"

Seeing the two people arguing like children bickering, Ye Yu shook his head in amusement, and Leticia on the other side also showed a somewhat helpless look. As for Black Rabbit, he took this opportunity to slip away. The pursuit of Izayoi continued.

"Okay, okay, we are all people in high positions. How can we be so noisy and noisy? We are not afraid of letting the people below laugh."

After a long while, the quarrel between the two lolita was stopped because of Shiro Yaksha's light words.

"This time the Fire Dragon Birth Festival is different from the past. Our Thousand Eyes cadres predicted the signs of the devil's attack. If possible, we hope you will lend a helping hand. After all, you don't want the festival to be destroyed, right?"

"Well...are there any demon kings that you can't deal with?"

"It's not that I can't deal with it, it's just an insurance measure. After all, no one knows what kind of demon king will attack."

"It really doesn't look like you, Shiroyasha, the star spirit who once controlled the sun and the white night, and the demon king who ruled the Little Garden. If it were you in the past, you would have killed an opponent like this without blinking an eye, right?"

"It goes without saying what I said in the past...I am no longer the Demon King now."

Waving a folding fan to cover half of his face, Bai Yaksha stared at Naishanasa gently, not knowing what he was thinking in his heart-stopping golden eyes.

"Oh... that's right, I forgot, you are no longer the Demon King, even your godhood..."

"Okay, enough of that, Deathwing, if that's just a dig at me."

"Tsk, call me Naisha Naisha, that name doesn't sound good at all."

The words "Deathwing" came out of Shirayasha's mouth, making Leticia's eyelids twitch involuntarily. This title was more than just a name, it also represented some kind of omnipotence.

Just like Shiroyasha's power over the sun and night, Deathwing is the power over Nesha and Nesa.

She is the destined annihilator, the inevitable catastrophe that is unstoppable!

"By the way, this little girl is...oh, when did you give birth to a baby dragon?"

Looking at Ophis next to Ye Yu, Bai Yaksha showed an interested look. With her strength, it was easy to see the opponent's identity as a dragon, and she was as pure a dragon as Naisha. Blood.

"Yes, this is my and Ye Yusheng's little dragon."

Naishan and Naisha narrowed her eyes, approached Ye Yu and hugged his arm intimately.

"Hey, hey, this joke is not funny at all," Ye Yu said, somewhat dumbfounded, while Ophis on the other side tilted his head and uttered two words.


"Don't make trouble!"

Angrily, he hit Ophis on the head, causing the girl to scream and squat down, covering her head.

Although Ye Yu acted very nervous and helpless, it seemed that both Bai Yasha and Leticia looked at him very strangely.

Bai Yaksha just said this jokingly at first, but now she is also a little curious whether this little dragon really belongs to her and Ye Yusheng.

Because although Ophis is just a little dragon in Shiroyasha's mouth, the opponent's strength as a pureblood dragon is definitely not bad. If there wasn't a real relationship between father and daughter, Shiro Yaksha couldn't figure out why such a strong man could call him daddy.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to think about your relationship. Come with me and meet the organizers of this festival. At least let them know your existence, otherwise you will cause some trouble by running around. Well, it’s just that I’m not very easy to explain.”

The northeastern boundary wall, the stage area, is the operation headquarters of the ‘Fire Dragon Birth Festival’.

After Bai Yaksha and Ye Yu said this, they took him to the base of the community 'Salamandra', the headquarters responsible for holding the 'Fire Dragon Birth Festival'.

Entering from the palace dug out of the huge bright red realm wall, Ye Yu, led by two soldiers, had already seen the high platform not far away and the preparation room behind the high platform.

"Ah! It's Lord Shirayasha! Are you here?"

A petite figure wearing a gorgeous red princess costume came out of the preparation room, with a tinkling sound like silver bells.

"Ah, you've been waiting for a long time, Sandora."

Walking closer, the girl's appearance was revealed to everyone's eyes. Her fresh and lovely cheeks were slightly happy. Her long, gorgeous fiery red hair was coiled up dignifiedly around the two unique little dragon horns. The pendant hanging on her exquisite little hands and feet further showed the agility of the little girl.

Looking at such a young girl, Ye Yu then remembered that the new leader of the community 'Salamandra' seemed to be just an eleven-year-old child?

Although he had known it for a long time, Ye Yu couldn't help but sigh after seeing it. Is it really okay for such a young child to be the leader of such a large community?

"Hey... who are these?"

After saying hello to ShiroYasha, the little princess looked at the group of people around ShiroYasha with some curiosity. She originally thought that only ShiroYasha would come alone, but why did he bring so many people with him?

"Well, you should know these two unknown members and the leader Ren, right? As for these two, they came from above."

Without directly telling the identity of Naisha and Naisha, Bai Yaksha gave a somewhat vague explanation, so that Sandora, as the leader, would definitely know it.

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