The Ultimate Lich King

Chapter 380 Special Training

In the sky above Tiangong City, in the huge battleship 'Fraxinus' full of science fiction atmosphere, after Ye Yu agreed to join them, Wuhe Shizhi brought him here.

"Welcome to 'Fraxinus', I am the commander of 'Ratatoskr', Kotori Itsuka, and the one beside you is my sister Shiori Itsuka."

Itsuka Kotori, dressed in military uniform, sat on the high command seat, and next to her was Murasame Reine who was also dressed.

After seeing Ye Yu walk in, Murasame Lingyin, who had dark circles under his eyes and looked like he was awake, couldn't help but licked his lips gently, looking very hungry.

By the way, why does this organization always give off the feeling that something is very wrong? Everything on the big screen here looks like... the game values ​​​​from a beautiful girl development game?

It shouldn't be like this, right? After all, such a huge organization shouldn't blatantly study these things on such a serious occasion, right?

"Welcome to 'Ratatoskr' and we will be our companions from now on. I hope you can cooperate well with my sister in the battle against elves in the future."

"Even though you say that...but I have no idea what to do."

"Well, it's very simple. Just communicate and talk with the elves, flirt with each other, go on romantic dates, and finally make the elves fall in love with you."

Itsuka Kotori smiled and said what she once said to her sister.

"why is that?"

"In order to let the elves feel the beauty of this world, so that they will no longer cause unconscious destruction, this is a very necessary approach."

Although it sounded very unreliable, Ye Yu didn't know how to refute her.

In this way, Ye Yu became a member of 'Ratatoskr' and transferred to Wuhe Shiori's school under the arrangement of Wuhe Kotori.

The next day, in school.

Itsuka Shiori looked at Ye Yu who appeared in front of him with an embarrassed look on his face, not knowing what to say. On the other hand, Okamine Takee, who was the class teacher of Itsuka Shiori's class, started to speak for him with a smile. Introduce everyone.

"My classmates, this one is a new transfer student and a distant relative of Shiori Itsuka of our class. I hope I can get along well with you in the future."

After Teacher Xiaozhu said this, there was a burst of cheers in the class, and everyone stared curiously at the new classmate in front of them.

As for Ye Yu, he seemed a little embarrassed. He was already a father, but he ended up having to be classmates with a group of children.

Although he is a high school student, he is essentially only a few years older than his daughter.

However, Ye Yu's appearance looks very young. Even if he enters this high school class, he will not look out of place.

"Since you are a distant relative of Itsuka Shiori-san, please take a seat next to Itsuka Shiori first."

After Teacher Xiaozhu said this, Ye Yu nodded and came to sit next to Wuhe Shizhi.

The morning class ended soon. During the break, Ye Yu walked alone in the corridor of the school building to get familiar with the school's facilities.

As he was walking, he suddenly staggered. Ye Yu felt something grab his ankle, causing him to almost fall.

"This..." Looking back, Ye Yu looked at the woman in white who was clutching her ankle with one hand and lying face down on the ground with a sad look on her face.

"Murasame Lingyin?" Ye Yu called out this woman's name with some uncertainty.

"Don't worry... I just fell." As she said this, the woman slowly raised her face that was pressed against the corridor.

Long bangs, thick dark circles under the eyes, and sexy red lips. Although he is not wearing glasses, his face is unmistakably mature and charming.

"Why did you come to our school, Amamura Reiin?" Ye Yu said strangely when he saw the woman in front of him.

"Don't you understand after reading this? I have been a teacher for a while. By the way, the subject I teach is physics, and I am also the deputy head teacher of Class 4, Grade 2."

Ling Yin said while showing the name tag on the chest of the white clothes. By the way, a bear with scars can be seen in the top breast pocket.

"It's not just Lingyin, I'm here too."

Just when Ye Yu didn't know what kind of expression he should use to face Murasame Lingyin, another proud voice rang out.

"Special training will start from today. Neither you nor my sister can neglect it."

As Kotori said this, Ye Yu lowered his head and looked carefully, and found that Kotori was wearing indoor shoes for guests and had a school admission certificate on the chest of his middle school uniform. It seemed that he had successfully passed the procedures and entered the school.

"By the way, why did you come back here? Don't you have to go to school?" Ye Yu asked a little strangely. He stayed at Wuhe's house last night, and he also learned about Kotori's identity in Wuhe Shizhi's eyes, an ordinary woman. middle School student.

"As the commander-in-chief of 'Ratatoskr', I naturally have to be on hand to supervise the mission during the war. Otherwise, what should I do if something goes wrong? Don't treat this as a child's play. You must know how to implement this. It took a lot of effort to gain the right to fight, and I was under a lot of pressure."

Qin Li said this and shrugged helplessly. The girl's words made Ye Yu couldn't help but wonder what the inside story was.

"Let's go find my sister first. We must do the training mission together."

As Kotori said this, the group went to find Itsuka Shiori and immediately walked towards a room together.

Both Ye Yu and Wuhe Shizhi watched the two people walk into the room with great curiosity. Then, Kotori untied her hair that was usually tied with a white ribbon, took out the black ribbon from her pocket and tied it again. Tie it up.

"Huh, okay, now let's start the special training plan prepared for the two of you!"

He casually took out a lollipop and threw it into his mouth. Qin Li stared at the two people in front of him with excited eyes. Such eyes made Ye Yu feel slightly uncomfortable.

"Listen up, you two. This is an extremely cruel training, and there won't be any mistakes, you know?"

Seeing Kotori Itsuka, who was full of aura as the queen for a moment, and seemed to have changed into a different person, Shiori Itsuka, as her sister, showed a look of helplessness.

Will changing the ribbon turn on the switch of personality transformation? Staring at the two ribbons on Qinli's head, Ye Yuze showed an interested expression.

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