The Ultimate Lich King

Chapter 407 Visiting

Not finding the rabbit doll, Ye Yu comforted Sisinai while thinking about a solution.

Since the thing is not there, it must have been picked up by someone. At that time, the only person who had the chance to pick up the thing was the AST, right?

"Sixi Nai, I think I know who took your doll. Do you want to go find her together?"


Listening to what Ye Yu said, Sisinai immediately stopped crying and stared at Ye Yu.

"Well, don't worry, leave it to me, I will definitely help you get the doll back."

Ye Yu said this, the fourth element nodded weakly, and immediately the girl's body disappeared in front of Ye Yu.

"Is this...return critical?"

Ye Yu said this with some surprise. It seemed that unlike Toh Xiang, Toh Xiang could feel the timing of his disappearance, while Sisei disappeared directly without any resistance.

What exactly is the principle behind the phenomenon of returning to criticality? Why didn't I feel any power fluctuation at all, and then the four elements just disappeared.

Ye Yu shook his head, somewhat incomprehensible, and then turned around and planned to go back.

If you want to know who picked up the rabbit doll, then it is undoubtedly Itsuka Kotori. She should have witnessed what happened on the spaceship, right?

After returning to Wuhe House and explaining the matter to Kotori, Kotori immediately informed the crew to retrieve yesterday's video. After careful and thorough investigation of the video of Shigenon disappearing, it was discovered that it was Origami who returned to the base and picked up the doll and took it away.

"Well...did she take it away? In this case, it would be a little troublesome."

Kotori scratched her head and said helplessly. Not long ago, she wanted Ye Yu to avoid contact with people from AST, but now she was faced with having to go to the AST headquarters.

"I can only go there once, don't do weird things, Ye Yu."

After telling Ye Yu the address of Yuan Yi Origami, Qin Li did not forget to remind him.

"What weird things would I do to a little girl? I just wanted to have a good talk with the person behind the scenes when I went to AST. I have nothing to do with the members of AST."

Ye Yu said this with a bit of laughter and tears. In fact, he was very sympathetic to Tobiichi Origami's experience. After all, the elf indirectly killed her parents, and there seemed to be no suitable reason to prevent others from taking revenge.

But even though there was no reason, it didn't mean that Ye Yu would just sit back and watch the girl continue to hate the elf. It can be seen that Tobiichi Origami's nature is not bad, and the girl has no intention of harming Tohka when she loses her power and becomes an ordinary person.

Tobiichi Origami, who is filled with hatred in his heart, is just a poor person after all.

After a little preparation, Ye Yu immediately set out on the road to Tobiichi Origami's house. The girl lives alone in an apartment.

"I feel like a sudden visit like this without saying a word would not be welcomed, right?"

Thinking about what he did to the AST members, Tobiichi Origami wouldn't welcome him, right?

"Well, there is nothing we can do about it. After all, that idiot sister is not here. Otherwise, we can let her go."

Kotori's voice sounded in the earphones.

"Well, I know, I just feel a little embarrassed, after all..."

Ye Yu said this and was already standing in front of the automatic door, entering the origami unit number into the machine set up at the entrance.

Ever since, I soon heard the sound of folding paper.


"Well, it's me, Ye Yu."

After Ye Yu read out his name, there was a deep silence on the other side of the phone. After a while, Tobiichi Origami spoke again.

"I understand, come up."

To Ye Yu's surprise, the other party opened the automatic door happily, seeming to welcome Ye Yu's arrival.

Without thinking about anything else, Ye Yu just walked into the apartment, took the elevator up to the sixth floor, and arrived at the designated unit number.

"...Then, act as planned."

"Well, please."

After Ye Yu finished speaking, Qinli replied like this.

Now around Ye Yu, there are ultra-small lenses operated by 'Ratatoskr' flying around like insects.

This is Ye Yu's method of exploring when he draws Origami's attention away, thereby finding traces of Shiseno's dolls.

After the conversation ended, Ye Yu stood at the door and pressed the doorbell.

So very quickly... as if Origami had been waiting at the entrance, the door was opened.

"Hello Tobiichi Origami, I came over unexpectedly today to disturb you."

Ye Yu smiled and said this, but in the middle of the sentence, he suddenly froze. The reason was very simple, because of the origami clothes in front of him.

Although this is Tobiichi Origami's house, the girl is free to dress up however she wants, and Ye Yu has no right to make irresponsible remarks.

But this is really too unexpected.

A dark blue skirt, a lace apron on top, and a cute tiara on her head.

That's right, now she has a perfect maid lady style from the top of her head to her toes.

So what does this look like? Standing blankly at the door, Ye Yu just looked at Tobi Origami, who was dressed as a capable maid.

"Please come in." Tobiichi Origami said seriously without paying attention to Ye Yu's expression.

That feeling of just executing it and having no reason to refuse rose up in Ye Yu's heart, and then Ye Yu stepped into Tobiichi Origami's house.

"That origami..."

"What's wrong, Mr. Ye Yu?" The girl asked with her head tilted in a very cute pose,

"Um... why are you dressed like this?" He expressed the question in his heart without saying anything unhappy.

She folded paper, looked at her clothes in disbelief, and then tilted her head again.

"Because you have to welcome guests, is there anything wrong with dressing up like this?"

", there is no such thing..."

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly. Although he was curious about where the regulations were to welcome guests with such clothes, Ye Yu still endured it and did not ask any more questions.

"come in."

After closing the door, turned and walked towards the living room, Yuan Yi Origami did not forget to continue urging Ye Yu.

"Well, excuse me..."

Ye Yu nodded and immediately walked into the room.

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