The Ultimate Lich King

Chapter 410 Spiritual Equipment Rampage (2)

"Quick victory!"

Tobiichi Origami said this and looked down warily. After confirming the presence of 'Hermit', Origami and the others immediately began an annihilation operation.

Because the girl knew very well that Ye Yu would come over at any time, and once he came, it would be impossible to continue the war against the elves.

Currently present, nine AST members are floating in long-distance equipment.

It was an annihilation weapon that was packed with ammunition as much as possible, centered on a wiring suit that wrapped around the whole body and a basic equipment propulsion unit.

Normally, that would be a weight that would render the whole body unable to move—but in this case, the absolute force field generated by the manifestation device ‘Realizer’. The gravity neutralization of the optional territory 'Territory' makes up for it.

Everyone unanimously pointed the muzzle at the 'Hermit' and took a look at the situation.

"Now, that's enough..." A calm voice rang out, causing Tobiichi origami to put down his hands involuntarily.

Did he come after all...Ye Yu.

In the pouring rain, a shadow stood there in front of the elf 'Hermit', leaving all AST members speechless.

The rain was still falling, but not a single drop of the pouring rain could fall on the man in front of him.

In other words, all the raindrops that came close to this man were frozen into ice by the terrifying cold air and scattered around his feet.

Very similar to the elves, and even more terrifying than the elves...

The detection equipment with the elf power in front of him was constantly flashing, warning Tobiichi Origami of the danger of the man in front of him.

But no one, including Tobiichi Origami, backed away.

"" The roar of the giant beast just started, but it was quickly suppressed by Si Series.

The fourth element is the power of the spiritual equipment. The white frost spread slowly. The giant beast did not slow down the release of its power because the person standing in front of it was Ye Yu. It was so terrifying that it seemed to be able to freeze the human soul. The cold is still spreading.

The first thing that was affected was the raindrops falling all over the sky. When they encountered the strong freezing air, they turned directly into ice picks that shone with cold light and stuck on the ground. However, such an attack obviously had no way of breaking the randomness of Origami and the others. field.

The frost seemed to creep down on the roads and buildings, and it was like the entire street was put into a freezer.

In an instant... Origami and the others' vision was covered in ice and snow.

Pure white, pure white, pure white... Everything he saw was shrouded in pure white. Even Ye Yu looked at the spiritual outfit of the fourth series with some curiosity, looking at this one that was very similar to him. The power of frost.

"What should we do now?" One of the team members asked questions. They had all seen how strong Ye Yu was. It was obvious that there was no way to continue the extermination work.

"Anyway, the other party is in the same danger as the elves, so we should carry out the clearing work immediately!" While the others were confused, Liaozi decisively gave the order.

"No!" came the voice belonging to the fourth series, and then endless cold air burst out.

"Wow..." He yelled in embarrassment, and then everyone was swept away by the sudden burst of cold air.

In front of everyone's eyes, there is rain and air-conditioning with the power of elves. This curtain of water and the city of ice covering the ground have become a strong protective wall to protect the owner who sits here.

Then, the four-series rider riding the huge doll took action, controlling the huge beast to rush towards Ye Yu in front, directly taking the opponent away, and then turned around and ran back.

While running away, a large amount of air-conditioning continued to emit.

"Damn it! Don't even think about running away!" Tobiichi Origami shouted, trying to rush over.

"Are you crazy? Everyone, retreat!" He grabbed Origami and shouted, and then all the AST members quickly dispersed.

In an instant, the doll's head turned back again, and with a deafening and unpleasant high-pitched sound, a blue light-like object was spit out from the part that should be the mouth.



Through the communication machine, I heard the depressed voices of the team members. It seemed that those two people were a step too late when they escaped.

He turned around in the air and looked down.

There are two snowballs with a radius of about three meters, spinning gulu, gulu.

Unmistakable. It was the two people who had made distressed sounds from the other side of the communication machine just now.

"Did you just freeze the Territory? Are you kidding me!?" He pulled the origami paper up and made an unbelievable sound in Ryouko's mouth.

"Sisui, are you okay?" Ye Yu said with concern as he sat on the huge doll and hugged the shivering girl.

He was originally here to save the girl, but now why does he feel like he was saved by the girl?

Ye Yu was a bit dumbfounded thinking this, but it had to be said that elves were elves. Even the four elements who were defined as the weakest still had the power to kill those ASTs easily. long will it take for you, the girls of AST, to realize your own weakness?

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Ye Yu refused to let go.

"Be's okay. Look, what is this?" He gently hugged the crying girl, patted her back gently and rhythmically, and stuffed the doll into his pocket. Take it out.

He put the funny-looking doll on his hand and opened and closed it while talking.

"Hey, you can't cry, Si-sui. Didn't you agree that you should be strong at all times?"

"Ugh... I'm not crying if I don't have Si Series." Looking at the rabbit doll in Ye Yu's hand, Si Series wiped his eyes and smiled.

The huge rabbit was still running rampant, bringing up the frost that filled the sky. After handing the four series to the four series, Ye Yu frowned and looked at the frost that was frozen along the way.

"Sisui, can you stop this?"

"Ugh...I, I can't control it anymore..." Holding the doll Yoshino, the girl Yoshino let out a mournful sound. She encountered the same situation as Tohka and couldn't control herself and ran away. The spirit is installed.

"Is this like this? Are you going to go berserk with your spiritual equipment?"

Ye Yu muttered to himself, his palms gently falling on the body of the fourth generation, feeling the power in the girl's body.

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