The Ultimate Lich King

Chapter 413 Beauty Trap

After the exercise.

After returning to the camp, Origami Gnaku looked at the ground while calming down.

As if trying to recall the feeling from ten minutes ago, he clenched his right hand tightly.

Because the previous realm of freedom was lifted, the body became very heavy. Even the movements of raising arms and clenching fists are accompanied by an unnatural feeling, as if swimming in extremely viscous mud.

But this natural phenomenon hinted at his own powerlessness, and Origami unconsciously poured strength into his clenched fists again.

"Chong Gong... Mana."

As if to show off, the proficiency of being able to use random fields and special weapons as if they were one's own siblings. Indeed, she is a genius worthy of the legend.

This is a situation that should be welcomed. Those are humans and members of the AST. In other words, like Origami, it has the same purpose of defeating the elves. If there is a magician with his level of strength, the success rate of combat should be greatly increased.

However, despite understanding this, Origami felt an incredible anxiety growing stronger and stronger.

Because of his own incompetence and his repeated failures, the higher-ups sent Takamiya Mana.

"So strong..."

Origami said while glaring at her clenched fists, and at the same time, a voice came from above.

"You are amazing too, Tobiichi."

He suddenly raised his head and saw Mana approaching at some point, wearing a combat suit and standing there with a sports drink in both hands.

"You're welcome."

As he spoke, he handed over the sports drink in his left hand.

Although he had just released the random field, Mana's movements were not inferior at all.

Origami looked up at Mana with a complicated mood, raised her heavy arm, and took the bottle.

Mana nodded with satisfaction, took a sip of the drink and continued.

"To be honest, I was scared. Although the tip of the sword was only a few millimeters, it has been a long time since anyone could hit me."

He said it without being sarcastic, just purely commenting on his origami skills.

"What do I need to do to become as powerful as you?"

Origami asked, Mana's eyebrows furrowed as if troubled.

"I heard that you once killed elves. I want to hear the details."

Mana lightly shrugged at Origami's words.

"Kill the elves...that's right."

Faced with the vague answer, Origami tilted her head slightly.

"What's wrong?"

"Hmm... It's a little bit related to 'that', and it's different from other elves—do you still have to listen to it?"

"No matter how small the information is, tell me."

"Well, it doesn't matter... Although I can't publicize it to the outside world, I thought that I would have the opportunity to see it with my own eyes soon. That's why I was assigned here."

Origami tilted her head in response to that mysterious statement.

"I heard that you were assigned here to enhance your combat power."

"That's true, but to be more precise, I came here to confirm the reaction of 'a certain elf' in this area."

"Some elf?"

"Well, the most evil elf I have ever chased. Identification name..."

The moment when Mana was about to continue speaking.

boom! boom!

The two were hit on the head.



Origami and Mana held their heads down at the same time and turned their heads to the right at the same time.

Standing there was Ryouko Kusakabe, the AST leader wearing the regular uniform of the Self-Defense Forces, holding something like a balled up booklet in one hand.

"You guys, uh..."

The forehead crackled with pulsing blood vessels, and at the same time, swish! The ground pointed to the iron block recovered from the training ground. It was a beautiful propeller split into two parts.

"Aren't you talking about a simulated battle? Why are you destroying valuable equipment?"

The two stared at Liaozi's fingertips and said.

"I tried to attack Captain Chonggong's vulnerability using a half-hearted method but failed."

"Although it is a simulated battle, if you don't fight it seriously - you won't be able to obtain correct information - this is my judgment."

As a result, the two men were hit on the head again.

"That's really good advice. Let me do some research on the price of the combat components equipped with the display device before we talk! Our budget is not unlimited!"




Liaozi left a sentence of "be careful in the future", shrugged and walked away.

After her back disappeared, Mana pursed her lips in dissatisfaction.

"Really, the captain's hall is really a headache. It's because he is so stingy that he is as annoying as the elf."

"Feel the same."

Origami nodded, and Mana raised the corners of her mouth happily.

"I feel like I get along very well with you, Tobiichi. We are people who take on monsters like elves as our opponents. If we always take money so seriously, we won't be able to win at all."

After that, he shrugged exaggeratedly.

Origami wordlessly looked at Mana's face again.

Sure enough...both the facial features and the atmosphere are very similar to Shiori.

However, Shiori should have only one sister.

Although we haven't spoken to each other, we have met several times. Itsuka Kotori. Needless to say, Kazuma is a different person.

However, according to Origami's information, Shiori is an adopted daughter. The possibility that she is Shizhi's real sister cannot be completely denied.

But no matter how you think about it, it’s still a little bit magical, and people can’t help but sigh that the world is really small.

"By the way, it's not just the elves. If you were transferred here, you also know about that person, right?"

"Ah... that man. Indeed, that guy is also a guy who is valued very much by the superiors, and it seems that guy is still living with onee-sama."

Takamiya Mana looked like he had a headache as he spoke.

"I don't know what the situation is, but having such a dangerous guy next to onee-sama makes me very worried no matter what I think about it."

"By the way, I just have something I want to ask you. After such a long time, do you know the specific situation about that man?"

"What's the situation with Ye Yu?"

Mana Takamiya asked, and Tobiichi Origami lowered his head with a thoughtful look on his face.

"He is very strong... His strength is no less than that of an elf. His power currently reveals two characteristics, one is ice. The other is an inexplicable and disgusting power. We don't know what it is."

Tobiichi Origami said this, Takamiya Mana nodded in understanding, and then Tobiichi Origami thought for a while and then continued to add as if he remembered something.

"He seems to be very lustful and won't refuse women who come to his door. I think it would be good to use a beauty trap on him."

"Hey, hey...why do you say that suddenly?!"

"Because I tried it and almost succeeded."


Looking at Tobiichi Origami with a serious look on his face, Shina Takamiya showed an expression of disbelief.

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