The Ultimate Lich King

Chapter 417 The Killed Kuang San

As if nothing had happened, the two continued to wander along the academy. Kuang San learned about various places in the school bit by bit under Ye Yu's introduction.

Not long after, this floor was all finished, Ye Yu took Kuang San's hand and the two of them walked down the stairs.

"Actually, there's nothing worth seeing in the school. It's just the same classrooms."

"Really, but if you watch it with someone important, you will have a very different feeling." Kuang San chuckled and glanced at Ye Yu vaguely.

" important person?" Ye Yu murmured to himself, looking at the girl who was close to him. He still couldn't figure out what the other party's purpose was.

"So, that's it. It's already getting very late." Unknowingly, he and Kuang San had reached the first floor of the teaching building. Looking at the dim sky outside, Ye Yu said like this .

"Really, time flies really fast." Kuang San sighed, covering his mouth and smiling softly.

Then she let go of Ye Yu's hand, walked a few steps forward and stood in the sunset.

"So thank you very much for today, classmate Ye Yu." The jet black dress was rippling, and the girl's gorgeous turn under the sunset made Rang feel extremely stunning.

"Really? In fact, I didn't do anything but walk around with you." Ye Yu shrugged with a faint smile.

"Then, I hope you can tell me your true purpose when we meet next time."

Ye Yu said this and planned to turn around and leave, but Kuang San suddenly took a step forward and leaned close to Ye Yu's side, pressing his lips lightly.

"This is a farewell kiss. Don't forget it in a blink of an eye."

In the golden sunset, the boy and girl hugged and kissed each other again. This scene was frozen forever like the most eternal scenery.

I don't know how long it took, but Kuang San pushed Ye Yu's body away.

"It's just a farewell kiss, don't move your hands, my clothes are all messed up."

Saying this coquettishly, Ye Yu spread his hands with an innocent look on his face.

Looking at the man in front of him, Kuang San stepped back step by step, and then disappeared around the corner of the school gate.

"I really don't understand what she wants to do."

After gently tapping his lips, Ye Yu shook his head in a funny way.

"La la, la la..."

After saying goodbye to Ye Yu, Kuang San said while walking alone on the street under the sunset.

"It's not good yet... I can't bear it anymore. I finally found it, and I want to enjoy school life again."

After whispering to himself, he turned his body in a circle to the beat.

"But I really can't help it anymore. It's just contact, just hugging, that's it...that's it..."

After finishing speaking, Kuang San laughed again, making a singing-like sound from his mouth, and walked down the street like dancing.

Just at this moment.


He raised his eyebrows at the sudden feeling that hit his whole body.

This might be what it feels like to be swallowed whole by a huge creature without even chewing it.

This isn't the first time I've felt this way.

A barrier and a realm of freedom created by modern magicians using a machine called a manifestation device.

Even among all of them, she was special, right, unmistakable... it was that woman.

"Tsk, did the elves just appear so openly..."

As if to confirm Kuang San's judgment, a girl appeared in front of Kuang San.

It was a girl with her hair tied up in a bun, like a middle school student. Although she was dressed casually in a colorful parka and pleated skirt, the air surrounding the girl was as dangerous as a bird of prey seeing its prey.

"You're planning to kill humans casually here again, aren't you 'Nightmare'?"

"Ah la ah la, you really know how to wrongly accuse people casually, Sergeant Chong Gongzhen, I obviously haven't done anything yet. I didn't expect to meet an old friend so soon. It's really fate."

Kurumi tilted her head slightly and said, while Mana snorted unhappily.

"Although it's commendable that you can remember my name, your attitude is so intimate that it makes me want to vomit."

"Ah, I'm really sorry about that."

Kurumi lowered his head and apologized honestly.

"But, the name is very important. It would be very sad if I were called 'Nightmare' or something like that. Can you call me Kurumi Tokisaki?"

After Kurumi finished speaking, Mana raised her eyebrows even more unhappily.

"Because it's important, I don't want to be called by your name. Just because it's important, I don't want to call you that guy."

Takamiya Mana said this, with a chill in his words, and immediately a sharp blade of light appeared in the girl's hand.

"It's no use talking more, just suffer death!"

The bone-chilling murderous intent struck, and Kuang San's skin instantly felt chilly.

The feud between Takamiya Mana and Kurumi has been going on for a long time. The European girl used to be responsible for the pursuit of Kurumi, and witnessed countless partners and team members die in Kurumi's death. In his hands, this hatred is absolutely undying.

"I had a hard time looking for you in Europe..." As Mana advanced step by step, the clothes on her body were transformed into mechanized and incredible weapons. She stared coldly at Kurumi Tokisaki and Takamiya. Mana said with a murderous tone.

" it necessary to be so murderous when meeting old friends? It's really sad." Kuang San said, twisting his body and making a pitiful expression.

"Really, you don't have to be sad if you die!" The moment Mana's words fell, a dazzling light flashed across the street as dusk approached.

The long sword shining with dazzling light was held in Mana's hand, and the random field expanded instantly. Kurumi standing there suddenly felt a heavy pressure on his body.

"Ah ah ah... I can't move at all like this." The heavy pressure came, and Kuang San made a panicked sound like this.

"You don't need to move, just die like this!" A cold voice came from behind. Kuang San turned around slightly in surprise, and the last thing he saw was the bright light of the laser sword.

With a brush, Kuang San's body was split into two without any resistance, and bright blood spurted out, half of it splashed on the wall, and the other half sprinkled on the random area in front of Zhong Gong Zhenna. On the ground, there was a tingling sound.

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