The Ultimate Lich King

Chapter 422 Really Like

If it were normal times, Kuang San would take the initiative to this extent, and Ye Yu would naturally not let him go, but the girl's incomprehensible words about his father directly confused him.

What exactly does father mean? Why would she, as an elf, say such things?

It is true that how the elf was born is a mystery, but it is impossible for him to become his daughter inexplicably, right?

Ye Yu was still thinking about these things, but the passionate Tokisaki Kurumi had no patience to wait any longer. It didn't take long for Ye Yu's clothes to be taken off by the girl.

"Well, you haven't explained to me what you mean by what you said!"

Ye Yu seemed to want to struggle, but Kuang San didn't give him a chance.

"I can't explain it clearly. Father will understand after doing it."

After Kuang San's words fell, he immediately gave Ye Yu no chance to resist, and the two bodies were intertwined.

Strange power was released on Kuang San's body, spreading towards Ye Yu's body bit by bit.

In addition to power, there are many memories, and Ye Yu finally understands why Kuang San calls himself his father.

Because Kuang San was indeed born by himself. The crystals of his scattered power fell onto this world and were swallowed by ordinary girls, and then an existence like an elf was born.

"What will you do if you give me your power back?"

Suddenly realizing this, Ye Yu asked nervously.

"It won't be anything like that. I'll just become an ordinary girl. I don't want this kind of power for a long time. It's best if I can give it back to my father."

Kuang San said so indifferently, but Ye Yu heard a touch of sadness from the girl's words.

She was just an ordinary girl, but suddenly she had the power of a monster. She was independent from humans and was being hunted by her former companions. This didn't seem to be something to be happy about.

Now that the power can be returned to Ye Yu, Kuang San also revealed a feeling of relief in his words.

"You will disappear when you give your power back to me."

Ye Yu said this, while Kuang San fell into silence.

"Tell me what I can do to stop you from disappearing."

Holding the girl's wrist tightly, Ye Yu said this, and at the same time, the force that continuously surged towards Ye Yu from Kuang San's body also stopped.

"You...what are you doing!?"

The girl shouted anxiously, but Ye Yu had no intention of paying attention to her.

"Since it is my power, then naturally it is up to me to make the decision."

"You are so willful, Father, but this is not allowed. Mother will be angry."

Kuang San said this with a helpless sigh.


Ye Yu was stunned for another moment, and then the dreamy purple flickered in the small dressing room. With crimson eyes and spiral dragon horns raised high, Naishanasa appeared in front of Ye Yu and Kuangsan.

"Hey, hey, hey...Naisha, why are you here?!"

"If I don't come back, I don't know how long you'll be able to keep your ink. The power that belongs to you is right in front of you. What are you thinking about if you don't take it back?"

Looking at the two people intersecting in front of her, Naishan and Naisha didn't have any shyness on their face, and she said this in an almost cold and ruthless tone.

"If she takes it back, she will disappear, right? Not only Kurumi, but also Tohka and Shigenono. Do I need to take back their powers one by one?"

"Yes, all this power belongs to you. If you don't take it back, what are you waiting for? They are just ordinary girls. Even if they disappear, what does it have to do with you."

Naishanisa said this, and Kuangsan fell into silence. She was known as a sinful elf, but in fact it was meaningless in front of the two people in front of her. She was as weak as a baby in front of Nesha and Nesa.

Kurumi was looking for the source of power when he got this power a long time ago. At that time, the girl thought that this power came from the original elf, so she went to the crazy world to find her, hoping to use the power of time to return to Kill this original elf thirty years ago and end it all.

Later, it wasn't until the appearance of Naisha and Naisha that Kuangsan knew what kind of existence he was. After knowing the real truth, Kuang San couldn't help but feel relieved.

Although the ending seems a little regrettable, at least she can still be freed from this power, right?

My own birth was a mistake, so let this mistake disappear now.

For Ye Yu, the man who created himself and became his father in disguise, Kuang San didn't know why he couldn't feel any hatred at all. Originally, Kuang San thought that he would hate him very much, but after seeing him, he didn't. There are no such thoughts or feelings.

Maybe it's because of the power in his body? I have a lot of affection for him, so I don't hate him.

But none of this matters anymore. After exchanging this power, I can finally become a normal girl, even though I will die only for a short moment.

After losing her power, she will disappear. This is what Nasha and Naisa told her, and Kurumi accepted it calmly.

She no longer wanted to be stained with blood, and this ending was undoubtedly the most perfect ending for her.

But it seems like a certain fool doesn't want to disappear just like that.

She looked at the man in front of her with some amusement, the man who took away her first time and caused all her tragedies.

"That's right, what she said is absolutely right. I'm just an ordinary strange girl to you. Whether I disappear or not won't have any impact on you, right?"

"Don't tell me that you're in love with me. There won't be a shortage of women in an existence like you, right?"

"It has nothing to do with that, I don't want you to disappear, it's that simple."

Maintaining this posture, Ye Yu hugged Kuang San's body tightly and smelled the girl's fragrance.

"For the sake of strength, I will not agree to such a stupid thing as asking a woman to die for me. I can't afford to lose this person."

Looking at the slightly stunned Tokisaki Kurumi in front of him, power once again burst out from Ye Yu's body, but this time all the power poured into Tokisaki Kurumi's body in the opposite direction.

"Idiot, what are you doing!"

Naisha, who sensed something was wrong, just wanted to stop Ye Yu's behavior, but it was a step too late. The next moment, the frost stained with an unknown dark color suddenly bloomed.

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