"Okay, let me see what's hidden in this -"

The decoration and engraving of the treasure chest are very exquisite.

Aside from the patina on it, one can tell at a glance that it is a precious artifact.

But now, it has changed beyond recognition.

Only the scale mark on it is still clearly visible.

Standing in front of the box, Lu Yuzai studied it carefully, and then put his hand on it.

The box is unlocked.

But it was very rusty.

It is difficult to open it by manpower alone.

Lu Yu tried it twice, but it didn't work at all.

I had no choice but to take out the stone axe.

"Huh, to be honest, I'm a little nervous..."

"Okay, brothers, no more nonsense, please open your eyes wide and wait and see——"


After saying that, Lu Yu raised his stone ax and hit it hard against the gap in the box!

A huge crash resounded throughout the cave.

Extremely clear.

Then, the treasure chest opened in response, and many objects rolled out with a loud crash.

Among them, the most eye-catching ones are a dozen shiny gold bars.

As for the vast majority of the rest.

Most of them are typical Indian-style utensils and jewelry.

A big box filled to the brim.

After seeing these gold and silver jewelry, the barrage in the live broadcast room exploded!

"I go!"


"Awesome, I really made a fortune this time!"

"Oh my god, what's going on?"

"The anchor won't really find the treasure, right?!"

"Feather God: Brothers, it's a small scene! Let's stabilize our hands first!"

The meaning of the scale symbol on the treasure chest is already very obvious.

This is what Avery built with his own hands in order to build the utopian city of his dreams.

As for the artifacts inside, they are probably the treasures from the Mughal treasure ships.

But the question is, why was the treasure chest left here?

Could it be that this cave is where the pirates hide their treasure?

After thinking for a while, Lu Yu picked up a gold bar from the ground and examined it carefully.

The shape of the gold bar is nothing special.

The portion is also sufficient.

There is an inscription on the back.

Record the origin, time and weight of the gold bar.

The text of the inscription is not Old English.

But Old Persian.

The history of the Mughals is recorded in the Master Guide.

Therefore, Lu Yu recognized it at a glance. The top line of the gold bar inscription read: Mughal Dynasty, 1702.

As for the latter, they should be words and phrases from certain scriptures.

It's really cumbersome.

I can't understand it at all.

After adjusting the drone's lens, Lu Yu pointed it at the inscription on the gold bar, and then explained:

"Brothers, this is Old Persian."

“The top line means Mughal Dynasty in Persian, and the bottom line is the time when the gold bars were produced.”

"So, there is no doubt that this box of treasure should be the treasure from the Mughal Empire's treasure ship that Avery intercepted back then."

The Mughal Empire, with a long history, was a feudal autocratic dynasty established in India by the Turkic Mongols, Babur, a descendant of Timur.

After the collapse of Timur's empire, his royal descendant Babur led an army to invade the South Asian subcontinent and established the Mughal Empire.

The empire declined for a time during the period of his son Humayun, and then entered its heyday under the third emperor Akbar.

During this period, the Mughal Empire implemented policies of cultural integration and religious tolerance.

But this policy was abandoned due to rebellion during the reign of the fourth emperor Jahangir.

By the time of the fifth emperor Shah Jahan, the Mughal Empire was unprecedentedly powerful.

However, due to internal disputes arising from Shah Jahan's extensive construction projects and heavy taxes, Shah Jahan was overthrown by his son Aurangzeb in 1657.

The territory of the Mughal Empire reached its greatest extent during the Aurangzeb period, but a series of problems left over from the Shah Jahan period led to the decline of the Mughal Empire.

During the heyday of the Mughal Empire, its territory encompassed almost the entire South Asian subcontinent and Afghanistan.

The shocking robbery caused by Avery happened during this time period.

After the decline of the Mughal Empire, colonial empires such as the British Empire, the French Colonial Empire, the Dutch Colonial Empire and the Grape Bud Colonial Empire competed for colonies in India.

In the end, Yingguo won.

Made the Mughal Emperor a puppet.

It was not until 1858 that Queen Victoria of Ying State was awarded the title of Queen of India and established the Ying Kingdom of India.

The Mughal dynasty thus ended.

The shape of the gold and silver objects inside the treasure chest basically conforms to the casting style of the Mughal Dynasty.

The time is right too.

Putting down the gold bar, Lu Yu picked up a rusty copper sword.

Due to years of oxidation, the copper sword has become extremely rusty.

The sword blade is very fragile.

Countless pieces of debris can fall off with just a touch of your hand.

Several rare alloys were added to the copper sword.

The hardness and texture are both excellent.

It can be seen that compared with the imperial civilization of the same period.

The smelting technology of the Mughal Dynasty was already very impressive.

"If this box of treasure hadn't been left here, it would have probably been stranded on the river bank by the rising water level in the underground river."

"I think it's the latter."

In order to verify his idea, Lu Yu picked up a gold bar and followed the underground river downstream to find it.

as expected.

Gold and silver objects can be seen scattered almost everywhere on the river bank.

It seems that the treasure is probably hidden nearby.

Thinking of this, Lu Yu immediately went in the opposite direction.

As a result, he encountered a fork in the road after walking for a while.

The river water rushed from two caves and finally converged together.

After searching around for a long time, he did not find any valuable clues.

In desperation, Lu Yu found a cave and went in.

The cave was very narrow.

It was pitch dark.

You could only squat to pass through.

After stumbling for nearly ten minutes, there was a change.

At this time, a huge crack suddenly appeared on the far left side of the rock wall.

An undercurrent flowed out of it.

There were many broken porcelain pieces and jewelry scattered under the water.

It seems that there should be an underground river inside the rock wall.

Thinking of this, Lu Yu put his ear to the rock wall and listened for a while.

As a result, he really heard the sound of water.

"There are also many scattered treasures here."

"If nothing unexpected happens, this river inside may bring us more clues. Let's go in and take a look first..."

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