Inside the live broadcast room.

A thrilling escape from death.

The audience was so shocked that they couldn't stop talking and were stunned. It took a long time for them to come back to their senses...

"It's so scary!"

"Through the screen, I feel like I'm going to fly!"

"Isn't it awesome?"

"It makes me scared (laughing and crying)!"

"Oh my god, it's so scary!"

"There's a road to heaven but you don't take it, there's no door to hell but you insist on breaking in!"

"My heart almost stopped!"

"I'm so nervous, I'll die sooner or later!"


Hanging in the air.

Holding the stone steps on the rock wall with both hands.

Lu Yu was also in shock.

Just now.

If he was even a second slower, he would have been smashed to pieces.


Looking at his feet.

The ripples of the pool.

He kept shaking his head and sighing, fortunately it wasn't him who fell...


His death would definitely be ugly.

After calming down.

Lu Yu's feet found two rock points and borrowed some strength.

Finally, he climbed up.

Lying on the edge of the cliff, breathing heavily...

"I never thought..."

Facing the camera, Lu Yu smiled and complained:

"The rich and powerful Pirate King Avery would actually do shoddy construction? Damn it..."

"Huh, okay, brothers, let's go over there and take a look."

Pointing to the cave in front.

Lu Yu got up quickly, trotted all the way, and came to the edge of the cave.

Looking around.

The space of the cave is very large.

The surrounding rock walls are full of gullies and various shapes.

At the top of the cave, there are many stems of climbing plants, entangled and hanging down.

It outlines a very dilapidated scene.

Lu Yu's current location is about two or three hundred meters away from the bottom of the cave.

Under his feet.

There is a river that is neither deep nor shallow.

It comes from the distant darkness.

But no one knows where it flows to.

It seems that this should also be a tributary of the underground river.


Following the direction of the water flow.

The light at the lower left cave entrance is getting brighter and brighter.

Reefs are everywhere.

The tide rises and falls.

All are vaguely visible.

I think it is very likely that we have arrived at the seaside.

And this cave.

It should be a seaside cave.

But now, because I have lost my sense of direction, where exactly I am.

Lu Yu doesn't know.

This is not the northwest coast, it should be the northeast coast.

However, since I can see the coast.

It proves that I have walked out of the mountain.

The way forward.

There is no worry.

Just walk forward in big strides.

Soon, after weighing it in my mind, Lu Yu sorted out his thoughts.

Pointing to the cave entrance on the lower left.


"I don't know where I am now..."

"But from the current situation, we should still be in the north of the island."


While speaking.

Lu Yu raised his eyes and looked around.

He tried to find some clues.

But he didn't find anything special.

The clues to the treasure.

When he got here, it suddenly stopped silently...

On his way to escape, Avery didn't leave too many traces for later generations.

Of course, hundreds of years have passed in a flash.

No one knows.

What happened during this period.

After all, it's hard to say whether this place is still the same as it was at the beginning.

There are no clues.

It's normal.


After a while.

Lu Yu let out a long breath.

There was no way forward.

So he decided to go down to the bottom of the cave first.

What if he could find some clues?

Thinking of this, he took a few steps back and stretched his limbs.

After posing as if he was ready to sprint, he whispered:

"Brothers, I'm going to jump from here."

"I have a good idea."

"See those hanging vines?"

"Find a way to grab them!"

After he finished speaking, the audience hadn't reacted yet.

Lu Yu had already rushed out like a flying bird and started running.

Ten meters.

Eight meters.

Three meters.

One meter!

The moment he ran to the edge of the cliff, he immediately retracted his legs and jumped with all his strength.

He flew up very decisively.

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