It can be seen from the logs that they have built a thriving city on the island.

And, it has been living for a long time.

"It seems that for this big lie, Avery took action and perfectly hid his ugly face..."

"The mountains and springs mentioned in the article should be the Twin Mountains and the fountain in the sky."

"But where is the Lebotalia that Tomastu mentioned? We have also been to the top of the mountain, why didn't we discover all this?"

Lu Yu remembered it very clearly.

Standing on the top of Twin Mountains, looking towards the island.

As far as the eye can see, there is nothing but jungle.

Forget about the city.

Not even the shadow of the city was visible.

Could it be that.

For hundreds of years, this lost city disappeared quietly.

No trace left at all?

Shaking his head gently, Lu Yu simply explained:

"If Tomastu is not lying, we must be missing something crucial."

"Don't worry about this for now, let's continue reading."

As the truth was revealed bit by bit, the audience's hearts were in suspense.

All in front of the screen.

Can’t wait to read below.

Even the barrage was reduced unconsciously.

Putting this question aside, Lu Yu gently turned to the next page.

Content after the log

A very detailed introduction to the twelve pirate captains who ruled "Lebotaria".

Among them, the first to bear the brunt was Henry Avery.

As the initiator of "Pirate Utopia", Thomas Tu highly praised it in his diary.

I don’t know if it’s true feelings or if I have ulterior motives.

Reading the whole article, it is full of compliments.

"17×0 years, 6×1×..."

"This is a great cause and what we want in our lives..."

"There is no doubt that Olidia is a paradise for pirates... There are various pirate bays where various pirate ships dock. Even in the house, you can smell the smell of alcohol wafting from the streets. Pirates and sailors stumble around, or hug each other. Girls with heavy makeup are staggering in and out of pubs... Just spreading their legs can solve many problems that we can't solve..."

No surprises.

In the early days of its establishment, "Libertalia" was really an ideal society similar to a peach blossom garden and a utopia.

Avery called them here to share the beauty of the world.

At that time, Lebotalia was definitely an equal society where wealth was jointly managed, there was a reasonable class division of labor, and "everyone for one, one for everyone"!

Unfortunately, the taste changed later.

Immediately afterwards, in addition to Avery and Anne Boney, the diary also recorded many famous pirate captains at the time.

William Meyers was one of them.

William Meyers and Thomas Tew were also quite close.

Living an ordinary life in Rhode Island, he and other Rhode Islanders were all tempted by the treasures that Thomas Tew offered when he returned home with a large load.

These country bumpkins were almost blinded by the gold, silver and jewels in their eyes.

He repeatedly sighed: "Damn it, how can you make so much money as a pirate!?"


The eager William Meyers rolled up his sleeves under the temptation of money and became a pirate.

Later, he led the crew to rebel by robbing merchant ships.

He became the captain of the Pearl and became a social celebrity.

In addition to the above four,

Joseph Farrell and Richard Want are also on the list.

Both of them are Avery's fellow villagers and participants in the shocking robbery.

Thomas Tu's diary says.

Joseph and Richard controlled the warships "Portsmouth Discovery" and "Dolphin" respectively.

Initially, the two men worked under Avery.

Later, by chance, they had sex behind Avery's back.

Departed the Fantasy.

Returning to Portsmouth, he gathered several hundred crew members and occupied his own route.

Specialized in robbing Spanish merchant ships.

Wealth cannot be underestimated either.

"These two brothers were once Avery's subordinates. After they became successful, they left Avery."

"It seems that our captains should have laughed off their grudges after meeting each other, otherwise they would not have sent invitations to them... At least, that's how it is described in this guy's diary."

However, Thomas Tu's statement is too subjective after all.

Never be convinced.

Lu Yu believes that with Avery's behavior, it is very possible to settle accounts after the fall...

Maybe, among the pirate bosses who were defeated in the stone chamber, these two brothers were among them.

In addition to the five above.

There are seven pirates left.

Apart from Adam Badridge and James Mason, Lu Yu knew very little about these seven pirates.

Even in the [Master's Guide], there is no detailed biography.

"Brothers, this Adam Badrich is a local pirate from the Ying Kingdom."

"The financial resources are also very strong. At least one-third of the treasures in the entire Lebotaria are brought by him."

"Adam started out as a bottom crew member, the same guy as Thomas Tew."

"The resumes of the two have too many similarities. They are both typical examples of getting rich overnight. However, he is not as particular as Thomas Tu. After robbing a treasure ship, this guy drank wine at the celebration party that night. He poisoned his first mate and crew, leaving only three or five confidants."

See here.

Lu Yu was very emotional.

Many times, for the sake of treasure and money, these pirates don't even bother to believe in the pirate doctrine they often talk about.

He makes no secret of his greed.

Morality and civilization are not worth mentioning in their eyes.

The elderly, women, and children are all treated equally.

Very cruel.

As you can imagine, such a rabble gathered together.

What is the end result.


Both sides suffer.

At this time, some viewers in the live broadcast room asked, are there no good people among pirates? !

The so-called grand thief.

How difficult it is.

Holding diary in hand.

Lu Yu smiled meaningfully, then reluctantly nodded:

"Of course."

"James Mason, whom Thomas mentioned below, is one of them."

"Unlike most pirates who are ruffian and decadent, Captain Mason is a well-educated and respectable young man."

“In the process of traveling around the world with merchant ships and exploring different cultures, the sense of mission and ideas of guiding people to coexist harmoniously and cooperate took root in his heart.”

"On the other hand, this idea was also influenced by the non-religious priest Caraccioli. A priest, in today's terms, is his good friend. With their joint efforts, this idea gradually influenced the The crew they were traveling with.”

"Strictly speaking, Captain Mason is not a pirate, but the story develops like a clichéd hero movie plot. James Mason eventually became the captain, but this happened entirely due to an accident."

"During a certain voyage, the captain of the ship and an officer of the other British ship died in a dispute."

"Following the trend, Mason and his colleagues believed that there was an opportunity to put their ideals into practice, so after the accident, the entire crew peacefully and democratically elected, reorganized and appointed various positions on the ship. It was also true that It was after such an accident that they were condemned as pirates by the world, which is really unjust."

"However, the rational Captain Mason finally got out of these troubles. He only wanted to realize a utopia with his like-minded companions that would bring them absolute freedom and stable life. Therefore, he listened to Avery's slander and came to Ollie. Dia.”

"As the only cultured and cultivated pirate, Mason was reused by Avery and drafted the Lebotalia Code, designed the flag, monetary policy and a series of systems that began to take shape as a country."

According to Gu Huaxia, such a figure is basically equivalent to a military advisor.

On the surface, what Avery did seemed to be in line with Captain Mason's wishes.

But in fact, he never dreamed that while Avery was advocating equality for everyone, he was secretly planning a shocking conspiracy.

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