"Haha, 6666!"


Very quickly.

Mastered the rhythm of drifting.

The raft gradually stabilized.

Following the turbulent underground river, Lu Yu headed towards XI.

The speed was extremely fast.

This speed was much faster than traveling in the jungle.

The only disadvantage was that there was no lighting equipment.

The vision was limited.

It was extremely uncomfortable.

I could only rely on the weak light of the drone.

See the road ahead clearly.

Fortunately, the space in the cave was not cramped and was wide enough.

Even if the vision was not good.

But there was enough time for people to see everything happening in front.

In order to judge the situation of the river in time.

Since the Oridians used this river to transport supplies.

The direction and hydrological conditions of the river should not be too bad.


Considering the factors such as the inducement of geological movement and the change of the underground water system.

During the driving process, Lu Yu still did not relax his vigilance.

Always pay attention to the front of the river, for fear of any accidents...

Chapter 373 Bravely rush into the rapids, encounter changes again! (k, please subscribe

Chapter 373 Bravely rush into the rapids, encounter another accident! (4k, please subscribe!)

The cave was pitch black.

In such a place, if an accident happens, it will be particularly tricky.

So, Lu Yu had to be particularly careful.

While looking around, he held the oars tightly, and the whole person entered a state of preparation.

Hundreds and thousands of years have passed, and no one can guarantee that the situation in the ancient canal is still the same as it was at the beginning.

Centuries of wind and rain changes will inevitably cause unexpected changes to this small river.

While the raft was traveling on the river, Lu Yu discovered through the intelligent shooting of the drone that there were many murals on the inner wall of this cave.

The style of the murals is still the usual abstractionism.

The characters are exaggerated and wanton, with a unique aesthetic.

A pair of long ears, very recognizable .

Similar documentary murals are almost all over the stone wall, like a brilliant primitive epic.

One after another.

Very spectacular.


But it is worth mentioning that the content of the murals is nothing special.

Most of them are the same.

It is nothing more than the whole process of people digging and rebuilding the ancient canal, using the tide and cranes to transport materials to various places on the island.

The content is quite rich.

During the drifting process, Lu Yu took a quick look and almost saw all the murals on the rock wall.

In my heart, I have a little more admiration for this extinct primitive tribe.

If you haven't seen it with your own eyes, who can believe that such a huge underground fortification was created by a barbaric primitive civilization?

This is really incredible.

When human civilization, When they were still ignorant, the Oridians had already learned to gain strength from nature, faith, and totems, and then realized their desire for a better life.

Although in the end, this tribe went extinct for various reasons.

Disappeared in the vast Pacific Ocean.

But their contribution to human civilization is undeniable.

Although this contribution did not directly affect the progress of civilization.

But anyway.

What they did left an unrepeatable legend for this unique island hidden in a corner of the earth!

This is really enough.

Seeing the scenes in front of him, Lu Yu was amazed again and again, and said frankly that wisdom can really create everything!

"To be honest, these primitive people are really smart."

"Thousands of years ago, he We have already thought of moving heavy objects and delivering supplies by the rise and fall of the tide..."

"In fact, similar achievements of civilization development are not only found in Olidia, but also in many countries and regions. "

"China, which also has a splendid civilization, can also find many such examples. Speaking of which, it is precisely because of the wisdom of our ancestors that they can survive in the harsh natural environment and allow human civilization to reach today. "

"Without their intelligence, wit and hardworking hands, it would be impossible for them to carve out a bloody path for us in the era of the survival of the fittest. "

This is human.

A great life that knows how to seek a corner of survival in the cracks!

After sighing for a while, Lu Yu sat on the raft and rode the wind and waves all the way.

Inadvertently, he sailed a long way.

At this time, as time passed.

The river channel in the cave became wider and wider.

Although the view was still as dark as before, the good news was that the river was finally no longer turbulent.

It changed from the previous surging and turbulent.

It became a trickle.

At this moment, the boat under him also stabilized.

This put Lu Yu's voyage on the right track.

Because there was no previous thrill.

His tense nerves gradually relaxed.

A small boat.

Floating along the river.

It was very pleasant.

The underground river in the cave was winding all the way, and there was no end in sight.

But Lu Yu was not in a hurry. He chatted with the audience while enjoying this rare tranquility.

He spent the next few hours.

It was not until dark that the scenery in the cave changed subtly.

At this moment, because the rock walls on both sides of the cave were shrinking rapidly, the river water became turbulent again.

Seeing this, Lu Yu stopped chatting with the audience, waved the oar and said:

"Brothers, the river ahead may have changed."

"Otherwise, the water flow would not be like this."

"Next, we have to cheer up and go all out..."

However, this sentence has not been finished.

There was a sudden change in front of the river.

It may be due to crustal movement, or it may be that the cave roof has been weathered for a long time, causing the rock layer to become very fragile.

Several boulders that are more than half a person tall are lying in the middle of the river.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yu exhaled deeply, put the oar in front of him, and said loudly to the audience:

"One good news, one bad news, which one do you want to hear first!?"

"The good news is that the rock layer here has obvious weathering, which means we are getting closer and closer to the exit of the underground river!"

Usually, the rock wall in the cave is not too obviously weathered on the surface because it has been hidden underground for a long time.

Most of the marks left on the rock surface are river erosion marks.

But this phenomenon is not static.

As the exit gets closer, the erosion lines will gradually change into weathering lines.

Therefore, when Lu Yu discovered this subtle change, he was sure that the exit was not far away.

As for the bad news.

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