Thank you everyone for the gifts.

Lu Yu stood with arms folded in front of the camera.

After brewing for a long time.

He leisurely said:

"Friends, we have to make good use of this time during the drying of tiles."

"The next thing I have to do is the most important part of the entire firing task - building the kiln."

"The quality of the kiln is the key to determining the yield rate of pottery products."

“At the same time, a well-built kiln will also make the firing task twice the result with half the effort.”

"The so-called kiln is a pit for firing pottery. China is the earliest country in the world to use kilns to produce earthenware products. As early as 3000 BC, the primitive ancestors had already begun to use primitive kilns to bake pottery products that were practical for daily life. This is the most important reason why China’s English name is called CHINA.”

"This is our unique cultural label and the best proof that an ancient civilization is ahead of the world."

For primitive survival, the benefits of kilns are self-evident.

Not only tiles can be fired.

Can also make pottery.

Produce many beautiful and practical utensils and cooking utensils.

A brief introduction to the purpose of the kiln was given to the audience.

Lu Yu turned around and took the bamboo basket, went to the soil collecting point, and came back carrying a large basket of clay.

The kiln has no special requirements for clay materials.

The only thing you need to pay attention to is that the space inside the furnace cannot be too small.

and must meet specifications.

Only in this way.

When firing pottery, air circulation in the kiln can be ensured.

Let the temperature of the charcoal fire rise to the highest level.

This avoids accidents such as kiln explosion.

Lu Yu made a rough estimate.

A kiln half as tall as a man.

At least two large baskets of mud are required.

If you include the grates, furnace channels, charcoal basins, kiln doors, and smoke exhaust channels, there may be more.

But fortunately there is enough clay by the river.

Saved myself a lot of effort.

Half an hour's time.

Lu Yu went back and forth three times in total.

It wasn't until he had collected enough mud that he sat back at the operating table and started working.

"To make a kiln, you must first build the furnace bottom and grate."

"This is the first step. The grate is made, and then there are the steps of building the inner wall, furnace tunnel, etc..."

While talking.

Lu Yu took out a large ball of mud from the bamboo basket and threw it on the stone slab.


As usual, wake up first.

Squeeze out the air in the soil.

Make the soft mud become firmer.


I kneaded and rubbed for a while.

Lu Yu laid the mud ball flat on the stone slab and pressed it with his hands into a round mud cake about 40 centimeters in diameter and about half a finger thick.

Immediately afterwards.

After repairing the corners of the mud pie.

Lu Yu stretched out his finger again and poked many honeycomb-shaped holes on it.

"This mud cake is the stove head, also called the grate."

"The grate is a tray used to support tiles and is placed at the bottom of the kiln. There is a reason why it is made into a honeycomb shape."

"The honeycomb grate can play a role in shrinking the flame and making the charcoal fire in the furnace channel more concentrated. In this way, the temperature in the kiln is naturally guaranteed. In the absence of professional temperature control devices, this method is , you can easily get the temperature inside the kiln to the right temperature.”

"Although primitive, it is very practical."

"Don't underestimate this grate. With it, the temperature in the kiln can increase several times in an instant."

"It's no longer a problem to reach seven or eight hundred degrees..."

The words fell.

The drone flew knowingly.

Zoom in.

Make every detail of the clay grate.

presented one by one to the audience in front of the screen.

“Really professional!”

"It smells bad!"

"Sword Master's déjà vu!"

“Professional mud playing for thirty years!”


Got the grate done.

Lu Yu placed the stone slab in front of the bonfire and baked it.


He picked up the stone axe.

We chose a spot in the middle of the camp.

A "well" shaped furnace tunnel was dug.

The furnace tunnel is about 30 centimeters deep.

Barely a passing grade.

Typically, the deeper the furnace, the more powerful the fire.

But there is no way.

With the tools at hand, being able to dig to this extent was already Lu Yu's limit.

"Everyone, the furnace tunnel must not be dug too shallow."

"If it is too shallow, the firepower cannot be guaranteed. Such a problem will directly affect the firing time. In serious cases, it may even damage the grate. Therefore, you must dig deeper as much as possible. Only in this way, The temperature inside the kiln will not be too low.”

Tic-shaped furnace path.

Staggered in pairs.

Although it is a little crooked and not very beautiful.

But it does not affect normal use.

The furnace tunnel was dug.

Lu Yu placed some stones of the same size where the ravines intersected each other.

And build clay around it.

Put up the almost baked grate.

At that time, as long as the firewood is sent to the stove, the flame will naturally pass through the honeycomb holes on the grate.

Let the temperature in the kiln reach the ideal state in a short time!

"The furnaces of earthen kilns are divided into single and double furnaces. The advantage of a single furnace is that it is easy to make and not so complicated, but the disadvantages are also obvious."

"That is, the temperature will be insufficient and the temperature will rise slowly. If the clay material is not up to standard, it will be extremely difficult to finally shape it."

"If conditions permit, it is more practical to use a double furnace."

Place the furnace grill.

It's not over yet.

After that, Lu Yu took a large ball of clay that had been fermented long ago from the side and built a circle around the furnace head.

Make the bottom of the kiln more solid.

It will be convenient to build the inner wall of the earthen kiln later!


"After the kiln bottom is built, the next thing will be much simpler. We just need to build up circles of clay along the bottom of the kiln, and finally seal it. The main body of the kiln is done."

While speaking, Lu Yu did not stop working.

Circle by circle.

Layer by layer.

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