Scattered one after another!

Fresh blood was splashed everywhere for some reason!

In chaos.

A male turkey has been torn to pieces!

All that was left was a pile of limp entrails.

Because I was frightened.

The chickens that were lucky enough to escape immediately flew to the nearby treetops.

It was whispering and shivering in the wind...

"what happened?"

"Oh no, it's so scary!"

"Real crime scene!"

"Chicken thief?"

"Who is so cruel! He doesn't even let the chicken go!"

"Chicken: I'm so hard!"

Everyone is right.

Just now.

My chicken coop must have been attacked by some extremely destructive beast!

It happened until now.

Although it only lasted for more than a minute.

But judging from the situation at the scene, the perpetrator had already completed the hunt!

So fast.

The methods are ruthless.

This is definitely not the work of ordinary cats and dogs!

Is it a Tasmanian devil?

Thinking of this, Lu Yu frowned and became a little more confused.

I hurriedly surveyed the area.

at last.

On the side near the vegetable garden, he found a series of very vague footprints.

"Everyone, there is a series of footprints here..."

Squat down.

Zoom in and take a closer look.

After just one glance, Lu Yu denied his previous guess.

This series of footprints is as big as two adult feet. Even if you put your hand on it, there is still something left.

Therefore, it is definitely not left by the Tasmanian devil.

It must be some other beast.

The footprints are blurry.

But the claw marks are thin and deep.

It can be judged from this.

The person coming must be a big guy with a huge body and sharp claws!

However, it is still difficult to draw a conclusion based on this characteristic alone.

Because there are too many ferocious beasts that fit this characteristic.

I thought hard for a while.

Lu Yu didn't even think of a reason.


Still decided to make a fuss about the footprints.

Thinking about it, he first changed his angle.

Then he squatted down.

He lowered his gaze.

Look in the direction of travel of the footprints.


I really found something...

According to the travel route of the footprints and related traces.

Lu Yu was sure.

The "chicken thief" must have a huge, scaly tail.

Not surprisingly.

It's most likely some kind of vicious reptile!

Chapter 381 Island alien species, apex predator! (k, please order

Chapter 381 Island alien species, apex predator! (4k, please subscribe!)

in nature.

There are not many reptiles with such lethality!

Among them, the most well-known ones are probably the Amazon anaconda and the saltwater crocodile.

in the wild environment in which it lives.

These two can be said to be at the top of the food chain!

Forget about the shredded turkey.

Even facing the swift leopard and the spotted hyena, which are deified by wild beast enthusiasts, they can easily kill them with one strike!

in the dark.

Lu Yu lowered his voice.

He told the audience exactly what he thought.


As soon as he finished speaking, there was an uproar in the live broadcast room!

Even if you are not an experienced climber, you have heard of the names of anacondas and saltwater crocodiles in various scientific and educational documentaries and literature!

The fierce combat power and hunting ability are absolutely unquestionable!

Ordinary people are working alone.

Even if he had a shotgun in his hand, he would never be a match for these two.

If it is an encounter.

That would be even more serious.

You can say that.

With only his homemade cold weapons, Lu Yu had almost no chance of winning!

"Holy shit! Saltwater crocodile?"

"Really or not?! Yu Shen, be careful!"

"I don't know what you are talking about, but it feels so awesome!"

At this moment.

A netizen named "Shanghaojia Professional Sewer Repair".

Posted an online picture in the comment area.

The "behemoths" in the picture are none other than anacondas and saltwater crocodiles!

Huge body.

Fierce appearance.

Just one look at it can give you chills in your heart!

If you saw this with your own eyes, wouldn’t the faint of heart be frightened and faint on the spot?

Calm down the emotions of the audience.

Lu Yu shook his head gently:

"Brothers, please be patient."

"Judging from the current situation, this possibility does exist, but we cannot draw a conclusion on this. The person who came is one of them."

"Because in nature, there are many reptiles that are as ferocious as these two..."

"But it doesn't matter who it is."

"Protecting ourselves from infringement is what we should focus on right now..."

Now, Lu Yu was not sure whether the attacker had escaped from the camp.

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