That’s when it happened.

A voice of doubt sounded:

“King Arthur, the boss of the West End, dropped out of school? How can it be? ”


A voice interrupted him directly: “Please, this is just a story!” Wasn’t the martial arts community that Mr. Su said yesterday just like the real thing? But that’s just a story, where are there any Tian Meng’s lords now. ”

Many of the mixed characters below nodded, although the story of the martial arts world that Mr. Su said was like the truth, and there was indeed some authenticity in it that seemed to be traceable, but many people felt that this was just a part of the story, and the truth in some places was to make it easier for people to substitute into the story.

But that’s when –

“Mr. Sue, how do you know King Arthur has dropped out?”

Everyone looked at the man and saw that the man was a bastard of the West End High School, a high school with King Arthur.

Watched, the bastard said:

“This is what just happened this morning, King Arthur beat up the instructor of our school and was ordered to withdraw from school.”

“The news hasn’t come out yet.”

He was surprised.

The surrounding heard it and couldn’t help but get excited——


Is what Mr. Su said true?

“True or false, this is the story!”

“But I’m curious about what will happen when King Arthur drops out of school and enters the Ultimate Class, and it’s exciting to think about!”

“The boss of the Ultimate Class is also the third highest in the KO list, a prominent figure in the college world, the two have always been compared, if King Arthur really turned in, it would be too exciting!” 」

The below all coaxed and looked expectantly at the storyteller above, waiting for him to continue speaking!

Why listen to stories?

Nature is a thrill to listen to! Especially in the story of the real characters, it is even more curious, gossip, fantasy, from ancient times to the present, there is no lack of legends, rumors, gossip, many people will be some things that can not be understood, can not know, make up a story, and some did not happen, they also want to see the results of the occurrence through the story –

And now—

The are very excited and want to see how Mr. Su above can make up this story that did not happen!

“The story begins with the transfer of two transfer students to the final class—”

On the high platform, Su Yu shook his fan and opened his mouth to tell a story.

“One of the transfer students—”

“It was King Arthur of KO.3 who was ordered to withdraw from school.”

“Just after stepping into the classroom door of the Ultimate Class, Arthur Wang was ostracized and targeted from the Ultimate Class! But Arthur Wang calmly let out wild words, he stood in front of the Ultimate Class of people, bluntly saying that he wanted to become the strongest in the history of the Ultimate Class – ruler, ruler, and person. ”

“His words made the whole Ultimate Class furious.”

“Wang Dadong, the boss of the ultimate class, came directly to Wang Arthur and held out his hand, and Wang Arthur directly held his hand, and in an instant, flying sand and stones, the two urged internal forces to test each other!”

“After the temptation, the two meet in the gymnasium to fight a big battle, so as to decide who is the strongest KO.3 in the university world, who is the ultimate class… Ruler. ”

On the stage, Su Yu’s words made countless people below look forward to nervousness and want to listen to the follow-up.

Su Yu shook the fan, took a sip of tea, and continued to speak:

“After school, the two meet in the gym.”

“Around the gymnasium, there are all mixed characters from the university world, wanting to see this protracted war!”

“Two people stood in the middle of the gymnasium, the crowd surrounded the center into a ring, the internal forces in the two people’s bodies were running, standing on opposite sides of each other, and the combat power index in the body was waiting to break out, this eye-catching college and university war… It’s going to be a touch! ”

“King Arthur, the combat power index is 9,000 points, the KO list ranks third, the sword in the stone with the weapon seal, once the seal is unsealed, its strength is unpredictable.”

“Wang Dadong, the combat strength index is 9,000 points, the KO list ranks third, there are weapons dragon stripes, and the physique is strong when he is strong, so that his combat strength index can break through the high point at any time.”

“The battle between the two.”

“It’s going to be a fight!”

Su Yu’s speech was slow, but each word was very heavy, saying the news that the mixed word generation in the college circle below did not know!


The moment Wang Dadong heard Su Yu’s words, his entire body was slightly shaken, and his eyes looked at Su Yu on the high platform in disbelief!

How could it be….

He never told anyone about being strong when he was strong?

How did the youth on the stage know?

Must have been a random guess!

It must be so.

Wang Dadong was secretly shocked, but at the moment, he was also substituted by Su Yu’s story…


King Arthur really transferred to the ultimate class, so who will win between him and King Arthur?

Above the high platform.

Su Yu’s tone was clear and clear, the words were very brief, but they were extremely powerful, and with his description, everyone seemed to have a picture in front of their eyes and minds

In that picture, in the center of the gymnasium, two top KO masters, the heroes of the university world are facing each other, the powerful atmosphere envelops the body, the internal force fluctuates, and countless cheer around, waiting for the outbreak of this big war!

The atmosphere in the picture is extremely exciting!

And the below are also listening to the rise!


Su Yu said a word.

“Just after the two of them exploded the combat power index!”


“A gentle and gentle piano sound sounded, coming from the music room of Nabal High School, the piano sound was like the light breeze of summer, gently blowing everyone’s heart, like the touch of mother, on that summer night, gently holding you to sleep, the night breeze breeze, as if to blow away all uneasiness, restlessness … For a moment, the gymnasium was occupied by the soft sound of the piano. ”

“The sound of this piano dissipated all the war will and anger in the bodies of Wang Dadong and Wang Arthur, and the piano sound seemed to carry some kind of power, penetrate into the heart, penetrate into the softest place, and under the soft, like the sound of the piano blowing lightly, the two obviously hated each other, but gave each other a hug, and the in the gymnasium hugged each other.”

“The stadium is boiling and cheering, and at this moment there is peace and tranquility.”

Su Yu’s fan shook, and his tone gradually changed from heavy to light.

Everyone seemed to be able to see the picture—

The scene that was supposed to be a duel!

At the moment—

It was actually destroyed by a piano sound, and that piano sound seemed to have some kind of soul-threatening power, so that two people who were about to duel and hated each other actually hugged together!

Below the high platform.

All the mixed characters were substituted into the story by Su Yu’s words.

“Someone can be so good, who plays the piano?”

Below the high platform, a mixed-up man asked curiously.

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snap up immediately (Event period: October 1 to October 7)

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