

Instead of struggling, he looked straight ahead, letting his neck be pinched.



He shouted in a feeble voice, his voice squeezed out because of being pinched by the neck, but full of disbelief.

The figure just pinched him and lifted him up with his hand!

Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, Ding Xiaoyu, and Tian Xin could not see his appearance, only his back.


“What a horrible murderous gas.”

Wang Dadong’s body tensed up in an instant!

Not only him, but even Wang Arthur and Ding Xiaoyu were the same!

Although the place where the three people were standing was a little far, at this moment, they felt an overwhelming killing qi, and at the moment of feeling, their bodies involuntarily tensed up!

Yu Shengde’s face was flushed, his eyes were wide open, and his eyeballs were bulging out, obviously about to die of exhaustion.


But just then!

The figure let out a faint cry of pain.



He let go of his hand, his head shaking constantly, as if a bomb had appeared in his head, and suddenly exploded at this moment!


In the next second!


His figure shook and staggered forward.

And Yu Shengde fell to the ground fiercely, with deep strangulation marks on his neck, but he didn’t have any shouts, as if it wasn’t him who had just fallen to the ground, he seemed to feel no pain, his eyes were dead looking ahead, without any focus.





He muttered something in his mouth, then covered his head very uncontrollably, and roared loudly, as if he saw something, which drove him crazy!




Tian Xin watched this scene in fear, but the next second, the figures of Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, and Ding Xiaoyu all appeared beside her!

The three formed a circle of encirclement, back to back, and defended Tian Xin in the center.

The eyes of the three people were all dead looking at the hesitant back.

Inside their bodies, the combat power index was already fluctuating faintly, waiting for a touch!


The figure screamed in pain, and the figure shook and disappeared directly in front of everyone’s eyes!

Seeing the disappearance of that figure, Wang Dadong and the others did not let down their vigilance, but waited for a full few minutes before the three of them breathed a sigh of relief.

“Dadong, you…”

Tian Xin looked at the three people in front of him.

“Ban Dao, are you all right?”

Wang Dadong asked worriedly.

“You guys…”

“Why are you here?”

Tian Xin asked doubtfully.

Her mind was a mess.


She seemed to have thought of it….

When he was in the office, Wang Dadong left the last words he said.

“Ban Dao, you will be kidnapped…”

Is it…

Tian Xin was trying to say something.

But soon.


“This is impossible…”

Yu Shengde who fell to the ground was like going crazy.

Although Tian Xin was afraid of Yu Shengde, he still called for an ambulance.


The ambulance rushed over, and the paramedics carried Na Yu Shengde up.

Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, and Ding Xiaoyu all looked at Yu Shengde’s crazy and crazy look, and the three of them frowned slightly.

King Arthur said, “What’s wrong with him?” ”

Just in the holy virtue…

Obviously it’s fine.

“Is it because I was suddenly attacked, dying, and insane?” Ding Xiaoyu slowly opened his mouth.

“Or maybe…”

Ding Xiaoyu continued.

“He saw something that stimulated him and made him insane.”

Wang Dadong wondered, “What did you see?” ”

Arthur raised an eyebrow slightly, “He just got his neck squeezed…”

Wang Dadong: “He just pinched his neck, can see… Just the look of that figure, right? ”

Wang Dadong was a little incredulous: “Is it true that Yu Shengde is crazy when he sees the appearance of that figure?” ”

He couldn’t believe it.

“Is that figure very ugly?”

Wang Dadong said half-jokingly.

But at this time.

Ding Xiaoyu opened his mouth:

“Or maybe…”

“That figure is a person who can’t possibly appear.”

In a word,

In an instant, the three of them hit a fierce spirit.


Impossible people will appear.

Who can’t possibly appear?

That is, of course—

Dead person.


People who should die.


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