Chapter 261 Ah Xiang’s blow is somewhat personal grievance!!

“The cicada actually wrote his own name!” Self-perched! ”

“Otherwise the other students would have died half of them, which is too vicious!”

“Next are Huang Zhong and Zhao Yun!”

“Zhang Fei, you look at them so seriously that you actually sleep with your eyes open!”

“When will I be able to have this skill…”

“Li Ru? How did he appear? ”

“Depend! There is a conspiracy! ”

“Zhao Yun Huang Zhong, don’t follow Li Ru over!” He wants to hurt you!” ”

“Haha, Xiu and Sun Shangxiang immediately recognized that the projection on the siman was Dong Zhuo!”

“Their hearts are empty, their hearts are empty!”

are looking forward to it!

If Xiu knew that Sun Shangxiang would have special powers, what would be the reaction?

“Mr. Su, who did Sun Shangxiang learn from?”

“I’m also curious, can I spoil it?”

“Yes, yes, Mr. Sue, spoilers!”

The are very curious.

Su Yu shook the folding fan in his hand and said, “Sun Shangxiang’s ‘special ability’ is related to the Xia Liu Gong of Iron Time and Space. ”

: “? ”

Sun Shangxiang’s special ability is actually related to the Xialiu Grandfather of Iron Time and Space?! Grandpa Xia Liu has also been to Silver Time and Space?!

And also met Sun Shangxiang and taught her special powers?!

Isn’t Grandpa Xia Liu a high-order Xenomorph of Iron Time and Space? He couldn’t have been unaware that this would lead to chaos in space-time! But…

Why did Grandpa Xia Liu contact Sun Shangxiang and teach him the power to give Sun Shangxiang, but it did not cause the disaster of time and space?

What’s going on here?

The bastards found themselves in a big pit again!

Su Yu saw that they were so curious, so he continued: “Actually. ”

“This Sun Shangxiang.”

“Origins, backgrounds, and origins all have a lot to offer.

“Sun Shangxiang’s identity.

“It’s not as simple as in the Three Kingdoms.

Mixed: “?? ”

It wasn’t enough that Mr. Su aroused their curiosity, but he also wanted to hang them

They hadn’t yet figured out why the Xia Liu Gong of Iron Time and Space wanted to teach Sun Shangxiang the Otherworld, and a bunch of problems came crashing down again!

Sun Shangxiang’s background?

Isn’t that the baby little daughter of Sun Jian, the president of Jiangdong University? Is there any special background in addition to this?

Where did Sun Shangxiang come from?

What can Sun Shangxiang come from?

Isn’t she Sun Jian’s biological daughter?

Or is she Sun Jian’s illegitimate daughter? Wouldn’t it be so bloody?

But beyond that.


The mixed generations could not think of anything special about Sun Shangxiang’s background and origin, but Mr. Su mentioned it.

That means Sun Shangxiang’s identity! It’s not easy!

Iron space-time.

Xia family.

In the projected picture, Su Yu is saying use.

“Sun Shangxiang’s powers.”

“It is related to the summer stream of Iron Time and Space.”

Brother Xiong: “? ”

Ye Siren: “? ”

Summer:”? ”

Xia Yu: “? ”

Natsumi: “? ”

Xia Liu’s grandfather: “…”

Everyone looked at Grandpa Xia Liu! It’s really eating melon to eat your own home!

“Dad! When did you run to Silver Space? ”

“Brother Xiong is extremely shocked that you are even a little girl who has harmed the Silver Time and Space!”

“Grandpa, it’s too late for you to repent.”

Summer said with a serious face.

“Grandpa, you’re very stuffy!”

Natsumi shook her head.

“Don’t mix it up!”

Brother Xiong looked at Grandpa Xia Liu, “Dad, do you know that if the Moxibustion Dance Alliance Lord knew about this, how serious the consequences would be?” ”

Xia Yu shook his head, “I guess the alliance has wiped out our Xia family.”

“Your Excellency, your father-in-law, or you will go and intercede with the Lord.”

“You all give me quiet!”

Xia Liu stood up angrily, “There is a reason why I went to Silver Time and Space!” It is also a task assigned to me by the Lord of the Moxibustion Dance League! ”

“Your mission is to teach Sun Shangxiang the Otherworld?”

The male brother squinted.

“Nor is it but.


Everyone stared at Grandpa Xia Liu.

“But I have a reason!”

Xia Liu sighed and decided to confess

In the picture!

Sun Shangxiang said that she was afraid of Ah Piao since she was a child, so she put in some effort to study Ah Piao.

According to her observation, she may have cleared the secret that everyone will disappear.


To find the truth, she would need to use her latest inner exercises, but it would be a bit risky, and she wasn’t entirely sure.

This set of exercises.

It is “the condensation of the soldiers.” ”

Sun Shangxiang suggested that Zhang Fei help her practice.

“How can I help?”

Zhang Fei asked.

“You hit me hard.”

Sun Shangxiang said.


Almost as soon as Sun Shangxiang finished speaking, Zhang Fei immediately started to move! The bastards can’t stop it!

“Zhang Fei is also too straight!”

“Hahaha, Ah Xiang didn’t think of this layer either!”

“Xiu is going to be nervous to die hahaha!”

“Hey! Repair! You don’t want your good brother Zhang Fei anymore! ”

“Wow, do it again?”

“It worked! Ah Xiang is so powerful! ”

“Hahaha! Ah Xiang’s blow is somewhat personal grudge! ”

“Ah Xiang is so clever, he can even strengthen it on the basis of the original practice!”

“Will the ‘master’ in her mouth be the Summer Stream Grandpa of Iron Time and Space?”

“Repair, don’t question it, this is the inner breath of your Iron Time and Space Strangers!”

The popularity of the mixed characters for the character of Sun Shangxiang has skyrocketed! Sun Shangxiang is not only brave, but also smart!

Could it be that Xia Liu’s grandfather saw that she was strange and cute, and he couldn’t help but teach her the special ability?

In the picture!

Now there are only four people left, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Xiu and Sun Shangxiang.

They decided to find an opportunity for Sun Shangxiang to use his army to condense and stabilize the invisible enemy.


The magnetic field has changed!

Sun Shangxiang immediately used the great military qi condensation! Behind them!

Five white acids appeared in front of their eyes! Three seconds later!

Those cool hairs are hidden in the darkness again! The bastards were shocked!

“There are five little devils in total!”

“That’s what Mr. Su said last month.”

“Five ghosts carry tricks, huh?”

“So everyone was really taken away by a ghost?”

“It’s horrible!”

“That is the charm that came out of the minus?”

“Isn’t the minus in Iron Time and Space, in the Xia family’s refrigerator?” How did it appear in Silver Spacetime? ”

“Yes, how did the wisdom of the iron space-time run away from the silver space-time?”

“Can Hui Mei still travel through time and space?”

“How did Dong Zhuo manipulate the wisdom of iron time and space?”

“It’s terrifying to think about! What a horror! ”

“My goosebumps are up.”

Iron space-time.

Xia family.

Everyone looked solemn!

“Old Mother Darling, will Cimei run out of the minus herself and run to another time and space?”

Natsumi asked.

Brother Xiong shook his head and looked at the refrigerator: “I don’t know Dad, what do you think is going on?” ”

Grandpa Xia Liu looked at the projection on the wall and did not speak.


It was far more tricky than he had imagined.

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