
How could Rex possibly believe it!



Fools will believe!

Trick the hell out of it!

If there really is a storytelling story that predicts the future, then why not reveal his identity?

In his opinion, it must be that Wang Dadong did not want to tell him, so he made up a story to deceive him! However, according to Wang Dadong’s IQ, the story made up is indeed only at this level, outrageous to the extreme, and there is no credibility at all.

Make up a story, good villains also have to make up a higher degree of credibility, not so outrageous, right?

Think of this.

Rex wanted to know more and more what was going on, and even Wang Dadong didn’t talk to him.

“Rex, it’s true, I didn’t lie to you.”

Wang Dadong saw that Rex did not believe it and said anxiously.

All right.

It seemed that it was indeed a very secret thing, and he had said everything about it, and as a result, Wang Dadong actually refused to let go.

Seeing Rex’s look of disbelief, Wang Dadong was also very helpless in his heart!

But he couldn’t do anything about it!

After all—

And he didn’t have any evidence, all the stories, all the stories were heard.

If only there were books.

Wang Dadong was very helpless.

Rex, on the side, is very calm.

“Dadong, really can’t you reveal anything at all?”

Rex asked tentatively again.

“It’s true, Rex, I didn’t lie to you.”

Wang Dadong opened his mouth directly.

All right.

There seems to be no hope.

Rex sighed helplessly.

However, his inner desire for knowledge made him feel very uncomfortable.

What’s going on?


He must find the truth!

Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, Ding Xiaoyu three guys want to hide from such a high IQ of him? It’s a dream!

That being the case….

Then continue with Arthur the King.

Doesn’t he know the story? Then I’d like to see if he knows what I’m going to do with him.

Think of this.

Rex’s eyes narrowed slightly.


After class.

“This Rex…”

“It’s weird.”

King Arthur said in a deep voice.

“Arthur, do you think he’s the guy in the alley yesterday?” Ding Xiaoyu asked.

Just in the classroom, Wang Arthur and Ding Xiaoyu were secretly transmitted, especially when Rex and Wang Dadong were talking, Wang Arthur felt more and more strange, so he felt that this Rex was most likely the figure that attacked them in the alley yesterday!

“Did you forget the light rain, at that time Mr. Su said…”

“The guy who hurt me in the face is the mysterious figure of the ultimate class, and today, this Rex has turned in.”

King Arthur spoke.

From his initial disbelief, to his gradual verification, to what happened last night, he completely subverted his understanding of Su Yu.

Everything in the story…

It all seems to be true!

“But we have no evidence.”

Ding Xiaoyu shook his head.

“We need to look at it.”

“Moreover, Dadong believes in him very much, and the students of the Ultimate Class also believe in him.”

Ding Xiaoyu reminded.

“This guy is clearly targeting me.”

“I’ll definitely expose him.”

King Arthur said in a cold voice.

He felt that Rex seemed to be targeting him intentionally or unconsciously, in the story, Rex gave him a punch, and in reality, Rex still gave him a punch, which made Arthur Wang very depressed.

He must…

Will debunk Rex’s!



Rex looked at Arthur Wang and Ding Xiaoyu, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“Since you won’t tell me…”

“Then I’ll shoot you, King Arthur.”

He targeted Wang Arthur, although at the beginning, he just wanted to play with Wang Arthur, that kind of feeling of using intelligence to turn people around and control everything without using force, he liked it very much, especially after using his IQ to play people in groups, the person also found that he was not even his opponent by force!

Think about it….

Just interesting.

Of course—

The most important thing for him was to know from the mouth of King Arthur the root cause of what happened last night!

In the end….

Because of what, King Arthur and others would know that he appeared there, and even the three of them surrounded him, he thought about it for a night, but he did not understand that for him, the unknown thing is a great torture, and he wants to control everything.

Whatever the truth…


You’ll know!


[Last night to just have been in the power outage, yesterday there is still a difference of everyone four more, guarantee the bottom of the five more, today first give you nine more, if the data reached, or ten more, now start to update, should be able to complete the update of five or six more before twelve o’clock ~].

welcome the National Day 7-day long holiday to read books and enjoy the sky! Charge 100 to get 500 VIP bonds!

snap up immediately (Event period: October 1 to October 7)

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